

单词 拉伸
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clinically〕It has been clinically proven that it is better to stretch the tight muscles first.经临床证明, 先拉伸绷紧的肌肉比较好。外研社新世纪〔die〕A metal block containing small conical holes through which plastic, metal, or other ductile material is extruded or drawn.金属印模:一种金属块有一个圆锥孔,可挤压或拉伸塑料、金属或其它可拉延材料美国传统〔draw〕To shape or elongate (a wire, for example) by pulling through dies.拉伸:通过印模使(如金属线)成形或伸长美国传统〔elastic〕A flexible, stretchable fabric made with interwoven strands of rubber or an imitative synthetic fiber.弹性织物:由橡皮线或类似的合成材料织成的柔韧的容易拉伸的织物美国传统〔guess〕Paula reached for her camera, guessed distance and exposure, and shot two frames.葆拉伸手拿过照相机,估算了一下距离和曝光时间,然后拍了两张照片。柯林斯高阶〔muscle spindle〕A stretch receptor in vertebrate muscle.肌梭:存在于脊椎的肌肉中的可拉伸的感受器美国传统〔overstretch〕Never force your legs to overstretch, or you can cause injuries.千万不要过度拉伸双腿, 否则会受伤的。外研社新世纪〔overstretch〕Never force your legs to overstretch, or you can cause injuries.千万不要迫使双腿过度拉伸,否则会受伤的。柯林斯高阶〔pantyhose〕A woman's one-piece undergarment consisting of underpants and stretchable stockings.女用裤袜:由内衣或可拉伸的袜子组成的妇女连衣内衣美国传统〔pull〕To stretch (taffy, for example) repeatedly.不断地拉长:反复地拉伸(例如,太妃糖)美国传统〔rack〕An instrument of torture on which the victim's body was stretched.拉肢刑架,拷问台:一种拉伸受害者肢体的工具或刑具美国传统〔snap〕Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.腱通过橡皮筋似的拉伸和迅速缩回贮存了弹力。剑桥高阶〔stretch receptor〕A sensory receptor in a muscle that responds to the stretching of tissue.肌梭:肌肉中对组织拉伸作出反应的感觉梭美国传统〔stretch reflex〕A reflex contraction of a muscle in response to stretching of an attached tendon or of the muscle itself.拉伸反射:肌肉的反射性收缩作为腱受到击打或肌肉本身伸张时的反应美国传统〔stretching〕The cables are designed not to stretch.该电缆不能拉伸。柯林斯高阶〔stretching〕Try stretching your legs and pulling your toes upwards.试着双腿伸直并且向上拉伸脚趾。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕I can feel the stretch in the back of my legs.我可以感觉到双腿后部肌肉的拉伸。韦氏高阶〔stretch〕Reaching your arms above your head, try to stretch your whole body.将双手举过头, 用力拉伸整个身体。外研社新世纪〔stretch〕The cables are designed not to stretch.这些缆绳不能拉伸。外研社新世纪〔stretch〕This substance stretches to any shape you want.这种物质可以拉伸成你想要的任何形状。剑桥高阶〔tear〕If the muscle is stretched again, it could even tear.这块肌肉如果再拉伸的话, 甚至可能会撕裂。外研社新世纪〔tenter〕A framework on which milled cloth is stretched for drying without shrinkage.拉幅机:拉伸缩绒的织物以使其干后不缩水的一种架子美国传统




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