

单词 文物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Americana〕Pinball machines are very much in demand by collectors of Americana.弹球机在美国文物收藏者中间是炙手可热的藏品。剑桥高阶〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕Any development in the city center is dictated by the city's historic preservation laws. 市中心的任何扩建发展都受该市的历史文物保护法所限制。朗文写作活用〔Egyptology〕The study of the culture and artifacts of the ancient Egyptian civilization.埃及学:对古代埃及文明的文化和文物进行的研究美国传统〔THING〕The museum has over 5,000 items of historical interest. 这座博物馆藏有五千多件具有历史价值的文物。朗文写作活用〔Victoriana〕Material or a collection of materials of, relating to, or characteristic of the Victorian era.维多利亚时代的文物:维多利亚时代的材料或一组材料,与此有关或具有此特点美国传统〔antiquarian〕Dealing in or having to do with old or rare books.古文物研究收藏的:经营或有关古旧稀有书籍的美国传统〔antiquarian〕Of or relating to antiquaries or to the study or collecting of antiquities.古文物的:古文物的、古文物研究的或古文物收藏的,或有关的美国传统〔antiquarian〕One who studies, collects, or deals in antiquities.文物工作者:研究、收藏或经营古文物的人美国传统〔antiquarian〕The archaeology of this area has been of interest to antiquarians since the 16th century.从16世纪以来古文物研究者就对这个地区的考古感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔antiquary〕An antiquarian.古文物收藏家,古董商,古籍商美国传统〔antiquity〕He collects Egyptian antiquities.他收集埃及的文物。牛津搭配〔antiquity〕Often antiquities Something, such as an object or a relic, belonging to or dating from ancient times. 常作 antiquities 古代文物,古迹:属于或存在于古代的,如物体或遗迹美国传统〔authorship〕There is difficulty in establishing the authorship of these early, medieval objects.确定这些中世纪早期文物的制作者有困难。英汉大词典〔barbarian〕Young barbarians have committed horrible vandalisms.文盲加流氓的年轻人犯下了令人发指的毁坏文物行为。英汉大词典〔curiosity〕The museum is full of historical curiosities.这座博物馆有许多珍奇历史文物。牛津高阶〔defile〕Vandals defiled the holy shrine.肆意破坏文物者玷污了这座圣殿。韦氏高阶〔display〕The museum displays relics found during the excavation of the site.博物馆里陈列着在这一遗址发掘的文物。韦氏高阶〔ethnohistory〕The scientific study of the development of human cultures, as through systematic analysis of archaeological findings.人种历史学:一门研究人类文化发展的学科,对发现的古代文物进行系统的考释美国传统〔find〕A recent find of ancient artefacts is on display at the local museum.近期发现的一些文物正在当地的博物馆展出。剑桥高阶〔keeper〕She is the keeper of the art gallery's modern collection.她是美术馆现代收藏品的文物专家。麦克米伦高阶〔monument〕The Lincoln Memorial is a national monument.林肯纪念堂为国家级文物单位。英汉大词典〔monument〕The house was designated a national monument.这座房子曾被列为国家级文物。外研社新世纪〔move in on〕They moved in on a large amount of cultural relics during the period of the Second World War.在第二次世界大战期间,他们掠夺了大量的文物。21世纪英汉〔museum〕All the planes are museum pieces.所有这些飞机都是珍贵的文物。牛津搭配〔national monument〕A natural landmark or a structure or site of historic interest set aside by a national government and maintained for public enjoyment or study.国家文物:由国家保管的自然遗址或名胜古迹的构造和遗址,用于人们的欣赏和研究美国传统〔orientalia〕Things, especially decorative objects, produced in or associated with eastern Asia.东方文物:尤指那些产于或者与东部亚洲有关的装饰性物品美国传统〔patrimony〕In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.20世纪30年代,全国名胜古迹托管协会开始行动起来拯救英国面临威胁的文物级乡村宅第。柯林斯高阶〔point〕The guide pointed out the best-known ancient articles in the museum.导游指出博物馆中几件最著名的文物。21世纪英汉〔refer〕The antiquarian refers the vase to the second century.古董收藏家认为这花瓶是公元2世纪的文物。英汉大词典〔responsible〕The court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism.法庭要求父母对于其未成年孩子恶意破坏文物的行为负责。美国传统〔restitution〕They are demanding the restitution of ancient treasures that were removed from the country in the 16th century.他们现在正在要求归还16世纪从他们国家运走的古代珍贵文物。剑桥高阶〔schedular〕Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.麦积山石窟被中国国务院列为文物保护单位。21世纪英汉〔treasure house〕The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics.这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。牛津高阶Although the book does not represent a thorough course in astrophysics, it will make excellent supplementary reading.虽然这本书不能算作天文物理学的全面课本,但它是一本极好的补充读物。剑桥国际Some historical relics were unearthed. 数件历史文物被挖掘出来。译典通The government is now demanding the restitution of its ancient treasures that were removed from the country in the 16th century.政府正在要求归还于16世纪被运出国的古董文物。剑桥国际The museum houses some impressive Roman antiquities.这个博物馆中收藏着一些令人惊叹的古罗马文物。剑桥国际Under Greek law, all antiquities (=objects of great age) that are discovered in Greece belong to the government.按希腊法律,在希腊发现的一切古文物均归政府所有。剑桥国际




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