

单词 着手
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEAL WITH〕I don't think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem. 我觉得拒绝谈判不是着手处理这个问题的正确办法。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Wendell devoured a large piece of gingerbread, then licked his fingers greedily. 温德尔囫囵吞吃了一大块姜饼,然后还馋嘴地舔着手指。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Jim is the only guy I know who always has a handkerchief on him. 吉姆是我知道的唯一一个身上总是带着手帕的人。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕They were all waving their arms around, like this. 他们都挥动着手臂,就像这样。朗文写作活用〔address oneself to〕It’s time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.该是我们着手处理手头正事的时候了。21世纪英汉〔afresh〕Only one expert source seemed prepared to analyse the problem afresh, from first principles.只有一位专家似乎已准备要从根本原理着手重新研究这个问题。柯林斯高阶〔arm〕The couple linked arms and set off along the beach.夫妇俩挽着手臂,沿海滩向前走。牛津搭配〔attack〕We attacked the job enthusiastically.我们积极着手办这件事。牛津同义词〔bellow〕He bellowed information into the mouthpiece of his portable telephone.他对着手机话筒吼了一通信息。柯林斯高阶〔bold〕They walked in holding hands, as bold as brass.他们竟然手拉着手走进来,真是胆大妄为。麦克米伦高阶〔brace〕He faced the angry crowd, his arms folded, his legs braced.他叉着手,双腿绷紧,面对愤怒的人群。麦克米伦高阶〔buckle to〕He buckled to the new job.他开始认真着手那项新工作。21世纪英汉〔carry through〕The state announced a clear-cut policy and set out to carry it through.该州宣布了一个清晰的政策并且开始着手实施。外研社新世纪〔commence〕They commenced a systematic search.他们着手进行系统的搜寻。外研社新世纪〔consolidation〕Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.即使没有实现完全的控制, 罗马人的势力也足以让他们开始着手巩固政权了。外研社新世纪〔delegate〕Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。柯林斯高阶〔deliver〕He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me.他戴着手铐被带了过来,交到了我手里。柯林斯高阶〔deliver〕He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me.他戴着手铐被领进来, 交到了我手里。外研社新世纪〔effectuate〕Now we can begin to effectuate the cure.现在我们能着手来治好这病了。英汉大词典〔embark on〕The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform.政府着手实施激进的经济改革计划。外研社新世纪〔embark〕She has already embarked on her studies.她已经着手进行研究。牛津搭配〔failing〕The committee is being urged to address failings in the law.敦促委员会着手处理该法律的缺陷。牛津搭配〔finger hole〕Music Any of the holes on a wind instrument that cause a change in pitch when covered by a finger.【音乐】 乐器的指孔:管乐器上随着手指的启闭而能改变音高的一孔美国传统〔fluterer〕She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a goodbye.她在火车的窗口挥动着手绢道别。21世纪英汉〔forethought〕Some forethought and preparation are necessary before you embark on the project.你着手进行这个项目之前必须有所考虑,有所准备。牛津高阶〔gesticulate〕A man in sunglasses was gesticulating wildly.一个戴着太阳镜的男人正拼命地打着手势。外研社新世纪〔get down〕It's time to stop delaying and get down to work.不要再耽搁了,该着手认真工作了。韦氏高阶〔get to〕Let's get to work.我们着手干吧。21世纪英汉〔global warming〕World leaders will address the problem of global warming.世界各国领导人将着手解决全球变暖问题。韦氏高阶〔go about sth〕How can we go about solving this problem? 我们怎么着手来解决这个问题呢?剑桥高阶〔go〕How are you going to go at the job? 这项工作你将怎么着手进行?英汉大词典〔go〕I think I'd go about it quite differently.我想我会以非常不同的方式来着手做这件事。麦克米伦高阶〔grenade〕She was holding the grenade above her head, ready to throw.她握着手榴弹,举过头顶,准备扔出去。牛津搭配〔handcuff〕He was brought into the room (and) handcuffed.他被带进了屋,手上带着手铐。21世纪英汉〔handshake〕They handshook their way out of the church.他们手握着手走出了教堂。21世纪英汉〔hand〕He does a good job at everything that he sets his hand to.凡他着手做的事,他都做得很好。英汉大词典〔hand〕He succeeded in whatever he put his hand to.他无论着手干什么,都取得成功。英汉大词典〔hand〕We were all clapping our hands in time to the music.我们全都随着音乐的节奏拍着手。牛津搭配〔hang back〕I saw him step forward momentarily but then hang back, nervously massaging his hands.我看到他走上前,但很快又缩了回来,紧张地搓着手。柯林斯高阶〔heathen〕They first set out to convert the heathen.他们首先着手劝说不信教之人皈依。外研社新世纪〔hold〕They all held hands and prayed.他们手挽着手祈祷。麦克米伦高阶〔hook on〕They swaggered down the street, hooking on each other.他们互相挽着手臂大摇大摆地沿着大街走去。21世纪英汉〔jerkily〕Using his stick heavily, he moved jerkily towards the car.他吃力地拄着手杖蹒跚着朝汽车走去。外研社新世纪〔join hands〕The priest asked us all to join hands and bow our heads in prayer.牧师让我们所有人手拉着手低头祈祷。韦氏高阶〔line〕We are starting a new line in casual clothes.我们将着手经营一组新的休闲服系列。牛津高阶〔motion〕I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。外研社新世纪〔motion〕I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。柯林斯高阶〔muddled〕I'm afraid I'm a little muddled. I'm not exactly sure where to begin.恐怕我有点糊涂了,我不确定该从何处着手。柯林斯高阶〔onto〕I'll get onto it right away.我马上着手处理这件事。朗文当代〔out〕Karen waved until the car was out of sight (=too far away to be seen) .卡伦挥着手,直到看不见汽车为止。朗文当代〔parade around〕I watched them parade around the college holding hands.我看到他们手牵着手在大学里招摇而行。外研社新世纪〔permit〕He sets about creating an environment that just doesn't permit experiment, it encourages it.他着手营造一种不仅可以进行试验而且鼓励进行试验的环境。柯林斯高阶〔policy〕The government has undertaken to formulate new anti-racist policies.政府已经着手制定反对种族主义的新政策。麦克米伦高阶〔prayer〕We joined hands and recited the prayer together.我们手拉着手,共同背诵祷文。韦氏高阶〔problem〕The next meeting will address the problem of obesity.下次会议将着手解决肥胖问题。牛津搭配〔proceed〕Now that our plans are settled, let us proceed.既然我们的计划定了,我们就着手做起来吧。英汉大词典〔prove〕Professor Cantor set out to prove his theory.坎托教授开始着手证明他的理论。外研社新世纪〔push〕He was pushing a trolley around the supermarket.他正推着手推车在超市里四处转悠。麦克米伦高阶〔raise〕He set about raising an army.他着手组建一支部队。牛津高阶〔reading〕After extensive reading on the subject she set to work on an article.对该主题进行广泛的阅读之后她便着手写文章了。牛津搭配〔reinforce〕The UN has undertaken to reinforce its military presence along the borders.联合国已经着手增强边境驻军。牛津高阶〔right〕The new president undertook to establish full rights for all minorities.新总统着手使所有的少数民族享有充分的权利。牛津搭配〔set〕Rocard set himself to reform public sector industry.罗卡尔开始着手改革国营工业部门。朗文当代〔smooth out〕I started smoothing out the tablecloth.我开始着手平整台布。外研社新世纪〔sobbing〕Her sister broke down, sobbing into her handkerchief.她姐姐再也控制不住自己的情绪,捂着手绢呜咽起来。柯林斯高阶〔start〕I decided to just start in and see what I could do.我决定开始着手,看看能做成什么。朗文当代〔start〕I've got so many things to do, I don't know where to start.我有那么多事情要做,不知从何着手。英汉大词典〔swing〕She lashed out, her arm swinging wildly.她突然要打人,猛地挥舞着手臂。牛津搭配〔take〕IBM is taking over the smaller company.IBM正着手接管这家规模较小的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔trundle〕She trundled the wheelbarrow down the path.她沿着花园慢慢地推着手推车。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The Superpowers turned to the harder task of cutting their nuclear arsenals… 超级大国开始着手削减核武器库这项更为艰难的工作。柯林斯高阶〔twiddle with〕She had sat there twiddling nervously with the clasp of her handbag.她坐在那里, 紧张地摆弄着手提包的扣钩。外研社新世纪〔twiddle〕She was twiddling the ring on her finger.她摆弄着手指上的戒指。牛津高阶〔twirl〕He twirled his hat in his hand.他快速旋转着手里的帽子。牛津高阶〔twist〕Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。牛津高阶〔twist〕She was staring down at her hands, twisting the ring on her finger.她正低头盯着双手, 转动着手指上的戒指。外研社新世纪〔vexed〕Ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union.部长们开始着手处理这个棘手的经济联盟问题。外研社新世纪〔wag〕She wagged a finger under his nose in a taunting gesture.她当着他的面嘲弄地摇晃着手指。柯林斯高阶〔wave〕She waved cheerfully and he waved back.她高兴地挥着手,他也挥手回应。牛津搭配〔where〕I didn't know where to start.我不知该从哪儿着手。柯林斯高阶〔while〕You hold the torch while I look inside.你拿着手电筒, 我看看里面。外研社新世纪〔wildly〕Peter was gesticulating wildly from halfway up the steps.彼得在楼梯半截处激动地打着手势。外研社新世纪〔wring〕The Government has got to get a grip. Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn't good enough.政府必须采取切实行动,一味搓着手感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。柯林斯高阶Angela quickly reckoned the amount on her fingers.安杰拉很快掰着手指算出了数目。剑桥国际He displayed the pistol as proudly as a schoolboy at show-and-tell.他骄傲地展示着手枪,就像一个“展示和讲述”课上的小学生。剑桥国际He took them through the schedule slowly, ticking each item off on his fingers (=touching the fingers of one hand with the first finger of the other).他慢慢地排着日程,扳着手指一项项核对。剑桥国际I left her sniffling into her handkerchief.我不去管她,让她捂着手帕抽噎。剑桥国际I've got a lot of work to do but I can't seem to get down to it.我有许多工作要做,但似乎我还不能认真着手去做这些事情。剑桥国际Like so many young people before them, they set out to change the world.就像在他们之前的许多年轻人一样,他们开始着手改变世界。剑桥国际She has only just completed her first television series, but her next project is already under way.她的第一部电视系列剧刚刚完成,就已经开始着手下一个项目了。剑桥国际She trundled the wheelbarrow down the garden.她费力地沿着花园推着手推车。剑桥国际She waved from the window.她从窗口挥着手。剑桥国际The rise in interest rates should send a signal to (= tell) financial institutions that the government is serious about reducing inflation.利率的上升必定给金融机构一个信息: 政府正认真着手减轻通货膨胀。剑桥国际They always arrive at parties empty-handed, even when it says “Please bring a bottle” on the invitation.他们总是空着手去参加晚会,即使请帖上写着“请带一瓶酒”。剑桥国际They were holding hands in the back row (= line of seats) of the cinema.他们在电影院最后一排座位上手握着手。剑桥国际They were so engrossed with what they were doing that they didn't hear me come in.他们那么全神贯注地做着手头的事,我进来都没听到。剑桥国际They weren't kissing or anything--they were just holding hands.他们没有亲吻或干其他事----他们只是握着手而已。剑桥国际We did a thorough strategic fit assessment before going ahead with the merger.在着手购并之前,我们进行了认真细致的策略适应性评估。牛津商务We had to work from material that was both complex and recondite.我们不得不从复杂而又难懂的材料着手。剑桥国际We'd better make a start on these accounts.我们最好开始着手做这些账目。牛津商务




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