

单词 来由
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Norman〕The dialect of Old French, derived chiefly from Norman French, that was used by the Anglo-Normans.英国法语:古法语方言,主要从诺曼法语发展而来由移居英国的诺曼人使用美国传统〔HAPPEN〕The chairman usually takes charge of the proceedings and decides who will speak next. 主席通常负责会议的各项议程,并决定接下来由谁发言。朗文写作活用〔bastard〕Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.赝品,冒牌货:某种假冒的、不正当的、低劣的或来由有问题的东西美国传统〔contagion〕They have been reluctant to admit AIDS patients, in part because of unfounded fears of contagion.他们一直不愿接纳艾滋病患者,部分原因是无来由地害怕被接触传染。柯林斯高阶〔contextualize〕We need to contextualize the problem before we can understand its origin.要弄清该问题的来由,我们必须考虑其背景。剑桥高阶〔get〕She gets to worrying over nothing at all.她没来由地担心起来。英汉大词典〔handle〕A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand.把手:设计用来由手握住或操纵的部位美国传统〔have〕We're having the kids for the weekend.这个周末孩子们要到我们家来由我们照料。牛津高阶〔onus〕The onus of proof is reversed in libel actions and placed firmly on the defender.在诽谤诉讼中,举证责任反过来由辩方全权承担。柯林斯高阶〔preoccupied〕She's been very preoccupied recently because her mother has been very ill.近来由于母亲病情严重,她无暇他顾。剑桥高阶〔safe〕Don't worry, Uncle Tim, your future is safe in our hands.别担心,蒂姆大叔,你将来由我们照顾。柯林斯高阶〔tale〕Thereby hangs a tale.这里头有些来由。文馨英汉〔thereby〕Thereby hangs a tale.这里头有些来由;其中有点蹊跷。文馨英汉〔traditional〕More women are entering traditionally male jobs.更多的妇女干起了历来由男人担当的工作。朗文当代〔unfounded〕However, these fears proved unfounded.不过, 结果证明这些担心都是没有来由的。外研社新世纪She's been very preoccupied (= giving her attention to esp. one thing) recently because her mother has been very ill.近来由于母亲病情严重,她无暇他想。剑桥国际The country has long been run by plutocrats (= people who have power because they are very rich).该国长期以来由富人统治。剑桥国际We must contextualize the problem before we can understand its origin.要弄清该问题的来由我们必须联系其背景。剑桥国际You've got to conquer your irrational fear of technology and start using that computer.你必须克服对技术的毫无来由的恐惧,开始使用那台计算机。剑桥国际




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