

单词 debased
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adulterate〕silver debased with copper; 掺有铜的银;美国传统〔corrupt〕debased himself by pleading with the captors; 通过恳求俘获者而使自己蒙羞;美国传统〔debased〕a debased coin/currency 贬值硬币/货币韦氏高阶〔debased〕a debased form of entertainment 低级娱乐形式韦氏高阶〔debased〕one of the most overused and debased words in the language语言中过度使用和贬抑化最严重的词语之一外研社新世纪〔debased〕the debased standards of today's media.当今媒体下滑的水准柯林斯高阶〔debased〕the debased standards of today's media现代媒体降格了的标准外研社新世纪〔debase〕actors who debased themselves by participating in the show 因参加这个节目的演出而自贬声望的演员朗文当代〔degeneration〕the moral degeneration which weakened and debased the highest ranks of society使社会最高阶层遭到削弱和贬损的道德堕落外研社新世纪〔duty〕a debased romanticism which does duty for thought充当思想的一种廉价的浪漫主义外研社新世纪




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