

单词 resistant
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Luddite〕The majority have a built-in Luddite mentality; they are resistant to change.大多数人天生有种反对工业革新的心理。他们抗拒变革。外研社新世纪〔Luddite〕The majority have a built-in Luddite mentality; they are resistant to change.大部分人天生有种反对技术进步的心理。他们抗拒变革。柯林斯高阶〔Santa Gertrudis〕Any of a breed of large beef cattle that are highly resistant to heat and insects, developed in the United States by crossing Brahmans and shorthorns.圣格特鲁斯地菜牛:一种大型抗热和抗病虫性强的食用牛,在美国由婆罗门牛与短角牛杂交而来美国传统〔antimagnetic〕Impervious to the effect of a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization.防磁的:不受磁场作用干扰的;防磁的美国传统〔botulin〕Any of several potent neurotoxins produced by botulinum and resistant to proteolytic digestion.肉毒杆菌毒素:一种由肉毒杆菌产生的能抗蛋白水解消化作用的烈性神经毒素美国传统〔canker〕The only effective method of avoiding canker in poplar trees is to plant resistant varieties.避免杨树溃疡病的唯一有效方法是种植抗病品种。外研社新世纪〔drug〕Some infections are now resistant to drugs.现在有些传染病有抗药性。牛津搭配〔duralumin〕An alloy of aluminum that contains copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, and silicon and is resistant to corrosion by acids and sea water.杜拉铝:一种铝合金,含铜、锰、镁、铁与硅,能抗酸和海水腐蚀美国传统〔fireproof〕Impervious or resistant to damage by fire.防火的,耐火的:不受火损害或抵抗火的美国传统〔firm〕Resistant to externally applied pressure.坚硬的:抵抗外来压力的美国传统〔flame-retardant〕Resistant to catching fire.耐火的:能防止着火的美国传统〔flameproof〕Resistant to catching fire; flame-retardant.防火的:能防止着火的;耐火的美国传统〔flameproof〕To make resistant to catching fire.使防止着火美国传统〔genetic engineering〕The crops were made resistant to disease by genetic engineering.这些农作物通过遗传工程产生了抗病性。韦氏高阶〔glassine〕A nearly transparent, resilient glazed paper resistant to the passage of air and grease.玻璃纸:一种近乎透明的,有弹性的光滑料纸,不透气和抗油脂美国传统〔hard core〕An intractable core or nucleus of a society, especially one that is stubbornly resistant to improvement or change.铁杆分子:社会中的难以驾驭的核心或中心,尤其是顽固地反对进步或变化的人美国传统〔hard〕Resistant to blast, heat, or radiation. Used especially of nuclear weapons.抗热的,抗辐射的:防爆、防热或防辐射的。尤用于核武器美国传统〔hard〕Resistant to persuasion or appeal; obdurate.倔强的,冷酷无情的:对信念或呼吁进行抵抗的;冷酷无情的美国传统〔hard〕Resistant to pressure; not readily penetrated.坚固的:对有压力的;有抵抗性的美国传统〔high-impact〕The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet.这种结实的高强度塑料盒子在水下100英尺以内是防水的。柯林斯高阶〔high-impact〕The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet.这种结实的高强度塑料盒子在水下100英尺内都是防水的。外研社新世纪〔indocile〕Resistant to authority or discipline; recalcitrant.难驯服的:不屈服于权力或权威的;暴烈的美国传统〔infection〕These plants are resistant to infection.这些植物抗感染。外研社新世纪〔lazy〕Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.懒惰的:抑制工作或努力的;趋向悠闲的美国传统〔mothproof〕Resistant to damage by moths.防虫蛀的:抵抗蛾虫造成破坏的美国传统〔mothproof〕To make resistant to damage by moths.使防虫蛀:使能抵抗蛾虫造成破坏美国传统〔mutate〕These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs.这些细菌已发生变异,对某些药物产生了抗药性。剑桥高阶〔noble metal〕A metal or an alloy, such as gold, that is highly resistant to oxidation and corrosion.贵金属:一种金属或合金,如金子具有极高的抗氧化性和抗腐蚀性美国传统〔nonresistant〕Not resistant, especially to a disease or an environmental factor, such as heat or moisture.易染上的:不抵抗的,尤指对疾病或环境因素,如热或湿气美国传统〔nucleus〕Chemistry A group of atoms bound in a structure, such as a benzene ring, that is resistant to alteration in chemical reactions.【化学】 环(晶)核:包围在抗化学反应变化的结构中的一组原子,如苯环美国传统〔polyimide〕A synthetic polymeric resin of a class resistant to high temperatures, wear, and corrosion, used primarily as a coating or film on a substrate substance.聚酰亚胺:一种抗高温、磨损和腐蚀性的合成聚合树脂,主要用作敏作用物质的覆面或覆膜美国传统〔renitent〕Resistant to physical pressure; not pliant.抵拒的:抵抗有形压力的;不易弯曲的美国传统〔repellent〕A substance or treatment for making a fabric or surface impervious or resistant to something else.抗耐剂:一种使某织物或表面不受其它物质渗透的物质或处理的方法美国传统〔repel〕To offer a resistant force to something.相互排斥美国传统〔resilience〕Cotton is more resistant to being squashed and polyester is more resilient.棉布更抗压,而涤纶更有弹性。柯林斯高阶〔resistant〕Elderly people are not always resistant to change.上了年纪的人并不总是抵制变革。牛津高阶〔resistant〕Employers by and large are resistant to mediation.从总体说,雇主是抵制调解的。英汉大词典〔resistant〕He became resistant to the medication.他对这种药产生了耐药性。韦氏高阶〔resistant〕Many managers are resistant to change.很多经理拒绝变革。朗文当代〔resistant〕People are often resistant to change.人们常常抵制变革。韦氏高阶〔resistant〕Some people are very resistant to the idea of exercise.有些人十分反对锻炼。柯林斯高阶〔resistant〕The body may be less resistant if it is cold.天冷时,身体的抵抗力会下降。柯林斯高阶〔resistant〕The window is as resistant as the door to all efforts to open it.这窗同门一样,怎么用劲也打不开。英汉大词典〔resistant〕These plants are resistant to cold temperatures.这些植物耐低温。韦氏高阶〔resistant〕They imposed their government by force on a resistant population.他们以武力把自己的统治强加在持反抗态度的人民头上。英汉大词典〔resistant〕Why are you so resistant to change? 你为什么会如此强烈地抵制变革?剑桥高阶〔sort〕Many sorts of bacteria are resistant to penicillin.有很多种细菌能抵抗青霉素。剑桥高阶〔stabilizer〕Chemistry A substance that renders or maintains a solution, mixture, suspension, or state resistant to chemical change.【化学】 稳定剂:使一种溶液、混合物、悬浮或状态不发生化学变化的物质美国传统〔stable〕Resistant to change of position or condition; steadfast.稳定的:保持位置或状态不变化的;稳固的美国传统〔standpat〕Opposed or resistant to change; stubbornly conservative.反对或抗拒改变的;极端守旧的美国传统〔strain〕This strain of mice is resistant to the disease.这种老鼠对这种疾病有抵抗力。韦氏高阶〔superbug〕A strain of bacteria that is resistant to all antibiotics.超级细菌:能抵抗所有抗生素的一类细菌美国传统〔superinfection〕An infection following a previous infection, especially when caused by microorganisms that have become resistant to the antibiotics used earlier.抗药性重复感染:接着上次感染的再次感染,特别是由过去使用过的产生抗药性的细菌所引起的重复感染美国传统〔tearing〕It's waterproof and resistant to tearing.它是防水的, 不易被撕开。外研社新世纪〔unruly〕These adjectives all mean resistant or marked by resistance to control.这些形容词都指对控制有抵制性的或以对控制的抵制为特征的。美国传统〔variety〕Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases.老的玫瑰品种抗病害能力可能较差。牛津搭配〔vicious circle〕The more pesticides are used, the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used. It's a vicious circle.杀虫剂用得越多,昆虫的抗药力就变得越强,于是又要用更多的杀虫剂。这是一个恶性循环。柯林斯高阶〔water-repellent〕Resistant to penetration by water but not entirely waterproof.抗水的:能抵抗水的渗透但不完全防水的美国传统〔water-resistant〕Microfibre fabrics are both water resistant and windproof.微纤维织物既防水又防风。柯林斯高阶〔worryingly〕Worryingly for those in favour of competition, the Minister has been resistant to this argument.令那些赞成竞争的人担心的是, 部长拒不接受这一论点。外研社新世纪〔worryingly〕Worryingly for those in favour of competition, the Minister has been resistant to this argument.令那些赞成竞争的人担心的是,部长始终拒绝接受这一论点。柯林斯高阶Genetic engineering will eventually produce plants resistant both to pests and viral disease.基因工程将最终生产出既能抵抗害虫又能抵抗病毒性疾病的植物。剑桥国际Many sorts of bacteria are resistant to penicillin.有多种细菌能抵抗青霉素。剑桥国际Polyurethane varnish provides a tough water, heat and scratch resistant finish.聚亚胺脂罩光漆可以形成一个坚固的防水、抗热、抗刮擦的表面。剑桥国际The jackets are proofed with a special substance which makes them resistant to water and oil.这些夹克衫用特殊物质处理过,能防水防油。剑桥国际These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs.这些细菌已突变成对某些药物有抵抗力的形态。剑桥国际They are trying to breed crops which are resistant to different races of pest.他们正设法培养能抵御不同种类害虫的农作物。剑桥国际While incubating, this type of virus is very resistant to pharmaceutical treatment.在潜伏期,这种病毒对药物治疗有很强的抗药性。剑桥国际




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