

单词 odd
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔assign〕assign odd behaviour to ill health 把行为古怪的原因归于健康不佳英汉大词典〔assortment〕an odd assortment of knives and forks 各式各样的刀叉朗文当代〔ball〕an odd ball 怪人英汉大词典〔catch-as-catch-can〕made a catch-as-catch-can living doing odd jobs.打小时工混日子美国传统〔cut〕an odd cut of a dog 怪模怪样的狗英汉大词典〔dichotomy〕an odd dichotomy in his attitude.他的态度中自相矛盾而使人莫名其妙之处。牛津同义词〔domesticable〕to domesticate the odd custome of exotic people采用异国人民的奇特习俗21世纪英汉〔even〕the even and odd pages of a book 书的偶数页和奇数页韦氏高阶〔excite〕odd noises that excited our curiosity.古怪的噪音激起了我们的好奇心美国传统〔guy〕an odd guy 奇怪的家伙文馨英汉〔hap〕odd little haps and mishaps of domestic life 家庭生活中愉快和不愉快的琐事英汉大词典〔job〕do odd jobs 打零工英汉大词典〔mannerism〕little shakes of the head and other odd mannerisms 头部轻微的晃动以及其他怪癖麦克米伦高阶〔moment〕study at odd moments 利用零碎时间学习英汉大词典〔nugget〕odd nuggets of information 零碎的有价值情报英汉大词典〔number〕odd numbers(= 1, 3, 5, etc.) 奇数牛津高阶〔number〕an odd number (=1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc) 奇数朗文当代〔odd jobs〕to do odd jobs around the house 在家里干杂活牛津高阶〔odd〕odd and even numbers 奇数和偶数韦氏高阶〔odd〕odd behaviour.古怪的行为。牛津同义词〔odd〕odd bits of wool 织剩的短毛线段英汉大词典〔odd〕odd jobs.零工。牛津同义词〔odd〕odd numbers of a magazine 杂志的零星几期英汉大词典〔odd〕odd numbers.奇数。牛津同义词〔odd〕odd socks/shoes/gloves 不配对的袜子/鞋子/手套麦克米伦高阶〔odd〕a defeat by the odd goal 以一球之差的失败英汉大词典〔odd〕an odd glove (shoe) 单只的手套(鞋子) 英汉大词典〔odd〕an odd name; odd behavior.See Synonyms at strange 奇怪的名字;古怪的行为 参见 strange美国传统〔odd〕an odd number一个奇数外研社新世纪〔odd〕an odd player in a game 比赛中多出的一位运动员英汉大词典〔odd〕an odd shoe 单只鞋朗文当代〔odd〕an odd shoe.一只不成对的鞋美国传统〔odd〕an odd sock.单只的袜子。牛津同义词〔odd〕an odd taste in pets 对宠物非同一般的喜爱英汉大词典〔odd〕an odd way to behave 古怪的行为朗文当代〔odd〕at odd moments 在有空的时候(或偶尔) 英汉大词典〔odd〕called at odd intervals.不定时的来访美国传统〔odd〕decorations made of odd scraps of paper 用各种各样的纸片做的装饰牛津高阶〔odd〕found the antique shop in an odd corner of town.在一个小镇的偏僻角落里发现了这个古玩店美国传统〔odd〕had some odd dollars left over.还剩下的一些零头美钞美国传统〔odd〕hire a couple of odd hands for the farm 为农场雇几个临时工英汉大词典〔odd〕jingled the odd change in his pockets.把他兜里的零钱摇得叮当响美国传统〔odd〕moving from place to place where she could find the odd bit of work.她为了找到点儿零散活计不断地搬来搬去柯林斯高阶〔odd〕the odd houses 单号门牌的房子英汉大词典〔shadow〕an odd shape among the shadows 黑暗处怪异的身影牛津搭配〔twist〕an odd twist to his character.他性格中古怪的癖好美国传统〔volume〕an odd volume 散册英汉大词典〔volunteer〕volunteer for various odd jobs 自愿干各种零活英汉大词典




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