

单词 claims
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔allied〕claims that the UK was too closely allied to the USA to assume a role in Europe宣称英国因与美国有太紧密的结盟关系而不能在欧洲起作用的说法外研社新世纪〔appearance〕the appearance of claims about the minister's private life in the press 关于这位大臣私生活的说法见诸报端牛津高阶〔bogus〕bogus claims of injury by workers 工人们对受伤情况的虚报牛津高阶〔bogus〕bogus insurance claims 虚报的保险索赔朗文当代〔claim〕claims against the company for breach of contract 因公司违反合同而对其提出的索赔牛津搭配〔claim〕claims arising out of accidents at work 工作事故导致的索赔牛津搭配〔claim〕claims for compensation 赔偿的要求朗文当代〔claim〕claims of bullying 声称受到欺侮麦克米伦高阶〔claim〕claims on the offshore waters 对沿海水域提出的主权要求英汉大词典〔claim〕a man in his seventies who refuses to admit the claims of time 一个70多岁还不服老的男子英汉大词典〔claim〕competing claims for public money 竞相申用公款的请求牛津搭配〔claim〕territorial claims 领土要求英汉大词典〔claim〕the competing claims of parents and teachers 家长和教师各执一词的说法朗文当代〔claim〕to investigate claims about appalling prison conditions 调查有关监狱条件极端恶劣的说法牛津搭配〔clearing〕clearings The total of claims presented daily at a clearing-house. clearings 票据交换结算总额:票据交换所中每天进行的交易总额美国传统〔competing〕competing claims 互相矛盾的说法朗文当代〔competing〕competing claims for scarce resources对稀有资源争相宣示所有权外研社新世纪〔consumer〕claims that tobacco companies failed to warn consumers about the dangers of smoking.声称烟草公司未能警示消费者吸烟的危害柯林斯高阶〔consumer〕claims that tobacco companies failed to warn consumers about the dangers of smoking声称烟草公司没有警告消费者吸烟有害外研社新世纪〔debunk〕to debunk the claims of an advertiser驳斥一名广告商的谎言21世纪英汉〔diametric〕be in diametric contradiction to sb.'s claims 同某人的要求正相抵触英汉大词典〔election〕claims that voter fraud had stolen the election for the Republicans 共和党胜选的投票人舞弊之说牛津搭配〔environmentally〕the environmental claims being made for some products.要求一些产品注重保护生态环境的主张柯林斯高阶〔environmental〕the environmental claims being made for some products对一些产品提出的环保主张外研社新世纪〔exaggerated〕exaggerated claims about the drug's benefits 对该药之功效夸大其词的说法麦克米伦高阶〔exaggerated〕to make greatly/grossly/wildly exaggerated claims 提出极为过分的索偿牛津高阶〔expeditiously〕an expeditious system for examining claims for refugee status 快捷高效的难民身份申请审查制度朗文当代〔extravagant〕extravagant claims about the drug's effectiveness 对药品疗效的夸张说法朗文当代〔extravagant〕extravagant claims for success对成功过于迫切的渴求外研社新世纪〔extravagant〕make extravagant claims 提出过分的要求英汉大词典〔falsehood〕to test the truth or falsehood of her claims 检验她陈述的真伪牛津高阶〔file〕file claims for baggage lost on airline flights 提出飞行中行李遗失的赔偿要求英汉大词典〔fraudulently〕fraudulent claims about being a nurse.谎称自己是护士柯林斯高阶〔fraudulent〕fraudulent claims about being a nurse谎称自己是护士外研社新世纪〔fraudulent〕fraudulent insurance claims 诈骗性的保险索赔牛津高阶〔fund〕claims that ministers had misused public funds 部长们滥用公共资金的说法朗文当代〔grandiose〕the grandiose claims made by some researchers一些研究人员的夸夸其谈外研社新世纪〔heal〕a preacher who claims that he can heal the sick 声称会治病的传道士朗文当代〔immodest〕immodest claims in advertising and promotion.在广告和推销上不谦虚的说法美国传统〔litigate〕the cost of litigating personal injury claims in the county court.在县级法院打人身伤害索赔官司的费用柯林斯高阶〔monopoly〕arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.傲慢地宣称唯有其知晓真理美国传统〔niche〕a firm of solicitors that has carved a niche for itself in handling claims for investor compensation.凭借为投资者赔偿诉讼提供服务谋得一席生存空间的律师事务所柯林斯高阶〔niche〕a firm of solicitors that has carved a niche for itself in handling claims for investor compensation一家在投资者索赔业务方面闯出一片天地的律师事务所外研社新世纪〔policy〕the types of claims covered under the policy 保险单涵盖的索赔种类牛津搭配〔processing〕the processing of insurance claims 保险索赔受理韦氏高阶〔processor〕a claims processor 索赔受理公司韦氏高阶〔reason〕she claims with good reason that …她非常合理地声称…外研社新世纪〔represent〕a newspaper that claims to represent ‘Middle England’ 一份声称代表“英格兰中产阶级”观点的报纸麦克米伦高阶〔sign〕signed away all her claims to the estate.签约放弃了她对那块地产的所有权美国传统〔stress〕compensation claims for undue stress in the workplace 因工作压力过大而提出的赔偿要求牛津搭配〔territorial〕have territorial claims against a state 对一个国家有领土要求英汉大词典〔territorial〕territorial claims 领土要求朗文当代〔territorial〕territorial claims by settlers 拓居者的领土(主权)要求韦氏高阶〔unconstitutional〕claims that the President's action was unconstitutional 总统的行为违反了宪法的说法朗文当代〔unsupported〕unsupported claims for weight-loss products毫无根据的申领减肥产品的要求外研社新世纪claims for unemployment benefits 申领失业补助金的要求牛津商务claims of bullying and harassment in the workplace 工作场所遭遇威吓和骚扰的指控牛津商务a claims assessor 估损人牛津商务false marketing claims 虚假的营销口号牛津商务new unemployment insurance claims 新增失业保险索赔牛津商务




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