

单词 posture
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔attitude〕stood in a graceful attitude.See Synonyms at posture 以优美的姿势站立 参见 posture美国传统〔correct〕a chair that corrects bad posture 矫正不良坐姿的椅子剑桥高阶〔erectness〕the erectness of her posture 她身姿的挺拔韦氏高阶〔erect〕the erect posture of a professional soldier 职业军人的直立姿势麦克米伦高阶〔humorsome〕his humorsome posture 他那滑稽可笑的姿势文馨英汉〔impudent〕stand there in an impudent swaggering posture 摆出一副狂妄架势站在那儿英汉大词典〔inelegant〕an inelegant posture 不雅的姿态剑桥高阶〔lazy〕a habitually lazy posture 老是松松垮垮的姿态英汉大词典〔postural〕to posture a model摆模特儿的姿势21世纪英汉〔posture〕posture as a friend of the poor 装成穷人的朋友英汉大词典〔posture〕a comfortable/relaxed posture 舒适的╱轻松的姿势牛津高阶〔posture〕a gentlemanly posture 温文尔雅的绅士态度英汉大词典〔posture〕a poor posture for driving 不良的驾驶姿势牛津搭配〔posture〕a rigid/stiff posture 僵硬的姿势韦氏高阶〔posture〕a sitting posture 一种坐着的姿势英汉大词典〔posture〕adopt a more cooperative posture 采取更为合作的态度英汉大词典〔posture〕assumed a posture of angry defiance.采取愤怒的蔑视态度美国传统〔posture〕her upright posture 她笔挺的姿势朗文当代〔posture〕put the country in a posture of defence 使国家处于防卫态势英汉大词典〔posture〕sb.'s posture of reserve 某人的保留态度英汉大词典〔posture〕the posture of the buildings on the land.建筑物在陆地上的相对位置美国传统〔posture〕the posture of the earth to the sun 地球对于太阳的位置英汉大词典〔posture〕the delicate posture of foreign affairs 外交事务的微妙状态英汉大词典〔posture〕the normal upright posture 正常的直立姿势牛津搭配〔posture〕to adopt a threatening posture towards / toward an opponent 对对手采取威胁的态度牛津搭配〔posture〕upright posture 挺直的姿势英汉大词典〔project〕a posture that projects defeat; projected a positive corporate image.表达胜利的姿势;传达公司正面的形象美国传统〔sedentary〕a sedentary posture 坐姿英汉大词典〔self-defense〕take a posture of self-defense 摆出防卫自己的招式文馨英汉〔slouchy〕his slouchy posture 他那懒散疲沓的姿势牛津高阶〔upright〕a fully upright posture 笔挺的姿势牛津搭配〔upright〕an upright posture 直立的姿势牛津高阶




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