

单词 席位
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔allocation〕the allocation of houses (seats) 住房(席位)分配英汉大词典〔elective〕the 34 elective seats in the National Assembly 国民议会中的 34 个选举席位朗文当代〔graphical〕a graphical map of Britain showing the party gains in each area显示该党在英国各个地区所获席位的示意图外研社新世纪〔incumbent〕incumbent seats in the House 现任众议员席位英汉大词典〔jostle〕political candidates jostling for position as the election nears 选举临近时争夺席位的政党候选人韦氏高阶〔lord〕have a majority in the Lords 在 (英国) 上议院占多数席位英汉大词典〔majority〕hold (achieve, obtain, win) a majority in the Parliament 掌握 (得到,取得,赢得) 议会中的多数席位英汉大词典〔majority〕the first Labour government with a clear working majority in the House 第一届在下议院获得明显有效多数席位的工党政府牛津搭配〔marginal〕a Labour marginal 工党的边缘席位牛津高阶〔marginal〕a marginal seat [constituency] 以少数得票差距赢得的席位[选区]文馨英汉〔marginal〕a marginal seat/constituency 以相差无几的票数赢得的席位/选区麦克米伦高阶〔marginal〕a marginal seat/constituency 边缘席位╱选区牛津高阶〔marginal〕the views of voters in five marginal seats. 选民对5个边缘席位的看法柯林斯高阶〔marshal〕marshal the guests at a banquet 为参加宴会的客人安排席位英汉大词典〔ministerial〕the ministerial benches in the House of Commons (英国)下议院执政党席位英汉大词典〔overall majority〕a huge 101-seat overall majority 多达 101 个席位的绝对优势牛津高阶〔parliament〕to win a seat in Parliament 赢得议会中的一个席位牛津高阶〔ringside〕a ringside seat 台边前排席位英汉大词典〔ringside〕a ringside seat 靠近拳击台的观察席位牛津高阶〔run〕his run for a Senate seat from Georgia他竞选佐治亚州参议员席位外研社新世纪〔safe seat〕the young and brilliant Anthony Blair first lost his deposit at Beaconsfield, and then secured the safe seat of Sedgefield. 年轻有为的安东尼·布莱尔先是在比肯斯菲尔德失掉了竞选保证金,而后又在塞奇菲尔德获得了保险席位。柯林斯高阶〔seat〕a Maryland Republican who lost his seat. 一名失掉席位的马里兰州共和党党员柯林斯高阶〔seat〕a permanent seat on the UN Security Council 在联合国安理会的永久席位麦克米伦高阶〔seat〕a seat in Congress 国会的席位牛津搭配〔seat〕a seat in Parliament 议会中的席位英汉大词典〔seat〕a seat in the National Assembly 国民议会中的一个席位朗文当代〔seat〕a seat on the board 董事会的席位牛津搭配〔seat〕a seat on the board 董事会的席位韦氏高阶〔seat〕a seat on the city council/in Parliament/in Congress 市政会╱议会╱国会席位牛津高阶〔seat〕a seat on the federal court 联邦法院的席位韦氏高阶〔seat〕the Senate seat for Colorado 科罗拉多州的参议员席位朗文当代〔seat〕to be seated for a majority获得多数席位21世纪英汉〔seat〕to win/lose a seat(= in an election) (在选举中)赢得╱失去一个席位牛津高阶〔share-out〕the share-out of seats in the transitional government. 过渡政府的席位的平均分配柯林斯高阶〔share-out〕the share-out of seats in the transitional government过渡政府的席位分配外研社新世纪〔sit〕sit in Congress. 国会中的席位美国传统〔vacant〕an election to fill 15 vacant seats in the National Assembly 填补国民议会15个空缺席位的选举麦克米伦高阶




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