

单词 了事
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENT〕Robert had an accident in the lab. He was opening a bottle of acid and he spilt some on his hands. 罗伯特在实验室里出了事故,他在打开一瓶酸的时候,洒了一些在手上。朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕The entire investigation had been conducted in an unsystematic, almost slipshod, manner. 整个调查是以无组织,几乎可以说是敷衍了事的方式进行的。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕Dad seemed to think the accident was my fault, but Judy came to my defence and told him what had happened. 爸爸好像认为这祸是我闯的,但朱迪为我辩护,跟他说了事情的经过。朗文写作活用〔DELAY〕There was an accident on the freeway and we got delayed. 高速公路上出了事故,我们被耽搁了。朗文写作活用〔Indian summer〕A star of the 1960s, she's enjoying an Indian summer with her second highly acclaimed film this year.她本是20世纪60年代的影星,今年以其第二部饱受褒奖的影片迎来了事业的第二个春天。剑桥高阶〔REASON〕He doesn't make excuses when he gets something wrong. 他做错了事以后从来都不找借口掩饰。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕A beggar approached me with some hard-luck story about an accident. 一个乞丐走到我跟前说自己遇到了事故的不幸遭遇。朗文写作活用〔account〕She gave the police a full/complete/detailed account of what happened.她向警方讲述了事情的整个/全部/详细经过。韦氏高阶〔acquainted〕Once the American people are acquainted with the facts, there is sure to be a public outcry.一旦美国人民了解了事实, 公众一定会强烈抗议。外研社新世纪〔anyway〕Do it well-not just anyway.要做得好——不要仅是敷衍了事。文馨英汉〔apex〕At 37, she'd reached the apex of her career.她在 37 岁时达到了事业的巅峰。牛津高阶〔appearance〕The singer had to cancel her scheduled appearance.这位歌手不得不取消了事先安排的演出。牛津搭配〔authentic〕He was there and saw what happened, so his is the only authentic account.他在现场,并看到了事情的经过,所以他的叙述是唯一可靠的说法。剑桥高阶〔ball of〕On hearing that her husband was ill, she balled of that work and hurried back home.一听丈夫得病,她就把那项工作草草了事并赶回家去。21世纪英汉〔beat over〕He beat over the cause of the acci-dent.他追究了事件的根源。21世纪英汉〔bend〕He doesn't lie exactly – he just bends the truth.他没有完全撒谎,只是歪曲了事实。麦克米伦高阶〔blackmailer〕We think she may have been paying off a blackmailer.我们认为对敲诈者她一直都是给钱了事。外研社新世纪〔blame for〕They blamed him for the accident.他们责备他出了事故。21世纪英汉〔breathlessly〕He breathlessly reported every detail of the accident.他气喘吁吁地汇报了事故的每一个细节。韦氏高阶〔capture〕A passer-by captured the whole incident on film.一位路人拍摄下了事件的全过程。剑桥高阶〔cause〕He swerved and caused an accident.他猛地急转,引发了事故。韦氏高阶〔character〕He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.他在出了事故后仍能重返体坛表现出他顽强的毅力。牛津高阶〔climb〕He quickly climbed to the top of his profession.他很快攀上了事业巅峰。剑桥高阶〔comb out〕I have combed out the fiction from facts.我已把虚构的内容剔除, 只保留了事实部分。外研社新世纪〔cook〕There's something cooking, but he won't say what.是出了事,但具体是什么事他是不会说的。韦氏高阶〔cravenly〕He cravenly fled from the scene.他怯懦地逃离了事发现场。韦氏高阶〔depart from sth〕At this point in the speech, the minister departed from his prepared text.讲到此处,部长脱离了事先准备好的讲稿。剑桥高阶〔describe〕He described briefly what happened.他简要地描述了事情的经过。牛津搭配〔detach〕There was an accident when the towrope detached from the car.拖缆从汽车脱落, 发生了事故。外研社新世纪〔disclose to〕The spokesman finally disclosed the facts to the press.发言人最终向新闻界公开了事实真相。21世纪英汉〔discretion〕Throwing all discretion to the winds, he blurted out the truth.他完全忘了“谨慎”二字,脱口说出了事实真相。英汉大词典〔dispatch〕He dispatched all the remaining business.他迅速办完全部未了事宜。英汉大词典〔evidently〕He was evidently upset by the news of the accident.显然,他听到出了事故很是不安。剑桥高阶〔fiddle with〕The historical movie Braveheart fiddled with the facts.历史题材电影《勇敢的心》歪曲了事实。外研社新世纪〔figure out〕He claims he has it all figured out.他声称他已经弄清楚了事情的原委。韦氏高阶〔first〕I'll be the first to admit when I've done something wrong.如果做错了事,我会是第一个承认错误的人。韦氏高阶〔get off〕He is likely to get off with a small fine.他可能会逃脱严惩,仅仅罚一点钱了事。柯林斯高阶〔get〕He was lucky to get off with a small fine.他侥幸逃脱惩罚,交了一小笔罚款就了事。牛津高阶〔get〕The court got him off with only a £50 fine.法庭只罚他50镑了事。英汉大词典〔go through the motions〕He says he's been investigating my complaint, but I feel he's just going through the motions.他说他一直在调查我的投诉,可我觉得他只是在敷衍了事。剑桥高阶〔grief〕He was driving a Mercedes racer at 100 mph and almost came to grief.他当时正以100英里的时速开着奔驰跑车, 结果差点出了事。外研社新世纪〔half-heartedly〕I can't do anything half-heartedly. I have to do everything 100 per cent.我从不敷衍了事。做任何事我都要百分百投入。外研社新世纪〔hang〕He knew he'd done something wrong and hung his head in shame.他知道自己做错了事,于是羞愧地低下了头。剑桥高阶〔hear〕I heard about your accident.我听说你出了事故。英汉大词典〔indirect〕We had to take a circuitous route because of an accident on the turnpike.由于收费公路上发生了事故,我们不得不走一条弯路。美国传统〔informant〕I found out what happened from my informant who saw it happen.我从目击这件事发生的消息提供者那儿探明了事情真相。英汉大词典〔insensitive〕I don't want to be thought insensitive, but I do think we should go ahead despite the accident.我不想让别人以为我麻木不仁,但我确实觉得虽然出了事故我们仍然应该继续下去。牛津搭配〔jerk out〕He jerked out his story to his boss.他结结巴巴地向老板讲了事情经过。21世纪英汉〔know〕As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong.我刚走进屋就意识到出了事。牛津高阶〔ladder〕He finally managed to get one foot on the career ladder.他终于成功地踏上了事业进步的阶梯。牛津搭配〔length〕They spoke at length, reviewing the entire incident.他们讲了很长时间, 回顾了事件的全过程。外研社新世纪〔manufacture〕According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.根据控方意见,官员们精心编造了事情经过。柯林斯高阶〔misinform〕She misinformed me of the real state of affairs.她向我误报了事实真相。21世纪英汉〔muddle〕He always muddled with his homework.他做作业总是敷衍了事。21世纪英汉〔neutral〕He had departed from his prepared testimony, which was considered to be neutral.他已经背离了事先准备好的、被认为是中立的证词。外研社新世纪〔nose〕The journalist has nosed out the story.记者已经摸清了事情的来龙去脉。英汉大词典〔parody〕Although his comment was a parody of the truth, Diana was upset by it.虽然他的话歪曲了事实,戴安娜还是觉得不安。朗文当代〔patch〕The road needs resurfacing, not just patching up.道路需要重铺路面,而不是草草修补了事。麦克米伦高阶〔pat〕A pat answer is not going to satisfy an inquisitive audience.敷衍了事的答复不会让追根究底的观众满意美国传统〔peril〕Keep off at your peril.走开点,不然,出了事你自己负责。英汉大词典〔piece together〕The police had to piece together reports from several witnesses to get an accurate account of what happened.警方把几位目击者提供的信息组合起来,才弄清楚了事情的原委。韦氏高阶〔point〕He had reached the high point of his career.他已经达到了事业的最高峰。牛津搭配〔pour out〕She poured out the whole story.她倾诉了事情的来龙去脉。韦氏高阶〔precisely〕He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.他是慢工出细活儿,而我则匆匆了事常常出错。剑桥高阶〔put〕They had to put the wedding off because the bride's mother had an accident.因为新娘的母亲出了事故,他们只好把婚礼推迟。麦克米伦高阶〔question〕In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as an answer.在面试中要尽量问易于发挥的问题,不要让对方回答“是”或“否”便了事。牛津高阶〔repent〕He has done wrong but repented.他做错了事,但已悔悟。21世纪英汉〔run〕You can't just run away from the situation.你不能就这么回避了事。牛津高阶〔sequence〕The article describes the chronological sequence of events.文章按时间顺序描述了事件。牛津搭配〔shade〕The article shaded the truth by revealing only one side of the story.文章通过仅揭示了事情的一个方面而掩盖了真相。韦氏高阶〔shame〕He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.别人知道了事情的真相,他羞得无地自容。牛津高阶〔shut down〕Mr Buzetta sold the newspaper's assets to its competitor and shut it down.布兹塔先生将报社资产卖给了竞争对手然后关门了事。柯林斯高阶〔sketch〕Cross sketched the story briefly, telling the facts just as they had happened.克罗斯简要地叙述了事情的经过,把当时发生的情况一五一十地说了一遍。柯林斯高阶〔sloppy〕There is no excuse for sloppiness in your work.你在工作中敷衍了事,这无论如何说不过去。牛津高阶〔son〕The captain called me the son of a sea cook, because I had made a blunder.船长骂我蠢货,因为我做错了事。英汉大词典〔sorry〕They never say sorry when they're wrong.他们做错了事情从来不道歉。外研社新世纪〔so〕She thought there might have been an accident, so she called the police.她想可能发生了事故,所以她报了警。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕The president took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.总统为了谴责恐怖主义袭击,采取了极不寻常的做法,临时更改了事先准备好的讲稿。剑桥高阶〔still〕I'm worried that his car has broken down, or worse still, that he's had an accident.我担心他的车坏了,或者,更糟的是,他出了事故。剑桥高阶〔the acme〕To act on this world-famous stage is surely the acme of any actor's career.毋庸置疑,一个演员能在这个举世闻名的舞台上演出,就是登上了事业的巅峰。剑桥高阶〔tinker with〕Instead of the Government admitting its error, it just tinkered with the problem.政府并没有承认错误, 只是敷衍了事地解决问题。外研社新世纪〔trouble〕He dismissed them as forgeries without even troubling to examine them.他甚至没有费心去检查就把它们判定为赝品了事。外研社新世纪〔true〕He gave the true account of what had happened.他叙述了事情发生的真相。英汉大词典〔unscheduled〕Engine problems forced us to make an unscheduled stop in Athens.发动机故障迫使我们在雅典作了事先未安排的停留。麦克米伦高阶〔winkle〕At last I winkled the truth out of him.我终于设法从他嘴里掏出了事实真相。英汉大词典〔wits〕You scared us out of our wits. We heard you had an accident.你把我们吓坏了, 我们听说你出了事故。外研社新世纪After repeated questioning the police wormed out of him what had actually happened.在反复的盘问之后,警察从他嘴里套出了事情的真相。剑桥国际He confessed the brutal truth. 他供认了事实真相。译典通Her childhood ambition became a reality (= happened in fact) when she was made a judge.她被任命为法官后,她孩提时的雄心变成了事实。剑桥国际His account of the event diverged from the truth. 他对那个事件的叙述偏离了事实。译典通I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him (=if he was hurt, became ill, or died).如果他出了事,我不知该怎么办。剑桥国际Instead of a prison sentence they were let off with a fine.他们没有被关进监狱,而是被从轻罚款了事。剑桥国际Northbound traffic (= Traffic which is travelling north) is moving very slowly because of the accident.由于出了事故,北去的车辆开得很慢。剑桥国际She gave the facts a twist. 她歪曲了事实。译典通She has a slight limp which was caused by a riding accident.由于骑车时出了事故,她走路时有点跛。剑桥国际She was not aware of having done wrong. 她没有意识到做错了事。译典通That piece of news had done violence to the truth. 那则新闻歪曲了事实。译典通The President took the unusual/unprecedented/rare step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.总统为了谴责恐怖主义的攻击行为更改了事先准备好的演说,这是不寻常的/没有先例的做法。剑桥国际The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.该国现在获得了事实上的独立,它很快会被世界各国政府承认为合法政府。剑桥国际We take the matter in hand. 我们控制了事态。译典通




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