

单词 救援
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-aided〕food aid convoys. 救援食品护送车队柯林斯高阶〔NEWS〕the latest update on the rescue effort 救援工作的最新消息朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕a totally disorganized rescue effort 毫无组织的救援工作朗文写作活用〔bungle〕a bungled rescue attempt 一次失败的救援行动朗文当代〔co-ordinated〕a rapid and well co-ordinated international rescue operation. 迅速而且协调有序的国际救援行动柯林斯高阶〔co-ordinated〕a rapid and well co-ordinated international rescue operation迅速而且协调有序的国际救援行动外研社新世纪〔convoy〕an aid convoy bringing food to Sarajevo 运送食品到萨拉热窝的救援物资护送车队麦克米伦高阶〔convoy〕humanitarian relief convoys人道主义救援车队外研社新世纪〔daring〕one of the most daring rescues ever attempted 曾尝试过的最勇敢的救援行动之一麦克米伦高阶〔death〕relief missions to try to keep the country's population from starving to death. 努力确保该国人民不被饿死的救援任务柯林斯高阶〔denial〕the denial of visas to international relief workers. 拒绝给国际救援人员发放签证柯林斯高阶〔dramatic〕a dramatic rescue at sea. 一次戏剧性的海上救援美国传统〔dramatic〕a dramatic rescue.激动人心的救援行动。牛津同义词〔futile〕a futile rescue attempt 徒劳的救援努力麦克米伦高阶〔medevac〕a medevac mission/team 空运救援任务/队韦氏高阶〔midlevel〕midlevel managers; a midlevel crisis team. 中级经理;中级紧急救援队美国传统〔mountain〕a mountain-rescue team 山地救援队牛津搭配〔operation〕a rescue operation 救援行动英汉大词典〔quick〕a quick-thinking rescuer 思维敏捷的救援者韦氏高阶〔relief〕a relief column 救援纵队英汉大词典〔relief〕a relief column救援纵队外研社新世纪〔relief〕relief agencies/supplies 救援机构/救济物资剑桥高阶〔rescue〕a mountain rescue team 登山救援队牛津高阶〔rescue〕a mountain rescue team 高山救援队牛津搭配〔rescue〕a rescue boat 救援船英汉大词典〔rescue〕a rescue operation/mission 救援行动/任务韦氏高阶〔rescue〕a rescue team 救援队 英汉大词典〔rescue〕a rescue team/squad 救援队/小组韦氏高阶〔rescue〕a rescue team; a rescue mission. 救援队;营救任务美国传统〔rescue〕go (fly) to the rescue of a stranded ship 赶去(飞去)救援一艘搁浅的船 英汉大词典〔rescue〕rescue a lost traveller from danger and starvation 救援迷途旅客脱离危险并免遭饥饿 英汉大词典〔rescue〕rescue services/workers 救援工作/人员麦克米伦高阶〔rescue〕rescue workers/boats/helicopters 救援人员╱船只╱直升机牛津高阶〔retrieve〕rescue efforts to retrieve the bodies of the victims 找回遇难者尸体的救援工作麦克米伦高阶〔suicidal〕a suicidal rescue attempt 有生命危险的救援尝试韦氏高阶〔supply〕trucks loaded with emergency supplies 载满紧急救援物资的卡车朗文当代〔t.o〕to go to the rescue去救援21世纪英汉〔untiring〕the rescuers' untiring efforts 救援人员的不懈努力韦氏高阶a government-led financial rescue for the firm 政府为公司组织的财政救援牛津商务aid agencies (= organizations that provide help) 救援机构牛津商务




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