

单词 engage
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔blackmarket〕to engage in blackmarketing从事黑市交易[亦作 blackmarketeer]21世纪英汉〔compensatory〕the degree to which they engage in compensatory consumption behaviour他们参与补偿性消费行为的程度外研社新世纪〔engage as〕to engage her as a guide雇用她为导游21世纪英汉〔engage as〕to engage someone as an interpreter雇用某人当译员21世纪英汉〔engage by〕to engage a car by the hour按钟点雇汽车21世纪英汉〔engage in〕to engage in local politics参与地方上的政治活动21世纪英汉〔engage in〕to engage in sports从事体育运动21世纪英汉〔engage in〕to engage someone in conversation使某人参加谈话21世纪英汉〔engage oneself in〕to engage herself in business她经商21世纪英汉〔engage oneself in〕to engage oneself in such affairs干预这种事21世纪英汉〔engage with〕a teacher who will not engage with the students 不与学生打成一片的教师韦氏高阶〔engage with〕to engage with a merchant受雇于一商人21世纪英汉〔engage〕engage a carpenter.雇个木匠美国传统〔engage〕engage a lawyer to argue one's case in court 聘请律师出庭为自己辩护英汉大词典〔engage〕engage a roomSee Synonyms at book 预订房间 参见 book美国传统〔engage〕engage a shy person in conversation.使害羞的人加入了交谈美国传统〔engage〕engage in conversation.加入谈话美国传统〔engage〕engage the automobile's clutch.使汽车离合器啮合美国传统〔engage〕engage the right people for the job 雇用合适的人来担当这工作英汉大词典〔engage〕a lesson in how to engage the four-wheel drive.如何使四轮驱动啮合的课程柯林斯高阶〔engage〕people who actively engage in shaping the world they live in 积极参与改造所生存的世界的人牛津搭配〔engage〕the film's ability to engage the emotions影片激发情感的能力外研社新世纪〔engage〕to engage a hotel room预订旅馆房间21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage a lawyer聘请律师21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage a new secretary新雇一位秘书21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage a room预订一间房21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage in business经商21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage in dramatics从事演剧活动21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage in politics参与政治21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage someone in conversation.与某人谈话。牛津同义词〔engage〕to engage the enemy 与敌人交战牛津高阶〔engage〕to engage the gears使齿轮啮合21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage to do something.答应做某事。牛津同义词〔engage〕to engage to do something答应做某事21世纪英汉〔engage〕to engage workers.雇用工人。牛津同义词〔evaluation〕effective ways to engage students in the evaluation of their own learning使学生评估自己学习情况的有效方法外研社新世纪〔fitness〕women who regularly engage in sports and fitness activities经常进行运动和健身的女性外研社新世纪〔interest〕engage one's interest 引起某人的兴趣英汉大词典〔in〕engage in politics 从事于政治英汉大词典〔polemics〕engage in political polemics with sb.与某人进行政治辩论英汉大词典〔relaxed〕engage people in relaxed conversation 找人随意漫谈英汉大词典〔resurrect〕engage a carpenter to resurrect some of the furniture 雇用木匠修复几件家具 英汉大词典〔servant〕engage a servant 雇仆人英汉大词典〔stand-down〕engage in a military stand-down 停止军事活动英汉大词典〔student〕teachers who engage students in meaningful discussions 使学生参与有意义讨论的老师牛津搭配〔wrongdoing〕engage in wrongdoings that are unconstitutional and unethical 从事违宪和不道德的活动英汉大词典




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