

单词 萧条
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blather〕listening to a lot of blather from politicians about who's to blame for the bad economy 听政客们发表一大堆关于谁该为萧条的经济负责的废话韦氏高阶〔boom〕a chaotic period of boom and bust 经济繁荣与经济萧条交替出现的混乱时期牛津高阶〔boom〕the cycle of boom and bust which has damaged us for 40 years. 40年来给我们造成巨大破坏的经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环柯林斯高阶〔child〕a child of the Depression 大萧条时期的产物韦氏高阶〔depressed〕a depressed economy 萧条的经济韦氏高阶〔depressed〕an attempt to bring jobs to depressed areas 给经济萧条地区创造就业机会的努力牛津高阶〔depression〕periods of economic depression 经济萧条时期麦克米伦高阶〔depression〕the (Great) Depression 大萧条(指 1929 年到20世纪 30 年代早期的世界性严重经济萧条)英汉大词典〔depression〕the depression of the 20s and 30s20年代和30年代的经济萧条外研社新世纪〔depth〕in the depth of an economic depression. 处于经济萧条的谷底美国传统〔doldrums〕a time when the country was in the economic doldrums国家处于经济萧条的一个时期外研社新世纪〔double-dip〕a double-dip recession 二次萧条剑桥高阶〔economic〕economic decline (depression, ills) 经济衰退(萧条,病症) 英汉大词典〔force〕the depression of the 1930s in its full force 20世纪30年代经济萧条的最严重阶段 英汉大词典〔generation〕the world's worst slump in a generation 在一代人时间里世界上最严重的一次萧条英汉大词典〔hard〕plans to create employment in areas hard hit by the economic depression在受到经济萧条重创的地区提供就业机会的计划外研社新世纪〔lean〕the lean years of the 1930s. 萧条的20世纪30年代柯林斯高阶〔lean〕the lean years of the Depression 经济大萧条时期不景气的年头麦克米伦高阶〔lift〕economic measures designed to lift the country out of recession 旨在使该国走出经济萧条的经济措施麦克米伦高阶〔misfortune〕a victim of economic misfortune 经济萧条的受害者韦氏高阶〔nurse〕nursed her business through the depression.See Synonyms at nurture 在经济萧条中精心料理她的生意 参见 nurture美国传统〔of〕the recession of 1974-19751974-1975年的经济大萧条外研社新世纪〔recession〕recession and depression 衰退与萧条英汉大词典〔recession〕the recession in the building industry 建筑业的萧条期麦克米伦高阶〔relief〕families on relief during the Depression 在大萧条时期接受救济金的家庭朗文当代〔run-down〕a run-down slate quarry. 萧条的板岩采石场柯林斯高阶〔severely〕the severely depressed construction industry. 十分萧条的建筑业柯林斯高阶〔severely〕the severely depressed construction industry严重萧条的建筑业外研社新世纪〔slack〕a slack market 萧条的市场韦氏高阶〔slack〕a slack period 萧条期牛津高阶〔slow〕a slow market 萧条的市场韦氏高阶〔sluggish〕a sluggish economy (market) 萧条的经济(市场)英汉大词典〔slump〕a worldwide slump 全球性的经济萧条朗文当代〔sparing〕is excessively thrifty because he remembers the Depression. 他还记得大萧条时期的穷困,因此他现在格外节俭。美国传统〔subdued〕a period of subdued trading 贸易萧条时期牛津高阶〔successive〕the successively higher levels of unemployment we have endured during the past three recessions. 在过去三次大萧条中我们所经历的持续上涨的失业率柯林斯高阶〔survival〕companies which have been struggling for survival in the advancing recession. 在日益萧条的经济环境中挣扎求生的各个公司柯林斯高阶〔symptomatic〕the rash symptomatic of scarlet fever; a rise in unemployment symptomatic of a weakening economy. 猩红热的皮疹症状;失业增加是经济萧条的表现美国传统〔weak〕a weak economy 萧条的经济韦氏高阶a slack period 萧条期牛津商务




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