

单词 contempt
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔arrogant〕an arrogant contempt for the weak.See Synonyms at proud 对弱者傲慢的蔑视 参见 proud美国传统〔bitter〕bitter contempt 极度的鄙视英汉大词典〔blockbusting〕show a blockbusting contempt for sb.对某人表示强烈的轻蔑英汉大词典〔contempt〕contempt of court (congress) 蔑视法庭(国会)(罪) 英汉大词典〔contempt〕contempt of court 蔑视法庭(罪)文馨英汉〔contempt〕a look of contempt 轻蔑的一瞥英汉大词典〔contempt〕abusage of the contempt power 判别人蔑视法庭罪之权力的滥用英汉大词典〔contempt〕bring upon oneself the contempt of ...自招…的侮蔑文馨英汉〔contempt〕do sth. in contempt of heaven and hell 不怕天罚也不怕地狱无顾忌地做某事英汉大词典〔contempt〕fall [bring] into contempt (使)遭受鄙视文馨英汉〔contempt〕his contempt for danger 他对危险的全然不惧朗文当代〔contempt〕show contempt for ...对…表示鄙视文馨英汉〔contempt〕show (profess) a contempt for sb.表示(宣称)对某人极为蔑视英汉大词典〔contempt〕their apparent contempt for international law 他们对国际法的公然蔑视麦克米伦高阶〔contempt〕treat sb.'s “good will” with contempt 对某人的“善意”嗤之以鼻英汉大词典〔growl〕with an angry growl of contempt for her own weakness.对她自己的懦弱发出的一声轻蔑的怒吼柯林斯高阶〔hailstorm〕a hailstorm of contempt 劈头盖脑而来的轻蔑表示英汉大词典〔haughty〕treat sb. with haughty contempt 以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待某人 英汉大词典〔hoi polloi〕aristocrats who treated the hoi polloi with contempt 瞧不起寻常百姓的贵族韦氏高阶〔hold〕hold sb. in contempt (in great respect) 蔑视(非常崇敬)某人英汉大词典〔ignorant〕exhibited contempt for his unlettered colleagues.对他肚子里缺少墨水的同事显得不屑一顾。美国传统〔measureless〕treat sb. with measureless contempt 极其轻蔑地对待某人英汉大词典〔purge〕purge contempt 在藐视法官(或法庭)后认错免罪英汉大词典〔read〕read contempt in sb.'s eyes 从某人眼光里看出轻蔑的意味英汉大词典〔royal〕profess a royal contempt for sb.宣称对某人极为轻蔑英汉大词典〔savour〕rudeness savouring of contempt 带轻蔑意味的粗鲁态度英汉大词典〔snarl〕snarl one's contempt 吼叫着表示轻蔑英汉大词典〔sneering〕sneering contempt 充满鄙夷的讥笑韦氏高阶〔sneer〕sneer one's contempt for sth.对某事嗤之以鼻英汉大词典〔snort〕snort one's contempt (disgust) 轻蔑(厌恶)地哼一声英汉大词典〔stance〕a stance of deliberate contempt 故意摆出的轻蔑架势牛津搭配




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