

单词 不列颠
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Britannia〕that symbol of Britannia, the red telephone booth 红色电话亭那个代表了不列颠的符号剑桥高阶〔Britannic〕the Britannic islands 不列颠诸岛剑桥高阶〔Roman〕the Roman occupation of Britain 古罗马对不列颠的占领朗文当代〔SS〕the SS Great Britain 大不列颠非海军轮船麦克米伦高阶〔Thracian〕an exhibition of Thracian antiquities at the British Museum 不列颠博物馆的色雷斯古物展览英汉大词典〔United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland〕the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom的全称)外研社新世纪〔ancient〕the ancient Greeks/Britons/Egyptians 古希腊人/不列颠人/埃及人麦克米伦高阶〔around〕the street around the British Museum不列颠博物馆附近的街道21世纪英汉〔art〕the Arts Council of Great Britain. 大不列颠艺术委员会柯林斯高阶〔battle〕the Battle of Britain 不列颠战役 (指第二次世界大战中德国于1940年秋季向英国发动的空中攻势) 英汉大词典〔british〕the ancient Britons 古代不列颠人牛津高阶〔chieftain〕the legendary British chieftain, King Arthur. 传说中的不列颠部落首领——亚瑟王柯林斯高阶〔conquest〕the Roman conquest of Britain 罗马人对不列颠的征服牛津搭配〔crown〕a representative of the British Crown 不列颠王国政府代表英汉大词典〔domain〕the British/Ottoman imperial domain 不列颠/奥斯曼帝国的疆土韦氏高阶〔early〕the early inhabitants of the British Isles. 不列颠岛上的早期居民美国传统〔easterly〕the most easterly point of the British Isles不列颠群岛的最东端外研社新世纪〔face〕the changing face of Britain 不列颠变化中的特征牛津搭配〔face〕the changing face of Britain 大不列颠变化中的特征牛津高阶〔geology〕the geology of the British Isles 不列颠群岛的地质牛津高阶〔guide〕a Guide to the British Museum 不列颠博物馆指南英汉大词典〔insular〕the Insular hand 不列颠拉丁书写体英汉大词典〔isle〕the British Isles 不列颠群岛朗文当代〔isle〕the British Isles 不列颠群岛英汉大词典〔isle〕the British Isles 不列颠群岛韦氏高阶〔isle〕the British Isles 不列颠群岛麦克米伦高阶〔kingdom〕the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国剑桥高阶〔lion〕the British Lion 不列颠之狮(指英国)英汉大词典〔northernmost〕the northernmost tip of the British Isles. 不列颠群岛的最北端柯林斯高阶〔occupation〕the Roman occupation of Britain 罗马人对不列颠的占领牛津高阶〔occupation〕the Roman occupation of Britain 罗马人对不列颠的占领麦克米伦高阶〔realm〕the British realm 不列颠王国英汉大词典〔record〕the records of medieval life in the British Museum 不列颠博物馆保存的反映中世纪生活的文物英汉大词典〔royal〕the royal yacht 'Britannia'“大不列颠”号皇家游艇外研社新世纪〔stormy〕the stormy waters that surround the British Isles. 不列颠群岛周围波浪滔天的水域柯林斯高阶〔supplement〕the supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica. 《不列颠百科全书》附录柯林斯高阶〔supplement〕the supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica《不列颠百科全书》增补本外研社新世纪〔the〕the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国 英汉大词典〔the〕the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国21世纪英汉〔win〕the young pilots who won the Battle of Britain 打赢不列颠之战的年轻飞行员们朗文当代




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