

单词 dizziness
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕A fall in glucose levels results in nausea, dizziness, and faintness. 葡萄糖浓度下降会导致恶心、头晕和昏厥。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕When you first tried a cigarette, you probably experienced a feeling of dizziness. 第一次抽烟可能会有一种眩晕的感觉。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕Victims of the disease typically complain of dizziness, headaches, and forgetfulness. 这种疾病的典型症状为眩晕、头痛和健忘。朗文写作活用〔SICK/VOMIT〕Symptoms include dizziness, vomiting and headache. 症状有头晕、呕吐以及头痛。朗文写作活用〔Stokes-Adams syndrome〕An occasional temporary stoppage or extreme slowing of the pulse as a result of heart block, causing dizziness, fainting, and sometimes convulsions.斯托克斯-亚当斯病:因心脏传导阻滞而致的脉搏的暂停或极缓慢跳动,能引起头晕、昏厥,有时引起痉挛美国传统〔UNCONSCIOUS〕A heavy concentration of the drug may produce dizziness or even unconsciousness. 这种药浓度高时可能引起头晕,甚至失去知觉。朗文写作活用〔access〕He reeled backwards in an access of dizziness.他一阵头晕目眩, 蹒跚着退后了几步。外研社新世纪〔airsickness〕Nausea, vomiting, or dizziness induced by the motion that occurs during air flight.晕机病:由飞行中的飞机运动引起的恶心,呕吐和晕眩美国传统〔blurred〕She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.她饱受头晕目眩之苦。牛津高阶〔come〕A fit of dizziness came over her.她感到一阵头晕目眩。牛津高阶〔dizzily〕His complaint causes dizziness and nausea.他的病引起了头晕和恶心。柯林斯高阶〔dizziness〕The dizziness of the camerawork gives the scene a confusing quality.令人头晕目眩的镜头运动营造出一种惶惑的场景。剑桥高阶〔dizziness〕The dizziness passed and an extraordinary lightness and clarity seemed to possess me.眩晕过后我似乎感到无比轻松和明晰。外研社新世纪〔dizziness〕The sight of blood may cause dizziness in some people.看见血可能会引起一些人晕眩。剑桥高阶〔dizziness〕This medicine may cause dizziness and nausea.这种药可能引起头晕和恶心。韦氏高阶〔hallucination〕The patient complains of pains in the head, dizziness and hallucinations.病人诉说头痛、头晕以及幻觉发生。英汉大词典〔melaena〕Overdosage may cause nausea, dizziness, hyperventilation, vomiting, and melaena.过量使用可导致恶心、晕眩、换气过度、呕吐和黑粪症。剑桥高阶〔motion sickness〕Nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship.晕船(车):由运动引起的恶心和眩晕,如乘飞机、小汽车或轮船美国传统〔nauseating〕He paused to let a nauseating dizziness pass.他停下来, 等待令人恶心的眩晕过去。外研社新世纪〔overcome〕A dizziness overcame him, blurring his vision.他感到一阵眩晕, 眼前发黑。外研社新世纪〔overcome〕A dizziness overcame him, blurring his vision.他感到一阵眩晕,眼前发黑。柯林斯高阶〔overpower〕A sudden dizziness overpowered him.他突然感到一阵眩晕。外研社新世纪〔overpower〕A sudden dizziness overpowered him.他突然感到一阵眩晕。柯林斯高阶〔plague〕She was plagued by fatigue and dizziness.她疲惫不堪, 头昏眼花。外研社新世纪〔plague〕She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.她感觉体虚、疲倦、头昏眼花。柯林斯高阶〔pull〕She had a spell of dizziness but soon pulled out of it.她头晕了一阵,但马上就好了。英汉大词典〔rush〕She felt a rush of nausea and dizziness.她感到一阵恶心和晕眩。英汉大词典〔stupid〕He was stupid with dizziness and pain.他因头晕和疼痛而精神恍惚。外研社新世纪〔swim〕A state of dizziness.眩晕美国传统〔turn〕To have a sensation of revolving or whirling, especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness.晕旋:有回旋或旋转的感觉,尤指是头晕或旋转的结果美国传统〔typical〕Typical symptoms would include severe headaches, vomiting and dizziness.典型的症状包括剧烈的头疼、呕吐和眩晕。剑桥高阶〔vertigo〕The sensation of dizziness.目眩的感觉美国传统〔warning〕The warning signs of the illness are respiratory problems and dizziness.预示可能患有这种疾病的症状是呼吸困难和头晕。剑桥高阶A fit of dizziness came over me. 我忽然感到一阵头晕。译典通Some artificial sweeteners are thought to cause blurred vision, dizziness, headaches and nausea in some people.有人认为一些甜味素会使某些人视力模糊、头晕目眩、头痛或恶心。剑桥国际The warning signs (= The physical signs that show the presence) of the illness are respiratory problems and dizziness.疾病的警报信息是呼吸困难和头昏眼花。剑桥国际Typical symptoms would include severe headaches, vomiting, dizziness -- that sort of thing.典型的症状一般包括严重的头痛、呕吐、眩晕----那一类的情况。剑桥国际




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