

单词 纪传
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COME FROM〕Buddhism originated in India and came to China in the first century A.D. 佛教源于印度,公元1世纪传入中国。朗文写作活用〔Titania〕The queen of the fairies and wife of Oberon in medieval folklore.泰坦尼娅:中世纪传说中仙女的王后,仙王奥伯龙的妻子美国传统〔Wandering Jew〕A Jew of medieval legend condemned to wander until the Day of Judgment for having mocked Jesus on the day of the Crucifixion.永世流浪的犹太人:中世纪传说里的一个犹太人,因为在基督受难那天嘲笑基督而被罚到处流浪,直到世界末日美国传统〔carry down〕This custom has been carried down from the 17th century.这种习俗是从17世纪传下来的。21世纪英汉〔introduction〕The potato was a sixteenth century introduction.马铃薯是 16 世纪传进来的。朗文当代〔knight-errant〕A knight, often portrayed in medieval romances, who wanders in search of adventures to prove his chivalry.游侠骑士:经常在中世纪传奇故事中描绘的骑士,他四处漫游冒险以证明自己的骑士风度美国传统The absence or unobtainability of the beloved is an important part of medieval romances.心爱的人的缺失和不可以获得性是中世纪传奇故事的一个重要部分。剑桥国际




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