

单词 in proportion
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕I've always thought that my problems were very minor in proportion to those of many other people. 我一直认为,与其他许多人相比,我的问题很小。朗文写作活用〔COMPARE〕Ricky's head is small in proportion to the rest of his body. 与身体其他部分相比,里基的头很小。朗文写作活用〔Homeric〕Heroic in proportion, degree, or character; epic.史诗式的:比例、程度或性格的强烈;史诗美国传统〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕My confidence was so low it was difficult to keep things in proportion -- the smallest problem seemed like a major tragedy. 我很缺乏自信,因此很难恰如其分地看待事情一小小的问题在我看来都像是重大的悲剧。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕The Party's recent successes in the polls are encouraging but they need to be kept in proportion. 该党派最近在选举中的成功令人鼓舞,但也要保持理智。朗文写作活用〔allometry〕The study of the change in proportion of various parts of an organism as a consequence of growth.关于异速生长的研究:对有机物生长结果不同组成部分比例变化的研究美国传统〔equal〕Showing or having no variance in proportion, structure, or appearance.无差别的:比例、结构或外观无变化的美国传统〔gravity〕Offenders should be punished in proportion to the gravity of their offences.应按罪行严重程度给予罪犯相应的惩罚。麦克米伦高阶〔keep things in proportion〕Let's keep things in proportion. You should be able to wait one more day after you have waited two months already.我们应该理性地处理问题,你都已经等了两个月了,再多等一天也未尝不可。韦氏高阶〔pro rata〕In proportion, according to a factor that can be calculated exactly.按比例:按照一个能被整算的分数所成的比例美国传统〔proportional representation〕Representation of all parties in a legislature in proportion to their popular vote.比例代表制:各政党按照其所得票数在总票数中的比例获得议员席位的一种选举制度美国传统〔proportional〕Forming a relationship with other parts or quantities; being in proportion.成比例的:与其余部分或数量形成一种关系或比例的;成比例的美国传统〔proportion〕Babies have big heads in proportion to their bodies.与身体相比, 婴儿的脑袋都大。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕Children tend to have relatively larger heads than adults in proportion to the rest of their body.与成人相比,儿童头部占整个身体的比例相对较大。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕Everything about the room is beautifully in proportion.这屋子里的每一样东西都很协调。麦克米伦高阶〔proportion〕Her feet are small in proportion to her height.她的脚相对于她的身高来说很小。朗文当代〔proportion〕Her legs are quite long in proportion to the rest of her body.她的腿比起身体其余部分来是长了点儿。英汉大词典〔proportion〕His feet seem very small in proportion to his body.和他的身体相比,他的脚似乎显得太小了。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕His head is large in proportion to his small frame.他的头和小巧的骨架相比显得大了。麦克米伦高阶〔proportion〕I think a certain amount of worry about work is very natural, but you've got got to keep it in proportion (= judge correctly its seriousness).我认为对工作有点担心是很自然的,但不要过分担心。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕Let's keep things in proportion.我们别把事情看得太糟。朗文当代〔proportion〕Price will be raised in proportion.价格将相应提高。英汉大词典〔proportion〕Reduce the drawing so that all the elements stay in proportion.缩小这幅画以使各部分保持协调。朗文当代〔proportion〕The charge is in proportion to the person's income.费用与个人收入相匹配。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕The chart shows how weight increases in proportion to height (= the increase in weight depends on the increase in height).图表表明了体重是如何随身高成正比例上升的。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕The cost of insurance increases in proportion to the performance of the car.汽车的性能越好,保险费用就越高。牛津搭配〔proportion〕The pressure in the cylinders would go up in proportion to the boiler pressure.汽缸内的压力会随着汽锅压力的增加而增加。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕The pressure in the cylinders would go up in proportion to the boiler pressure.汽缸内的压力会随着汽锅压力的增加而相应增加。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕The room is very long in proportion to(= relative to)its width.这房间的长度比宽度大很多。牛津高阶〔proportion〕The size of the furniture should be in proportion to the size of the room.家具大小应与房间大小相称。英汉大词典〔proportion〕The temperature rises in proportion to the decrease in pressure.温度随着压力的降低而上升。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕Try to keep your view of the situation in proportion (= not think it is more serious than it is).看待情势要客观。牛津搭配〔proportion〕We've got to keep this in proportion.我们应当正确对待这一点。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕We've got to keep this in proportion.我们得保持其平衡。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕When one is angry one often does not see things in proportion.人发怒时看问题就会带偏见。英汉大词典〔proportion〕You haven't drawn the figures in the foreground in proportion.你的前景人物画得不合比例。牛津高阶〔proportion〕Your legs are very much in proportion to (= the right size for) the rest of your body.你的腿和你身体的其他部位比例非常协调。剑桥高阶〔scot and lot〕A municipal tax formerly levied in Great Britain on the members of a community in proportion to their ability to pay.按能力支付的教区税:过去在大不列颠按照社团成员支付能力规定交税多少的一种市政税美国传统〔size〕He eats a lot in proportion to his body size.相对于体格来说,他饭量挺大。牛津搭配〔slim〕Small in girth or thickness in proportion to height or length; slender.苗条的,修长的:与高度或长度相比周长或厚度小的;纤细的美国传统〔statuesque〕Suggestive of a statue, as in proportion, grace, or dignity; stately.雕像般的:类似雕像的,如在比例、姿态或风度上等;雄伟的美国传统〔tower〕A building or part of a building that is exceptionally high in proportion to its width and length.塔楼:建筑物或建筑物的一部分,相对它的宽度和长度而言非常的高美国传统〔value〕Spices had a high value in proportion to their weight.香料的价格相对于其重量来说是很高的。朗文当代Her head is ridiculously big in proportion to her body.和她的身体相比,她的头大得滑稽。剑桥国际I think a certain amount of worry about work is very natural but you've got to keep it in proportion (= judge correctly its seriousness).我想对工作有一定的担心是很自然的,但是你别过分担心。剑桥国际Shareholders can buy new stock in proportion to the shares they own.股东可以按他们拥有的股份比例购买新股。牛津商务The chart shows how weight increases in proportion to height (= the increase in weight depends on the increase in height).这张图表显示出体重是怎样随身高成正比例上升的。剑桥国际You're lucky in that your legs are very long in proportion to your height.你很运气,因为和你的整个身高相比,你的腿很长。剑桥国际




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