

单词 满嘴
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mouthed〕His mouth was full of peas.他满嘴都是豌豆。柯林斯高阶〔RUDE〕If kids are foul-mouthed and rude, it's probably because they hear that kind of language at home. 如果小孩子满嘴脏话,粗鲁无礼,那可能是因为他们在家里听到过那种言语。朗文写作活用〔absurd〕The claims are absurd and they are just lying.这些说法太荒唐了, 他们满嘴胡言。外研社新世纪〔beery〕Someone planted a beery kiss on her lips.某个满嘴啤酒味儿的人在她嘴唇上亲了一下。外研社新世纪〔bs〕That guy's full of BS.那家伙满嘴喷粪。牛津高阶〔consummate〕The man's a consummate liar.这个人满嘴谎言。朗文当代〔crook〕The man is a crook and a liar.那人是个骗子,满嘴谎言。柯林斯高阶〔foul-mouthed〕He's a coarse, foul-mouthed bully.他是一个粗俗无礼、满嘴脏话的恶棍。柯林斯高阶〔foul-mouthed〕He's a coarse, foul-mouthed bully.他是个粗俗的、满嘴脏话的恶霸。外研社新世纪〔full of crap/shit〕That guy is full of shit.那家伙满嘴假话。韦氏高阶〔hot air〕She's full of hot air.她满嘴都是空话。韦氏高阶〔manner〕It's bad manners to talk with your mouth full (=talk and eat at the same time) .满嘴食物讲话是不礼貌的。朗文当代〔mouth〕He coughed as the blood filled his mouth.他咳出的血弄得满嘴都是。牛津搭配〔mouth〕He has a foul mouth on him! 他满嘴脏话!牛津高阶〔mouth〕His mouth was full of peas.他满嘴都是豌豆。外研社新世纪〔mouth〕That guy has quite a mouth on him.那家伙满嘴脏话。韦氏高阶〔piffle〕He talks such a load of piffle.他满嘴胡言乱语。外研社新世纪〔piffle〕He talks such a load of piffle.他满嘴胡说八道。柯林斯高阶〔polite〕It's not polite to talk with your mouth full.满嘴食物时讲话是不礼貌的。朗文当代〔reek〕His breath reeked of tobacco.他满嘴烟臭味。牛津高阶〔reek〕Your breath reeks of stale cigar smoke.你满嘴都是难闻的雪茄味。外研社新世纪〔reek〕Your breath reeks of stale cigar smoke.你满嘴都是难闻的雪茄味。柯林斯高阶〔shit〕She's so full of shit.她满嘴废话。牛津高阶〔stick out〕The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words.与众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话。外研社新世纪〔stick out〕The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words.与众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话。柯林斯高阶〔thieving〕You thieving liar! 你这个满嘴谎话的窃贼!韦氏高阶〔weasel〕The man is a lying, arrogant, backstabbing weasel.这个人是个满嘴谎话、傲慢自负、惯于背后捅刀的卑鄙小人。外研社新世纪〔wisecrack〕He plays a wisecracking detective.他扮演一位满嘴俏皮话的侦探。牛津高阶〔with〕Don't speak with your mouth full.满嘴食物的时候不可以说话。文馨英汉She inherited her mother's full mouth / lips and dark hair.她的丰满嘴唇和黑色头发得自母亲的遗传。剑桥国际We'll get the usual politicians who'll mouth the usual platitudes about ‘the glories of democracy’.我们会碰到通常满嘴诸如“民主的光荣”之类的陈词滥调的那种常见的政客。剑桥国际




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