

单词 比赛开始
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOLLOW〕Just 15 minutes into the race Lawson was already hot on the champion's heels. 比赛开始才15分钟,洛森已紧紧跟上了冠军。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕All bets must be placed before the start of the race. 所有赌注必须在比赛开始之前下押。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Before the game there was a frantic rush to get the last few remaining tickets. 比赛开始前,人们纷纷争抢剩下的最后几张门票。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕The horses were being lined up for the start of the race. 赛马一字排开等待比赛开始。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕The two teams eyed each other warily, waiting for the game to begin. 两支队伍警惕地盯着对方,等待着比赛开始。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕As the race started the crowd pressed forward towards the track. 比赛开始时,人们朝跑道的方向拥挤着。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕We had a short pep talk from the coach before the game. 比赛开始前,教练短短地讲了几句鼓舞士气的话。朗文写作活用〔START〕The referee couldn't start the game because there were fans on the field. 裁判没法宣布比赛开始,因为球场上还有球迷。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕The German team were in deep trouble at the beginning of the match but in the end they came through. 德国队在比赛开始时困难重重,但最后他们安然渡过了。朗文写作活用〔ahead of〕They were trailing us by 5 points earlier in the game, but now they're ahead of us by 7.比赛开始不久他们落后5分,但现在他们领先我们7分。韦氏高阶〔bandy〕The players bandied the ball while they waited for the game to start.队员们把球传来传去,等待着比赛开始。英汉大词典〔barrier〕A movable gate that keeps racehorses in line before the start of a race.起跑屏障:在比赛开始前,使赛马位于线内的可以活动的门美国传统〔begin〕The competition began with one of the teams being disqualified.比赛开始时一支球队被取消了参赛资格。麦克米伦高阶〔bounce back〕We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.在世界杯比赛开始时我们有两三场比赛失利,但后来我们又恢复了状态。柯林斯高阶〔bullish〕The team was in a bullish mood before the start of the game.球队在比赛开始前很乐观。麦克米伦高阶〔concede〕He conceded ten points to me at the start of the game.在比赛开始时他让了我10分。英汉大词典〔count〕When the game gets started, you can count me in.比赛开始的话,也可以算我一个。朗文当代〔early〕He was injured early on in the match.他在比赛开始不久就受了伤。外研社新世纪〔equalize〕Rooney equalized early in the second half.鲁尼在下半场比赛开始后不久将比分扳平。牛津高阶〔field〕The race started with a field of eleven, but two horses fell.比赛开始时有11匹马,但有两匹马摔倒了。剑桥高阶〔fill〕The stadium filled more than an hour before the game.离比赛开始还有一个多小时,体育馆就已经座无虚席。韦氏高阶〔flag〕A green flag indicates the start of the race.绿色信号旗表示比赛开始。麦克米伦高阶〔flag〕The flag went down, and the race began.信号旗落下,比赛开始了。朗文当代〔freestyle〕A style of wrestling in which all noninjurious holds or tactics are permitted.自由式摔跤:一种角力形式,比赛开始允许双方紧握或竞力美国传统〔get into〕The cricket team got into position,and play started.板球队已经就位,比赛开始了。21世纪英汉〔have shot your bolt〕He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.比赛开始时他表现不错,但半场时似乎已经筋疲力尽了。剑桥高阶〔hospitality〕There was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game.比赛开始之前在迎宾套房内举行了一次招待会。朗文当代〔intent〕To all intents and purposes, the race was over after the first two kilometres.实际上, 这场比赛开始两公里后就已经结束了。外研社新世纪〔jump/skip rope〕He jumps rope to warm up before the game.比赛开始前他跳绳热身。韦氏高阶〔knock ... up〕You'd better knock up for a while before starting the game.在比赛开始前你们最好练习一下。21世纪英汉〔knock up〕Let's have a quick knock-up before the game.我们在比赛开始前很快地试打一下吧。剑桥高阶〔matter〕It didn't matter that our best player was injured after ten minutes - we still won.我们最好的球员比赛开始10分钟就受伤了——但这无碍大局,我们还是赢了。剑桥高阶〔muscle〕Russell pulled a back muscle early in the game.比赛开始没多久拉塞尔就拉伤了背部肌肉。剑桥高阶〔neck〕The race started with the horses nearly neck and neck.比赛开始时,所有的马几乎齐头并进。英汉大词典〔no-show〕There were a lot of no-shows at the game.比赛开始时有许多人失约没来。韦氏高阶〔pace〕I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.比赛开始时我的速度很慢,目的是为比赛后半程保持体力。牛津搭配〔penalize〕He was penalized early in the game for uunsportsmanlike conduct.他在比赛开始不久因危险动作而受到处罚。剑桥高阶〔physical〕The referee stepped in because the game had started to get a little too physical.因为比赛开始变得有些粗野了,所以裁判进行了干涉。剑桥高阶〔prickle〕He felt the familiar prickle of excitement as the game began.比赛开始时,他感受到了那种熟悉的兴奋。韦氏高阶〔promisingly〕It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.比赛开始的时候形势大好, 斯皮德以一记精彩的进球先拔头筹。外研社新世纪〔promisingly〕It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.比赛开始的时候形势大好,斯皮德以一记精彩的进球先拔头筹。柯林斯高阶〔pulsate〕Waves of excitement pulsed through us as the race began.比赛开始时我们的心头掠过一阵阵激动。美国传统〔put〕Jones put the ball into the net after only 2 minutes of play.比赛开始才两分钟,琼斯就把球射进了网里。麦克米伦高阶〔read ... out〕The announcer read out the names of the players before the game began.比赛开始前,播音员宣读了运动员的名字。21世纪英汉〔run-up〕When I began to compete, I struggled with my run-up.比赛开始了, 我竭尽全力助跑。外研社新世纪〔spot〕On your map, X marks the spot where the race begins.在你的地图上,X 标示出比赛开始的地点。牛津搭配〔start〕The game started late.比赛开始晚了。韦氏高阶〔start〕The start of the race was delayed.比赛开始的时间推迟了。韦氏高阶〔start〕We gave the youngest children a five-second start (= in a race).比赛开始时我们给年龄最小的孩子五秒钟让先。剑桥高阶〔stretcher〕Ward was stretchered off early in the game.比赛开始不久,沃德就被人用担架抬下场。朗文当代〔tifo〕Most of the supporters seemed to be in good humour, as they displayed their tifo before the match.绝大部分球迷看来心情都很好,在比赛开始前展示了大幅的旗帜。剑桥高阶〔tip-off〕We arrived at the arena just a few minutes before tip-off.我们刚好在比赛开始前几分钟到达球场。韦氏高阶〔tling〕The referee whistled and the game began.裁判员吹了哨,比赛开始。21世纪英汉〔track〕She ran a few laps around the track before the race.比赛开始前,她绕跑道跑了几圈。韦氏高阶〔turn〕Wright turned his ankle in the first minutes of the game.赖特在比赛开始几分钟里就扭伤了脚踝。朗文当代〔watering hole〕I was in my favorite watering hole, waiting for the game to start.我在最喜欢的酒吧里, 等待比赛开始。外研社新世纪〔whistle〕The referee whistled and the game began.裁判哨声一响,比赛开始了。朗文当代〔with〕All of their games begin with the singing of the national anthem.他们在所有比赛开始之前都要唱国歌。韦氏高阶At the start of the competition the three teams looked extremely well matched.比赛开始的时候3支队伍看上去丝毫不相上下。剑桥国际He spends hours rolling the grass before a cricket match.在板球比赛开始之前,他用好几个小时将草地压滚平。剑桥国际He started off playing in junior competitions, but now he's up there with the big boys playing in international matches.他从初级比赛开始干起,但现在他已经与大师们一起在国际赛事中比赛。剑桥国际He started off the game well but seemed to have shot his bolt by half-time.他在比赛开始时不错,但在进行到一半时就似乎已智穷才尽了。剑桥国际It didn't matter that our best player was injured after 10 minutes--we still won.我们最优秀的选手在比赛开始10分钟就受伤了,但这无伤大局----我们仍然赢了。剑桥国际Play was stopped ten minutes after the kickoff.足球比赛开始十分钟后暂停了。剑桥国际The game is now improving after a wretched start.这场比赛开始很糟糕,现在正在好转。剑桥国际The race started with a field of eleven, but two horses fell.比赛开始时共十一匹马参赛,但两匹马摔倒了。剑桥国际The referee stepped in because the game had started to get a bit physical.因为比赛开始变得有些粗野了,所以裁判干涉了。剑桥国际Three minutes into the match, Jackson limped off the pitch with a serious ankle injury.比赛开始三分钟后杰克逊踝关节严重受伤,一瘸一拐地走下球场。剑桥国际We arrived in good time (= We arrived early) for the start of the match.我们及时到达,正赶上比赛开始。剑桥国际




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