

单词 磨过
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burnished〕The clouds glowed like burnished gold.云朵像打磨过的黄金一样光彩四射。外研社新世纪〔falafel〕Ground spiced chickpeas and fava beans shaped into balls and fried.炸鹰嘴豆泥球:磨过的加香料的鹰嘴豆与磨碎后做成球状并油煎的豌豆美国传统〔grist〕Ground grain.谷粉,面粉:被磨过的谷物美国传统〔pick over〕Salter picked over the conversations of the last two days.索尔特反复琢磨过去两天来的谈话。外研社新世纪〔pumpernickel〕A dark, sourish bread made from whole, coarsely ground rye.裸麦粗面包:一种用整个磨过的粗糙大麦制成的黑色酸味面包美国传统〔put〕There's still an hour to put in before the pubs open.酒馆开门前还有1小时的时间得设法消磨过去。英汉大词典〔sleek〕Polished or smooth in manner, especially in an unctuous way; slick.圆滑的:打磨过的或光滑的,尤指象油一样的;滑溜溜的美国传统〔spin out〕He had no difficulty in speaking at length about nothing in particular and spinning out the time.他毫不费力地讲着长篇大论的空话, 把时间消磨过去。外研社新世纪




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