

单词 状物质
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mössbauer effect〕The recoilless emission of gamma rays by radioactive nuclei of crystalline solids, and the subsequent absorption of the emitted rays by other nuclei.莫士包效应:由晶体状物质的放射性原子核产生的γ射线发出的无后坐力辐射,以及放射线被其他原子核的随后吸收美国传统〔cannabin〕A resinous material extracted from cannabis.大麻苷,大麻脂:从大麻中榨出的一种脂状物质美国传统〔carob〕An edible powder or flour made from the ground seeds and pods of this plant, often used as a substitute for chocolate.角豆粉:一种可食的粉状物质,用角豆树的种子和角豆荚磨制而成,常用作巧克力的替代品美国传统〔cementum〕A bonelike substance covering the root of a tooth.牙骨质:一种覆盖住牙根的骨状物质美国传统〔colloid〕Physiology The gelatinous product of the thyroid gland, consisting mainly of thyroglobulin, which serves as the precursor and storage form of thyroid hormone.【生理学】 甲状腺囊中一种凝胶状物质,主要包含甲状腺球蛋白,作为甲状腺分泌物贮藏处美国传统〔cotton〕Any of various soft, downy substances produced by other plants, as on the seeds of a cottonwood.棉絮:产生于其他植物(如棉白杨种子上)的柔软羽绒状物质美国传统〔culture medium〕A liquid or gelatinous substance containing nutrients in which microorganisms or tissues are cultivated for scientific purposes.培养基:一种含有营养成分的液体或胶状物质,在其中培养微生物或组织并用于科学目的美国传统〔depilatory〕A preparation in the form of a liquid or cream that is used to remove unwanted hair from the body.脱发剂:用于除去身体上不想要的毛发的液状或奶油状物质美国传统〔down〕A soft, silky, or feathery substance, such as the first growth of a human beard.毛状物:一种柔软、丝质或羽毛状物质,如人初次长的胡须美国传统〔duster〕A device for sifting or scattering a powdered substance.喷粉机:用来筛或撒粉状物质的器具美国传统〔encapsulant〕A material used for encapsulating.胶囊密封材料:用来包裹的胶囊状物质美国传统〔frit〕A vitreous substance used in making porcelain, glazes, or enamels.釉料:制陶瓷、釉、或搪瓷的一种玻璃状物质美国传统〔gel〕A colloid in which the disperse phase has combined with the dispersion medium to produce a semisolid material, such as a jelly.凝胶,胶冻:一种胶体,其间分散物质与分散媒介相混合,以制造一种半固体状物质,例如果冻美国传统〔gel〕A jellylike substance used in styling hair.发胶:固定发型时使用的胶状物质美国传统〔inert〕A stone is an inert mass of matter.石头是无生命的块状物质。英汉大词典〔manna〕A sweet granular substance excreted on the leaves of plants by certain insects, especially aphids, and often harvested by ants.某些昆虫,特别是蚜虫排泄在植物叶子上的发甜的粒状物质,经常被蚂蚁收获美国传统〔mealy〕Sprinkled or covered with meal or a similar granular substance.沾满粗粉的:沾满或涂有粗粉或类似小颗粒状物质的美国传统〔meal〕A granular substance produced by grinding.颗粒物:经过碾磨制成的粒状物质美国传统〔mesoglea〕The layer of gelatinous material that separates the inner and outer cell layers of a coelenterate.中胶层:一种将腔肠动物的内外细胞层分开的胶状物质层美国传统〔particulate matter〕Material suspended in the air in the form of minute solid particles or liquid droplets, especially when considered as an atmospheric pollutant.粒状物质:悬浮于空气中以固体或液体微分子状存在的物质,尤指大气污染物美国传统〔reactor〕Electronics A circuit element, such as a coil, used to introduce reactance.【电子学】 电抗器:一种例如线圈般的环状物质,能够产生电抗美国传统〔rope〕A sticky glutinous formation of stringy matter in a liquid.丝状黏质,黏丝:液体中丝状物质的胶粘的组成物美国传统〔silk〕A silky, filamentous material, such as the webbing spun by certain spiders or the styles forming a tuft on an ear of corn.丝状物:柔软光洁的丝状物质,如某些蜘蛛织的网状物或谷物穗上形成毛丛的柱头美国传统〔snuff〕A powdery substance, such as a medicine, taken by inhaling.鼻吸药:用鼻吸入的粉状物质,如药品美国传统〔substance〕The floor was covered with a white, powdery substance that turned out to be flour.地板上撒满的白色粉末状物质原来是面粉。韦氏高阶〔tacamahac〕Any of several aromatic resinous substances used in ointments and incense.塔柯胶:任一种用作油膏和软膏、且带有香味的树脂状物质美国传统〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统〔tube〕A small, flexible cylindrical container sealed at one end and having a screw cap at the other, for pigments, toothpaste, or other pastelike substances.小软管:可弯曲的圆柱形小容器,一头密封,另一头带螺旋盖,用于装入颜料、牙膏等膏状物质美国传统〔vegetable wax〕A waxy substance of plant origin, as that obtained from certain palm trees.植物蜡:源于植物的一种蜡状物质,如从某些棕榈树中提取的蜡状物质美国传统〔vitreous humor〕The clear gelatinous substance that fills the eyeball between the retina and the lens.玻璃体:充满视网膜与晶体之间眼球的无色清晰透明胶状物质美国传统〔vitrify〕To change or make into glass or a glassy substance, especially through heat fusion.玻璃化:尤指通过加热使变成玻璃或玻璃状物质美国传统〔volutin〕A granular substance that stains easily with a basic dye and is often rich in phosphorus, found in the cytoplasm of various bacterial and fungal cells.异染质,迂回体:一种易与基本染料相染常富含磷的颗粒状物质,存在于各种细菌和真菌细胞的细胞质中美国传统




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