

单词 背负
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Veronica〕A woman of Jerusalem who gave Jesus her head-cloth to wipe his face as he bore the cross to Calvary.圣梅洛尼加:耶稣背负十字架前往髑髅地时,将自己的头巾送给他擦脸的耶路撒冷妇女美国传统〔backpack〕We shall have to backpack supplies through the woods.我们必须背负补给品穿过森林。21世纪英汉〔baggage〕How much emotional baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship?他背负着多少情感包袱开始这段恋情?外研社新世纪〔baggage〕She was carrying a lot of emotional baggage.她背负着很多感情债。牛津高阶〔baggage〕She's still carrying all that emotional baggage from her first marriage.她依然背负着第一次婚姻留下的感情包袱。牛津搭配〔brink〕The company had huge debts and was on the brink of collapse.公司背负了巨额债务,已濒临破产。朗文当代〔burden〕Something that is carried.担子:背负的东西美国传统〔burden〕The women carried their burdens on their backs.那些女人背负重物。牛津搭配〔burden〕They don't go around with the burdens of the world on their shoulders the whole time.他们不会一直背负整个世界的重担。柯林斯高阶〔caddie〕Sports One hired to serve as an attendant to a golfer, especially by carrying the golf clubs.【体育运动】 球僮:雇来作为打高尔夫球人的助手,尤指背负高尔夫球棒美国传统〔come under〕In parliament last week the Finance Minister came under heavy pressure to resign.财政部长上星期在议会背负着巨大的辞职压力。柯林斯高阶〔dubious〕Ruth Ellis has the dubious (= bad) distinction of being the last woman to be hanged in Britain.露丝‧埃利斯背负着英国最后一个被绞死的女人这样一个恶名。剑桥高阶〔excess baggage〕The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times.这些较年轻的球员的优势就是他们并不背负以往失利的包袱。柯林斯高阶〔excess baggage〕The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times.这些较年轻运动员的优势就在于他们身上没有背负过去失意的包袱。外研社新世纪〔fight〕With debts of over $2 million, the corporation is fighting for its life (= people are trying hard to stop it being destroyed) 背负了两百多万的债务,公司努力求生。剑桥高阶〔go pear-shaped〕She was in debt, and when she lost her job it all went pear-shaped.她背负债务,失业后情况更是雪上加霜。韦氏高阶〔grade〕There was a lot of pressure on you to obtain good grades.你背负了拿到高分的巨大压力。柯林斯高阶〔load〕The men were struggling with their heavy loads.这些男子背负着重物艰难地行走着。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕The quantity that is or can be carried at one time.装载量:一次所背能或背负负的数量美国传统〔lumber with〕I was lumbered with the job of taking charge of all the money.我背负着掌管财务的重担。柯林斯高阶〔lumber〕How much time and effort is it going to take if you get lumbered with extra work?如果你要背负额外的工作, 那得付出多少时间和努力?外研社新世纪〔neck〕No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck.谁也不应该背负一身债务开始工作生涯。外研社新世纪〔parley〕Will you parley with this dealer in treachery and murder?你愿意和这个商人和谈而背负上叛逆和谋杀的罪名吗?外研社新世纪〔piggyback〕By or relating to a method of transportation in which truck trailers are carried on trains, or cars on specially designed trucks.背负,肩扛:运输的一种方式,其中货车挂车载在火车上,或卡车载在特殊设计的货车上;或与之有关的美国传统〔piggyback〕Flatcars often take trucks piggyback from one place to another.火车平板车常常把卡车从一处背负运输到另一处。英汉大词典〔piggyback〕The act of transporting piggyback.背负式运输,驮运联运美国传统〔put〕The events of the last few weeks have put a real strain on him.过去几周发生的事让他背负了很大的压力。剑桥高阶〔stagger〕The company is staggering under a $15 million debt and will almost certainly collapse by the end of the year.公司背负着1500万美元的债务,举步维艰,年底前几乎肯定要倒闭。剑桥高阶〔stigma〕Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social stigma that it used to.未婚妈妈不再像过去那样在社会上背负恶名了。剑桥高阶〔strain〕I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.我有时觉得背负这笔抵押贷款很有压力。柯林斯高阶〔suicidal〕Taking on more debt would be suicidal for the company at this time.在这种时候背负更多债务可能给该公司带来灭顶之灾。麦克米伦高阶〔tumpline〕A strap slung across the forehead or the chest to support a load carried on the back.背带:一种吊带,套在额头上或胸前,用于背负重物美国传统〔weigh sb down〕Too much responsibility when too young can weigh down on a child.年幼时背负过多的责任会使孩子不堪重负。剑桥高阶The company is burdened with debts of over $10 million.公司背负着 1 000 多万元的债务。牛津商务The company is highly geared, with borrowings of €1.5 million compared with physical assets of €3 million.这家公司背负着大量债务,与 300 万欧元的实物资产相比,借款额就有 150 万欧元。牛津商务The company was saddled with debts of €20 million.公司背负着 2 000 万欧元的债务。牛津商务




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