

单词 georgia
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abkhaz〕The Northwest Caucasian language of Abkhazia, also spoken in Georgia and Turkey.阿伯卡茨语:阿伯卡茨的西北高加索语,在格鲁吉亚和土耳其也使用美国传统〔Coast Salish〕The Salish-speaking Native American peoples inhabiting the northwest Pacific coast from the Strait of Georgia to southwest Washington.撒利希海岸人:撒利希语族的美洲土著人,居住于从乔治亚海峡到华盛顿西南的太平洋西北海岸美国传统〔DISTANCE〕California is a long way from Georgia. 加利福尼亚州离佐治亚州很远。朗文写作活用〔Deep South〕A region of the southeast United States, usually comprising the states of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.南方腹地:美国东南部一地区,通常包括阿拉巴马州、乔治亚州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州和南卡罗来纳州美国传统〔Georgian〕Georgian Americans佐治亚州的美国人外研社新世纪〔Georgian〕Georgian England乔治王朝时期的英格兰外研社新世纪〔Georgian〕Georgian architecture [houses] 乔治王朝式的建筑[房子]文馨英汉〔Georgian〕Georgian furniture/architecture 乔治王朝时期的家具/建筑剑桥高阶〔Georgian〕Georgian townhouse 乔治王朝时期风格的城市住宅朗文当代〔Georgian〕A native or inhabitant of the Georgian S.S.R.格鲁吉亚人或居民美国传统〔Georgian〕A native or inhabitant of the U.S. state of Georgia.乔治亚州人:美国乔治亚州原住民或居民美国传统〔Georgian〕Of or relating to the Georgian S.S.R. or its people, language, or culture.格鲁吉亚的:格鲁吉亚苏维埃社会主义共和国的,其人民、语言或文化的或与之有关的美国传统〔Georgian〕Of or relating to the U.S. state of Georgia or its inhabitants.乔治亚州的:美国乔治亚州或其居民的,与美国乔治亚州或其居民有关的美国传统〔Gullah〕One of a group of people of African ancestry inhabiting the Sea Islands and coastal areas of South Carolina, Georgia, and northern Florida.格勒人:住在美国南卡罗来纳州、乔治亚州和佛罗里达州北部沿海一带及沿海岛屿上的具有非洲血统的人群之一员美国传统〔HIT〕The Georgia man whacked his fist on the bar. 那名佐治亚州男子的拳头重重地砸在柜台上。朗文写作活用〔Nipissing〕A lake of southeast Ontario, Canada, between the Ottawa River and Georgian Bay.尼皮辛湖:位于加拿大安大略省东南的一个湖泊,在渥太华河和乔治亚湾之间美国传统〔Okefenokee Swamp〕A large swampy area of southeast Georgia and northeast Florida. The region has small islands rising above the water and vegetation cover.奥克弗诺基沼泽:美国乔治亚州东南部和佛罗里达州东北部的一块大面积的沼泽地带。这一地区有许多小岛露出水面及水面的植被美国传统〔Rosario Strait〕A strait in the San Juan Islands of northwest Washington connecting Admiralty Inlet with the Strait of Georgia.罗萨里奥海峡:位于美国华盛顿州西北部圣胡安岛上连接阿德默勒尔蒂湾和乔治亚海峡的海峡美国传统〔Simcoe〕A lake of southeast Ontario, Canada, between Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario. It is a popular resort area.西姆科湖:加拿大安大略省东南部一湖泊,位于乔治亚湾和安大略湖之间,是一个有名的度假圣地美国传统〔beyond〕The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond.在这座房子里能看到乔治亚海峡和海峡那边落基山脉的壮美风景。柯林斯高阶〔centennial〕The centennial Olympics will be in Atlanta, Georgia.百年奥运盛典将在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行。柯林斯高阶〔colonial〕Colonial architecture was a modification of English Georgian.殖民地时期流行的建筑和英国乔治王朝式建筑大同小异。英汉大词典〔concede〕The Georgian forces defended the capital but were finally obliged to concede.格鲁吉亚军队奋起保卫首都,但最终被迫屈服。朗文当代〔country house〕Through the trees we could see a beautiful Georgian country house.透过树林,我们可以看到一处漂亮的乔治王时代的庄园。剑桥高阶〔death knell〕The loss of Georgia would sound the death knell of Republican hopes.失去佐治亚州将预示着共和党希望的破灭。朗文当代〔do〕Do shut up, Georgia, and get on with your homework.赶快闭嘴吧,乔治娅,赶紧写作业吧。剑桥高阶〔fairness〕He says the new document will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia.他说这个新文件将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。柯林斯高阶〔fairness〕He says the new legislation will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia.他说这项新立法将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。外研社新世纪〔give up〕Georgia refuses to give up any territory.格鲁吉亚拒绝出让任何领土。柯林斯高阶〔grade〕Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。外研社新世纪〔grade〕Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia.怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。柯林斯高阶〔hitter〕The Georgian, aged 19, is not one of the game's big hitters.这位19岁的佐治亚州人并不是比赛中的优秀击球手之一。柯林斯高阶〔hitter〕The Georgian, aged 19, is not one of the game's big hitters.这位19岁的格鲁吉亚球手不是这场比赛的主要击球员之一。外研社新世纪〔hospitality〕Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm and hospitality of the people.来到佐治亚州的每位游客都被当地人的善良、可爱和热情好客所深深打动。柯林斯高阶〔hospitality〕Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm and hospitality of the people.每一个去乔治亚州的游客都会被当地人的友好、魅力和殷勤深深打动。外研社新世纪〔lari〕A basic unit of currency in Georgia.拉里:格鲁吉亚基本货币单位美国传统〔lick〕I bet we could lick the best teams in Georgia.我敢打赌我们能打败佐治亚州最强的队。朗文当代〔lopsided〕In 1916, Georgia Tech beat Cumberland 222-0. No game since has been that lopsided.1916年,佐治亚理工以222比0的比分击败坎伯兰。之后再没有出现过比分如此悬殊的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔low country〕A low-lying area of land, especially the coastal plains of the Carolinas and Georgia.低洼地区:陆地的低洼区域,尤指卡罗来纳州和乔治亚州的沿海平原地区美国传统〔offer〕The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people.总统向格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。外研社新世纪〔offer〕The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people.总统对格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。柯林斯高阶〔olympiad〕The 26th Olympiad took place in Atlanta, Georgia.第 26 届奥运会是在佐治亚州的亚特兰大举办的。牛津高阶〔opposing〕The Georgian leader said in a radio address that he still favoured dialogue between the opposing sides.这位格鲁吉亚领导人在广播讲话中称他依然赞成对立双方进行对话。柯林斯高阶〔persist〕Drought conditions continue to persist from Maine to Georgia.从缅因州到佐治亚州旱情仍在继续。牛津搭配〔plush〕They own a plush, four-storey, Georgian house in Mayfair.他们在伦敦上流住宅区梅费尔有一幢乔治王朝时代风格的四层豪宅。外研社新世纪〔proceeds〕All proceeds benefit the Georgia Cancer Coalition.所有收益都惠及佐治亚州癌症研究联合会。牛津搭配〔race〕He made (lost) his race for governor of Georgia.他参加佐治亚州州长竞选(失败)。英汉大词典〔remorselessly〕General Sherman's remorseless progress through Georgia.谢尔曼将军在佐治亚州不屈不挠的前进柯林斯高阶〔settle〕Georgia had taken pills to settle her stomach, but she was still throwing up every hour.乔治娅已经吃了药想缓解胃部的不适,但还是每小时就吐一次。朗文当代〔slant〕Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window.破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。柯林斯高阶〔sobriquet〕Baseball player Ty Cobb was also known by the sobriquet “The Georgia Peach.” 棒球选手泰·科布还有个为人熟知的绰号“佐治亚棒小伙儿”。韦氏高阶〔southeast〕Southeast A region of the southeast United States generally including Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. Southeast (美国)东南部:指美国包括阿拉巴马州、乔治亚州、南卡罗来纳州和佛罗里达州在内的南部地区美国传统〔stump〕He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler, a Democrat.他正在佐治亚州为民主党参议员威奇·福勒作巡回演说。柯林斯高阶〔successor state〕Russia, Georgia and Ukraine are three of the successor states to the Soviet Union.俄罗斯、格鲁吉亚和乌克兰是苏联的三个继承国。剑桥高阶〔tetri〕A unit of currency in Georgia.泰特里:格鲁吉亚货币单位美国传统〔throw〕Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.乔治娅俯身在脸盆上呕吐。朗文当代〔touchscreen〕Voters in Georgia will use a touchscreen voting system.乔治亚州的投票人将使用一种触摸屏投票系统。剑桥高阶〔troops〕Troops crossed the border with Georgia.部队越过格鲁吉亚边境。牛津搭配Georgia is historically a remarkably tolerant country.格鲁吉亚在历史上是一个相当宽容的国家。剑桥国际Dublin is famed for its beautiful Georgian doors and fanlights.都柏林以它的乔治王朝的门和扇形窗而闻名。剑桥国际Russia, Georgia and Ukraine are three of the successor states to the Soviet Union.俄罗斯、格鲁吉亚和乌克兰是苏联的三个后继国。剑桥国际That Georgian chair is a very graceful piece of furniture (= it has an attractive form).那张乔治亚椅子是一件雅致的家具。剑桥国际The tourist guide described it as a well-preserved Georgian residence.导游将它描述成一座保存完好的乔治王朝时期的住宅。剑桥国际




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