

单词 开火
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SHOOT〕when someone shoots a gun 某人开火时朗文写作活用〔barrage〕barrage the enemy stronghold with a torrent of rifle fire 以密集的步枪火力向敌人堡垒开火英汉大词典〔barrage〕to barrage the enemy position with a torrent of machine-guns fire以密集的机枪火力向敌军阵地开火21世纪英汉〔berserk〕a berserking plane发疯般开火的飞机21世纪英汉〔berserk〕missiles from a berserking carrier 从发疯般开火的航空母舰射出的导弹英汉大词典〔count〕count three before firing 数到3开火英汉大词典〔count〕count three before firing. 开火前数到三美国传统〔drivable〕to drive a train开火车21世纪英汉〔fire〕fire at the enemy 向敌人开火 英汉大词典〔gun〕open the gun on sb. 向某人开火英汉大词典〔gun〕to fire a gun at sb 向某人开火牛津高阶〔open〕open up with machine-guns 用机枪开火英汉大词典〔plug〕take a plug at the boar with one's shotgun 用猎枪向野猪开火英汉大词典〔point-blank〕fired point-blank at the intruder. 对入侵者直接开火美国传统〔reopen〕reopen fire 再开火 英汉大词典〔run〕run a train 开火车文馨英汉〔stand〕stand by to fire 准备开火 英汉大词典




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