

单词 百年
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕For centuries farmers have linked the behavior of animals and plants to changes in the weather. 千百年来,农民将动植物的习性与天气变化联系在一起。朗文写作活用〔DIG〕Lead has been mined in this area for hundreds of years. 这一地区开采铅矿已有几百年的历史了。朗文写作活用〔FAMILY〕Our family has lived around here for hundreds of years. 我们家族居住在这一带已有好几百年了。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕The temperature of the world's oceans has risen by more than 2 degrees in the past hundred years. 世界海洋温度在过去的一百年里上升了两度多。朗文写作活用〔Indian〕The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years.南美印第安人烹食土豆的历史有两千好几百年。外研社新世纪〔LATER〕A hundred years from now there may be no rainforest left. 一百年以后可能就没有热带雨林了。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕The local people still use traditional farming methods which have been used for hundreds of years. 当地人仍在使用已经沿用了几百年的传统耕种方法。朗文写作活用〔READ〕Over the last hundred years, people have become healthier, more literate, and better educated. 几百年来人们已经变得更健康,能读写的人更多,受教育程度更高了。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The flowers have been prized over the centuries for their heady perfume. 这花香气袭人,数百年来都被视为珍品。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕Equal rights for women were necessary to remedy the injustices done to them over the centuries. 女性必须享有平等的权利,以消除数百年来她们所遭遇到的不公正待遇。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕There had not been such severe storms in southern England for hundreds of years. 英格兰南部数百年未遇过如此猛烈的暴风雨。朗文写作活用〔beacon〕As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of beacons was lit across the region.作为百年庆典的一部分,这个地区各处点起了一盏盏信标灯。剑桥高阶〔beatify〕She was beatified by the Pope one hundred years after her death.去世百年后,教皇为她举行了宣福礼。韦氏高阶〔brewery〕The Muller family have been making specialist beers at their brewery in Munster for 200 years.穆勒家族在他们位于明斯特的啤酒厂专门从事啤酒酿制已达两百年之久。外研社新世纪〔celebration〕The town's centennial celebrations will begin with a parade.这个城镇的百年庆典活动将以一场游行拉开帷幕。麦克米伦高阶〔centenary〕A centennial.百年庆典美国传统〔centenary〕Liverpool Cathedral's centenary celebrations利物浦大教堂的百年庆祝活动外研社新世纪〔centennial〕The centennial Olympics will be in Atlanta, Georgia.百年奥运盛典将在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行。柯林斯高阶〔century〕It was the worst storm in nearly a century.这是近一百年来最大的一场暴风雨。麦克米伦高阶〔century〕The drought there is the worst in a century.这是一百年来最严重的旱灾。柯林斯高阶〔century〕The tribe had died out centuries before.该部落早在几百年前就已经消亡了。麦克米伦高阶〔century〕This sculpture must be centuries old.这座雕塑一定有好几百年历史了。剑桥高阶〔coexist〕Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years.银行家与钟表匠已经在伦敦商业区共同存在好几百年了。外研社新世纪〔coexist〕Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years.银行家与钟表匠已经在伦敦城共同存在好几百年了。柯林斯高阶〔contemporary〕Although the play was written hundreds of years ago, it still has a contemporary (= modern) feel to it.这个剧本尽管写于几百年前,但读来仍具现代感。剑桥高阶〔culminate〕The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20.百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。外研社新世纪〔culminate〕The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20.百年庆典活动将在11月20日的宴会中宣告结束。柯林斯高阶〔date〕The custom dates back hundreds of years.这一习俗可以追溯到几百年前。牛津高阶〔develop〕Towns developed along this trade route hundreds of years ago.几百年前就有城市沿着这条商路发展起来。韦氏高阶〔echo down/through the ages〕The ideas of Plato have echoed through the ages.柏拉图的思想已经留传了千百年。剑桥高阶〔ecology〕Herbicides used in the 1970s caused damage to the ecology that would take a hundred years to heal.1970年代所使用的除草剂造成了对自然环境的损害,将需时一百年方能复原。文馨英汉〔erode〕The cliffs have eroded over the centuries. Public confidence in the administration eroded.几百年来悬崖已经被侵蚀了,公众对当局的信心已经被削弱了美国传统〔family〕Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在这个地区务农有几百年了。牛津高阶〔fault〕Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.土地测量员称这种断层带能引发百年一遇的大地震。剑桥高阶〔finest〕This 100-year-old restaurant is among London's finest.这家百年老店是伦敦最棒的餐馆之一。剑桥高阶〔forefather〕Two hundred years ago our forefathers established this nation.二百年前,我们的前辈建立了这个国家。朗文当代〔furrow〕A deep furrow has formed in the rock, where water has run over it for centuries.经过数百年的冲刷,溪水在岩石上刻出了一条深深的沟壑。剑桥高阶〔go back〕These ruins go back hundreds of years.这些遗迹已有数百年历史了。韦氏高阶〔hatred〕The war was fueled by hatreds that were centuries old.这场战争因数百年的积怨愈演愈烈。韦氏高阶〔hence〕What will life be like a century hence? 一百年后生活会是什么样子呢?韦氏高阶〔intact〕Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.即使过了两百年,这房子的大部份还保持完好。牛津高阶〔intermission〕This state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years.这种局面从未间断地持续了一百年。牛津高阶〔interruption〕The dynasty lasted several hundred years, with only a few interruptions.这个王朝延续了几百年,其间仅有几次中断。韦氏高阶〔inviolate〕For centuries the tomb lay inviolate until, by chance, it was discovered by two miners.数百年来这座坟墓未遭破坏,后来偶然被两个矿工发现。剑桥高阶〔in〕We'll all be dead in a hundred years so there's no point worrying about it.百年后我们都已死去,因此为此担心是没有必要的。剑桥高阶〔knock around〕His paintings look as if they have been knocking around for centuries.他的画看上去就像是已经存在几百年了。柯林斯高阶〔knock around〕His paintings look as if they have been knocking around for centuries.他的画看上去就像是有几百年了。外研社新世纪〔living standard〕Living standards have improved over the last century.在过去一百年里生活水平提高了。朗文当代〔lure〕The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years.到非洲猎取大型野生动物的刺激感两百年来一直吸引着欧洲人。外研社新世纪〔make〕One hundred years make up a century.一百年构成一个世纪美国传统〔margin of error〕When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.考古学家在测定有数千年历史的物体的年代时,会允许有几百年的误差。剑桥高阶〔medicinally〕Root ginger has been used medicinally for centuries.几百年来姜根一直作为药用。柯林斯高阶〔mine〕The area has been mined for slate for centuries.这个地区开采板岩有数百年了。牛津高阶〔offspring〕Most 'wild' horses are the offspring of domesticated animals that have been turned loose over the centuries.大多数“野”马都是几百年来被散养的家马的后代。外研社新世纪〔old〕European cities are centuries older than ours.欧洲的城市比我们的城市历史长几百年。麦克米伦高阶〔orbit〕These territories remained within the orbit of the empire for hundreds of years.几百年来,这些领土一直处在帝国的势力范围之内。韦氏高阶〔past〕The old market is a living link with the past, unchanged for hundreds of years.这个老市场数百年来没有变化,是追忆旧时岁月的活化石。牛津搭配〔peg〕As a peg to hang it on, the tournament had the 100th anniversary of Nehru's birth.本次锦标赛是为了纪念尼赫鲁百年诞辰。朗文当代〔preside〕The Queen had presided over the biggest fundamental change in Britain's world role in a couple of hundred years.在这位女王的领导下,英国的世界地位已发生了数百年来最大的根本变化。英汉大词典〔product〕The eastern frontier of France was the product of centuries of historical accidents.法国东部边界是几百年历史变故的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔purist〕They are purists who insist on doing everything just as it has been done for centuries.他们是纯粹主义者, 坚持所有事情都要按照几百年来的方式去做。外研社新世纪〔quarry〕There has been quarrying in the area for centuries.这地方的采石业已有几百年了。牛津高阶〔reinvent〕They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago.他们正在重复发明二百年前中国人已经发明的火药。21世纪英汉〔represent〕To many local people these castles represent a hundred years of foreign domination.对许多当地居民说来,这些城堡是百年外国统治的象征。英汉大词典〔self-doubt〕They have inherited timidity and self-doubt from centuries of subordination.由于几百年来处于唯命是从的地位,他们从祖先那里继承了怯懦与自我怀疑。英汉大词典〔side〕The two tribes had lived peacefully side by side for centuries.这两个部落已经和平共处了几百年。麦克米伦高阶〔smoothly〕The flagstones beneath their feet were worn smooth by centuries of use.他们脚下的石板路经过数百年的踩踏,磨得光溜溜的。柯林斯高阶〔spread〕The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.几百年前始于欧洲的工业革命目前正在全世界蔓延。外研社新世纪〔these〕Leonardo was working in these rooms exactly 500 years ago.五百年以前, 莱奥纳尔多就在这些房间里工作。外研社新世纪〔thresh〕The corn was still sown, cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.玉米的播种、收割、脱粒方法还和一百年前一样。柯林斯高阶〔till〕This piece of land has been tilled for hundreds of years.这块土地已经被耕耘了几百年。剑桥高阶〔time-tested〕These time-tested methods have worked for farmers for hundreds of years.这些久经考验的方法已被农民们使用了数百年。韦氏高阶〔trade〕For centuries, Native Americans traded with European settlers.美洲印第安人和欧洲殖民者做了几百年的生意。剑桥高阶〔treasure trove〕Divers found a treasure trove of gold and silver in the wreckage of a ship that sank hundreds of years ago.潜水者在几百年前沉没的船只残骸中找到了一堆金银财宝。韦氏高阶〔tricentennial〕Tercentenary.三百年的,三百周年的美国传统〔unaltered〕This practice has remained unaltered for centuries.这种习俗已延续了数百年未变。牛津高阶〔undiminished〕A hundred years after his death, his influence remains undiminished.去世一百年之后,他的影响力依然未减。剑桥高阶〔vision〕He tried to vision himself in a past century.他假想自己身处百年之前。21世纪英汉After two hundred years, the town's theatre is still going strong and is as popular as it ever was.镇上的戏院在两百年后依旧富有生气,像以往一样受人欢迎。剑桥国际Although it was written hundreds of years ago it still has a contemporary (=modern) feel to it.尽管它写于几百年前,但读来仍有现代感。剑桥国际As part of the centenary celebrations a chain of beacons was lit across the region.作为百年纪念的一个组成部分,整个地区点起了一系列灯塔。剑桥国际Harvest failures had caused famines on a scale not seen for a century.收获剧减引起了百年未见的大规模饥荒。剑桥国际It is difficult to telescope 200 years of history into one lecture. 把二百年的历史浓缩在一个讲座中很是困难。译典通Our style of living is very different from that of a hundred years ago.我们现在的生活方式与一百年前大不相同。剑桥国际The average human lifespan in the developed countries has increased over the last hundred years.发达国家的人均寿命在过去一百年中有了很大的提高。剑桥国际The tower was reared five hundred years ago. 这座塔是五百年前建造的。译典通Their arguments were valid a hundred years ago and they still hold good today.他们的论点在一百年前是有效的,在今天仍然有用。剑桥国际Their family have farmed this land (= used it for growing crops and raising animals to sell) for a hundred years.他们的家族在这片土地上经营农场有一百年了。剑桥国际These coins were minted in China hundreds of years ago. 这些钱币数百年前铸造于中国。译典通These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries. 这些邻国几百年来和睦相处。译典通These palace records were copied out three and a half thousand years ago by an Egyptian scribe. 这些宫廷的记录是三千五百年前一位埃及的抄写员抄出来的。译典通This 100-year old restaurant is popularly reckoned to be among London's finest.这家有百年历史的老饭店被普遍认为是伦敦的佼佼者之一。剑桥国际This ancient tradition stretches back hundreds of years.这古老的传统从好几百年前延续至今。剑桥国际This is his centennial year and he's been granted the ultimate accolade--his face on a set of three postage stamps.这是他的百年纪念,他已受到了最高赞誉----头像被印在3张一套的邮票上。剑桥国际This piece of land has been tilled for hundreds of years.这块土地已耕耘了几百年了。剑桥国际This sculpture must be centuries old.这座雕塑一定有好几百年了。剑桥国际This takeover is likely to trigger the total disintegration of the century-old firm.这宗收购可能会引发这家百年老企业的彻底解体。牛津商务To celebrate the centennial of the founding of our country, the Central Bank especially issued a set of memorial coins. 为了庆祝建国百年,中央银行特别发行了一套纪念币。译典通We'll all be dead in a hundred years so there's no point worrying about it.百年后我们都已死了,因此担心这是没必要的。剑桥国际When archaeologists date objects that are thousands of years old, they allow a margin of error of several hundred years.考古学家对有数千年历史的物体测定年代时,会允许几百年的误差。剑桥国际




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