

单词 拉伸
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔elongate〕exercises that can elongate your leg muscles 这些伸展运动可助你拉伸腿部肌肉。韦氏高阶〔elongate〕muscular elongation 肌肉拉伸韦氏高阶〔flexible〕an elastic spirit), or is stretched beyond strict or proper bounds ( 开朗乐观的人) 或者是被拉伸得超过了适当的界限或限制的( 美国传统〔flexible〕flexible plans). What iselastic returns to an original shape, form, or position, as after being stretched ( 灵活的计划)。 Elastic 形容被拉伸后可以恢复到原形状、形态或位置的东西( 美国传统〔snap back〕like a piece of elastic that's stretched and won't snap back就像一根被拉伸开来却无法缩回去的橡皮筋外研社新世纪〔stretchy〕comparative stretchier, superlative stretchiest可延展的;可拉伸的;有弹性的外研社新世纪〔stretch〕an exercise to stretch the leg muscles 拉伸腿部肌肉的锻炼剑桥高阶〔tensible〕tensible string可拉伸的绳子外研社新世纪〔tensile〕the tensile strength of steel cable 钢索的拉伸强度韦氏高阶〔tenter〕probably ultimately from Latin tentōrium [shelter made of stretched skins] 可能最终源自 拉丁语 tentōrium [用拉伸过的毛皮制成的遮盖物] 美国传统




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