

单词 厚壁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acorn〕The fruit of an oak, consisting of a single-seeded, thick-walled nut set in a woody, cuplike base.橡树果实:为木质,杯状基部包着的单一种子,厚壁的坚果美国传统〔cyst〕Botany A thick-walled resting spore, as in certain algae or fungi.【植物学】 包囊:一种厚壁休眠孢子,如在某些海藻或者真菌中美国传统〔embrasure〕An opening in a thick wall for a door or window, especially one with sides angled so that the opening is larger on the inside of the wall than on the outside.斜面洞:在门或窗的厚壁上开的一个洞,尤指有斜面角的,这样里面开的比外面开的大美国传统〔fiber〕Botany One of the elongated, thick-walled cells that give strength and support to plant tissue.【植物学】 纤维细胞:能够增加植物细胞组织的强度或起支持作用的长的厚壁细胞中的一种美国传统〔impregnable〕The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable.那座荷兰古堡高墙厚壁, 看上去几乎是固若金汤。外研社新世纪〔sclereid〕A thick-walled lignified plant cell that is often branched.石细胞,硬化细胞:厚壁木质化植物细胞,常有分支美国传统〔sclerenchyma〕A supportive plant tissue that consists of thick-walled, usually lignified cells.厚壁组织:辅助性植物组织,包括通常是木质化的厚壁细胞美国传统




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