

单词 forbear
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔forbear from〕His doctor advised him to forbear from alcohol.他的医生劝告他戒酒。21世纪英汉〔forbear from〕It is often difficult to forbear from expressing one's opinion.克制自己不发表意见通常是非常困难的。21世纪英汉〔forbearance〕The act of forbearing.抑制:克制的行为美国传统〔forbearance〕The quality of being forbearing.容忍:容忍的性质美国传统〔forbearing〕She is very forbearing towards her demanding children.她对她那些难侍候的孩子们很耐心。英汉大词典〔forbearing〕Susan was forbearing and sympathetic, but I was hard to live with.苏珊对人宽容, 又有同情心, 而我却是个难相处的人。外研社新世纪〔forbearing〕Thank you for being so forbearing.感谢您如此宽宏大量。牛津高阶〔forbearing〕The minister praised what he called her "kind and forbearing nature".牧师称赞她本性“善良宽容”。剑桥高阶〔forbearing〕You've been remarkably forbearing, Ken.肯, 你一直有非凡的自制力。外研社新世纪〔forbear〕He forbears to mention the matter again.他克制自己,不再提及此事。21世纪英汉〔forbear〕He decided to forbear from interfering.他决定克制自己,不去干预。朗文当代〔forbear〕His plan was such a success that even his original critics could scarcely forbear from congratulating him.他的计划获得了巨大的成功,甚至那些原先的批评者们也禁不住向他表示祝贺。剑桥高阶〔forbear〕I cannot forbear expressing my surprise.我禁不住表示出惊讶。英汉大词典〔forbear〕I couldn't forbear coming over to say hello.我忍不住走过来问好。外研社新世纪〔forbear〕Kemp could not forbear a sardonic element in his tone.肯普按捺不住, 语含讥讽。外研社新世纪〔forbear〕The wounded man could not forbear to cry out.受伤的人忍不住叫出声来。英汉大词典〔forbear〕We decided to forbear from provoking him any further.我们决定忍一忍,以免进一步激怒他。韦氏高阶〔forbear〕We decided to forbear provoking him any further.我们决定忍一忍,以免进一步激怒他。韦氏高阶〔forbear〕We should forbear to hurt her feelings.我们应该避免伤害她的感情。文馨英汉〔omit〕To desist or fail in doing; forbear.停止做或不能做,避免美国传统〔withhold〕To refrain or forbear.忍住,克制美国传统His plan was such a success that even his original critics could scarcely forbear from congratulating him.他的计划获得如此巨大成功,就连他原来的批评者都几乎忍不住要祝贺他。剑桥国际I forbear to go into details. 我避免涉及详情。译典通I could scarcely forbear from laughing out loud. 我忍不住笑出声来。译典通The vicar praised what he called her “kind and forbearing nature”.牧师赞扬了他所谓的她那“善良、宽容的天性”。剑桥国际We begged him to forbear. 我们恳求他忍耐。译典通




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