

单词 不列颠人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Briticism〕A word, a phrase, or an idiom characteristic of or peculiar to English as it is spoken in Great Britain.英国英语语法:英国人特用的词、短语、或习语,如大不列颠人所讲的美国传统〔Britisher〕A native or inhabitant of Great Britain.大不列颠人:大不列颠人民或居民美国传统〔British〕The Celtic language of the ancient Britons.古不列颠语:古不列颠人的凯尔特语美国传统〔civilization〕The civilization of Britain by the Romans took years to complete.罗马人对不列颠人的教化用了许多年才得以完成。剑桥高阶〔civilize〕The Romans set out to civilize the Ancient Britons.罗马人着手教化古不列颠人。剑桥高阶〔druid〕A member of an order of priests in ancient Gaul and Britain who appear in Welsh and Irish legend as prophets and sorcerers.督伊德教的祭司:古代盖尔或不列颠人中一个牧师品级的成员,他们在威尔士及爱尔兰传说中是预言家和占卜家美国传统〔torque〕A collar, a necklace, or an armband made of a strip of twisted metal, worn by the ancient Gauls, Germans, and Britons.金属饰环:由一串弯曲的金属制成的项圈,项链或手环,古代高卢人,日尔曼人和不列颠人戴这种手饰美国传统The Ancient Britons inhabited these islands before the Anglo--Saxon invasions.古不列颠人在盎格鲁----撒克逊人入侵之前居住在这些岛屿上。剑桥国际The British are an island race.不列颠人是个岛国民族。剑桥国际The Romans set out to civilize the Ancient Britons.罗马人着手开化古代的不列颠人。剑桥国际The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.在罗马人入侵之前,古不列颠人居住在英格兰的这些地区。剑桥国际




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