

单词 苦干
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(stop and) smell the roses〕You shouldn't work so hard. You need to take some time to stop and smell the roses.你不必这么苦干。你有时也得歇歇脚,享受一下生活的乐趣嘛。韦氏高阶〔BECOME〕She got to be a lawyer through sheer hard work and determination. 她全凭苦干和决心成了一名律师。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Without my mother's drive and energy, our family would have starved. 要不是母亲发奋苦干,我们全家就会挨饿。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕After four hours of backbreaking work, we had finally pulled the wall down. 经过四小时的苦干,我们终于把这堵墙推倒了。朗文写作活用〔RARE/RARELY〕On the rare occasions when we had to work hard, we enjoyed it. 我们需要苦干的时候不多,但我们倒是很乐意的。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking. 公主想为自己树立起认真苦干的形象。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕Ed had been slaving away at his essay for hours, but it still wasn't finished. 艾德苦干了好几个小时写论文,但还没有写完。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕I've been slaving away all week and I've had enough of it! 我已经苦干了整整一星期,都受够了!朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕Roger and his wife toiled round the clock for seven years to make a success of their business. 罗杰和妻子七年来不分昼夜地苦干,终于事业有成。朗文写作活用〔breakdown〕I was worried he might have a breakdown if he carried on working so hard.我担心,他这样苦干下去,精神会崩溃的。朗文当代〔compile〕It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.编一部好的词典常常需要苦干五六年。21世纪英汉〔counsel〕I counsel honesty and hard work.我主张诚实和苦干。21世纪英汉〔do ... in〕I felt done in after hard work.苦干之后我感到累坏了。21世纪英汉〔drudge〕We drudged away a whole day.我们辛辛苦苦干了一整天。21世纪英汉〔effort〕It took a whole day of hard effort to knock down the wall.努力苦干了一整天才把墙拆掉。牛津搭配〔ethic〕The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.提倡埋头苦干的旧道德准则已被及时行乐的新道德观所取代。朗文当代〔fight〕I fought all night to save his life.我为挽救他的生命而彻夜苦干。英汉大词典〔get〕He got little for a hard day's work.他辛辛苦苦干一天挣不到几个钱。英汉大词典〔grindstone〕There's more to life than keeping one's nose to the grindstone.除了拼命苦干, 生活中还有其他的内容。外研社新世纪〔grind〕As long as you keep grinding, you're going to get your goals.只要你坚持苦干, 就一定能达到目标。外研社新世纪〔grub〕For years, Galileo grubbed away in underpaid mathematical teaching posts.伽利略有好些年在收入菲薄的数学教师职位上苦干。英汉大词典〔hammer〕All afternoon, Martin had been hammering away in the conservatory.整个下午马丁一直在温室里埋头苦干。朗文当代〔hump〕Slang To exert oneself.【俚语】 苦干:使自己苦干美国传统〔hump〕To exert (oneself).使(自己)苦干美国传统〔keep〕But he kept his head down and concentrated on his studies.但是他埋头苦干, 全神贯注于他的研究。外研社新世纪〔knuckle down〕It's time to knuckle down and get to work.是时候开始埋头苦干了。韦氏高阶〔livelong〕They kept at their work all the livelong day.他们整天埋头苦干。文馨英汉〔mightily〕We laboured mightily to rebuild the walls.我们埋头苦干,重筑围墙。朗文当代〔old〕There's old Sara working away in the corner.老萨拉在角落里埋头苦干。剑桥高阶〔peg〕We shall peg along, day by day.我们非得日复一日苦干不可。英汉大词典〔pull〕He's been dogged by failure for years; now he's working strenuously to pull out.几年来他迭遭失败;现在他正在努力苦干以求摆脱这种局面。英汉大词典〔reacquire〕He reacquired an academic reputation after five years of hard work.经过了五年的苦干,他重新赢得了学术上的威望。21世纪英汉〔reality〕After years of hard work, his dream has become a reality.经过多年的苦干,他的梦想已经变为现实。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕They think that now the country is free, it can rest on its oars.他们认为国家既已争得自由就不必勤奋苦干了。英汉大词典〔richly〕She was richly rewarded for all her hard work.她一向勤劳苦干,得到了丰厚的回报。牛津高阶〔saying〕My boss's favourite / favorite saying is 'Don't work harder, work smarter'.我老板最喜欢的格言是:“巧干胜过苦干。”牛津搭配〔show〕All those years of hard work, and nothing to show for it! 苦干这么多年,却毫无成绩可言!牛津高阶〔slave away〕I slaved away on the desk for two hours.我埋头苦干两个小时。21世纪英汉〔slave〕I've been slaving away all day trying to get this work finished.我整天苦干,想把这项工作赶完。牛津高阶〔slave〕To work very hard or doggedly; toil.作苦工:非常辛勤地或顽强地工作的人;苦干美国传统〔slog〕I've been slogging away for days on this essay and I'm still not finished.我为了这篇文章已经埋头苦干好几天了,但还没有完成。剑桥高阶〔slog〕There is little to show for the two years of hard slog.两年的埋头苦干却没有获得什么值得炫耀的结果。柯林斯高阶〔succeed〕If you work hard you will succeed.如果你苦干,就能够成功。牛津同义词〔succeed〕You will have to work hard if you are to succeed.要想有所作为,你必须苦干。牛津高阶〔sweat blood〕We sweated blood to get the work finished on time.为了准时完成,我们埋头苦干。剑桥高阶〔sweat〕He'd sweated over the plans for six months.他为这些计划苦干了六个月。朗文当代〔sweat〕I sweated night and day to get it done on time.为如期完成这项工作我日夜埋头苦干。外研社新世纪〔tenaciously〕She is very tenacious and will work hard and long to achieve objectives.她是个锲而不舍的人,为了达到目标愿意长期苦干。柯林斯高阶〔thrive〕He thrives on hard work.他以苦干为乐事。牛津高阶〔thrive〕He's the sort of person who thrives on hard work.他是苦干有成的那种人。英汉大词典〔thrive〕She thrived on hard work.她靠苦干而成功。21世纪英汉〔toil〕To labor continuously; work strenuously.苦干:不断地劳动;辛苦地工作美国传统〔travail〕To work strenuously; toil.艰苦地工作;苦干美国传统〔tribute〕His success has been a tribute to hard work, to professionalism.他的成功充分体现了他的勤劳苦干和敬业精神。柯林斯高阶〔tug〕To toil or struggle; strain.苦干,挣扎;使劲美国传统〔year〕The book represents three years of hard work.这本书是 3 年苦干的成果。牛津搭配〔yeoman〕He did a yeoman's job in seeing the programme through.他认真负责地苦干,使计划全部完成。英汉大词典Dennis always gets the job done, but he's a real plodder (= someone who works slowly and continuously, without showing any imagination or enthusiasm).丹尼斯总能完成任务,但他只是一个埋头苦干的人。剑桥国际He took his disappointment like a trouper.他象一个踏实苦干的人一样毫不气馁。剑桥国际He was described by his colleagues as a painstaking journalist.他被同事们描述为苦干的记者。剑桥国际He was plugging away at his work. 他正在埋头苦干。译典通I have been chained to the oars of this company for over 20 years, and now you dare to dismiss me in this way. 我在本公司辛辛苦苦干了二十多年,现在你竟敢就这么把我开除了。译典通I've been slogging away for days on the same piece of work and I'm still no nearer finishing.我已经在同一项工作上苦干多日了,但还远没有完成。剑桥国际She learned from her father the virtues of hard work and thrift. 她从她父亲身上学到苦干和节俭的美德。译典通She seems to thrive on stress/hard work.她看来苦干有成。剑桥国际She's one of those dull plodding people, who gets things done but has no imagination.她是个乏味苦干的人,虽能完成任务,但毫无想象力。剑桥国际The current crisis makes last year's hard work seem like a picnic.目前的危机使去年的苦干相比之下显得很愉快。剑桥国际The trainer said, “There's no magic formula--just lots of hard work.” 教官说“没有捷径----只能多干苦干。”剑桥国际There's old Sara working away in the corner.老萨拉在角落里不停地苦干。剑桥国际They now need to put some real elbow grease into promoting the product.要推销产品他们现在可得真得苦干一番了。剑桥国际We all sit at our desks, plodding away in silence.我们都坐在桌子旁不做声地埋头苦干。剑桥国际While I struggled and laboured, my sister coasted through school with top grades in all subjects.正当我在努力奋斗和拼命苦干时,我的妹妹毫不费力地在学校里拿到了门门全优的成绩。剑桥国际




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