

单词 diluted
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MIX〕Concentrated bleach can be diluted with water. 浓缩的漂白剂可以加水稀释。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕They felt that their original aims and demands were being diluted. 他们感到原先的目标和要求被降低了。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕Try giving the baby diluted fruit juice 试着每天给宝宝喂一两次稀释的果汁。朗文写作活用〔dilateness〕The barsh colours of the painting diluted in the strong light.那幅画刺眼的颜色在强光下变淡了。21世纪英汉〔dilateness〕The professor's proposals were diluted by the lack of support from his department.该教授的建议因缺乏系里的支持而不被重视。21世纪英汉〔dilute by〕His proposal was diluted by the lack of support from the Security Council.他的建议由于缺乏安理会的支持而作废了。21世纪英汉〔dilute by〕The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.那本书的质量因文字拙劣而掉价了。21世纪英汉〔dilute with〕She diluted the milk with water.她用水把牛奶冲淡。21世纪英汉〔dilute〕He diluted the paint with oil.他用汽油稀释漆。英汉大词典〔dilute〕He was drinking a glass of wine diluted with water.他正在喝一杯用水稀释过的葡萄酒。麦克米伦高阶〔dilute〕Nervousness diluted her excitement slightly.紧张有点使她兴奋不起来。麦克米伦高阶〔dilute〕The effect of this policy has now been considerably diluted.该政策的效果现在已被大大削弱了。牛津搭配〔dilute〕The fragrances are highly diluted.香水被稀释得很淡。牛津搭配〔dilute〕The hiring of the new CEO diluted the power of the company's president.新首席执行官的聘用削弱了公司总裁的权力。韦氏高阶〔dilute〕The liquid is then diluted.然后液体被稀释。柯林斯高阶〔dilute〕The paint can be diluted with water to make a lighter shade.这颜料可用水稀释以使色度淡一些。牛津高阶〔dilute〕The perfumes are diluted in vegetable oils.香水稀释到植物油中。牛津搭配〔dilute〕Weakened; diluted.削弱的;冲淡的美国传统〔dilution〕A diluted substance.冲淡稀释物美国传统〔grog〕An alcoholic liquor, especially rum diluted with water.格洛格酒:一种酒,尤指用水稀释的朗姆酒美国传统〔sherbet〕Chiefly British A beverage made of sweetened diluted fruit juice.【多用于英国】 果子露:一种由加甜味的稀释水果汁制成的饮料美国传统〔strength〕Water-based paints and inks can be diluted in order to vary colour strengths.水溶性颜料和油墨可以进行稀释以呈现不同的色彩强度。外研社新世纪〔thus〕They diluted the drug, thus reducing its effectiveness.他们把药稀释,这样就减轻它的药效了。朗文当代Diluted earnings per share rose by 30 Canadian cents.每股摊薄收益增加了 30 加拿大分。牛津商务After the merger our stake in the enlarged company will be diluted to 35%. 合并以后,我们在扩大了的公司中的股份将会稀释至 35%。牛津商务Net income was $344 million, or 38 cents per diluted share.净收益为 3.44 亿元,或每股摊薄收益 38 分。牛津商务Our strong sales in the US were diluted by the weakness of the dollar.我们在美国强劲的销售势头被美元的疲软所削弱。牛津商务She diluted the concentrated fruit juice with water. 她搀水冲淡浓缩水果汁。译典通




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