

单词 一点也
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔all〕not at all sorry. 一点也不后悔美国传统〔dollop〕not a dollop of truth to the story. 故事一点也不真实美国传统〔dreg〕not a dreg 丝毫不剩(或一点也不) 英汉大词典〔far〕seems far from content; a test of strength that was far from a failure. 一点也不满意;绝对谈不到失败的力量考核美国传统〔groat〕not care a groat 一点也不在乎英汉大词典〔lame〕a lame attempt to apologize; lame excuses for not arriving on time. 一点也不想道歉;令人无法信服的迟到的借口美国传统〔none〕make a wise man of one that is none 把一点也不聪明的人变成个聪明人英汉大词典〔pin〕didn't care a pin about the matter. 一点也不关心这事情美国传统〔sympathetic〕not at all sympathetic to her proposal. 一点也不赞同她的建议美国传统〔thin〕a thin attempt. 一点也不努力美国传统〔whit〕not a whit the wiser一点也不明白,一点也不了解21世纪英汉




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