

单词 暴政
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GOVERNMENT〕the extraordinary struggle against tyranny in South Africa 反对南非暴政的不平凡的斗争朗文写作活用〔compression〕under the compressions of tyranny 在暴政的高压下英汉大词典〔deliver from〕to deliver the people from tyranny把人民从暴政统治下解救出来21世纪英汉〔deliver〕all those who long to be delivered from slavery/tyranny 渴望摆脱奴役/暴政的所有人韦氏高阶〔desert〕an oasis of democracy in a desert of tyranny暴政荒漠中的一片民主绿洲外研社新世纪〔dissociation〕international dissociation from the dictator's tyranny 国际社会与这独裁者暴政的断绝关系英汉大词典〔grapple〕a final grapple with ecclesiastical tyranny 与教会暴政的最后决战英汉大词典〔grind〕a people ground by tyranny 受暴政压迫的民族英汉大词典〔heavy-handed〕heavy-handed tyranny 残酷的暴政 英汉大词典〔heel〕under the heel of Stalinism; the heel of an autocrat. 斯大林主义暴政之下;独裁者的专制统治美国传统〔misrule〕the misrule of corrupt government officials 贪官污吏的暴政英汉大词典〔murderously〕a murderously intolerant regime 让人难以忍受的残暴政权韦氏高阶〔murderous〕a murderous regime 暴政韦氏高阶〔oppressive〕refugees from the oppressive regime. 逃离暴政的难民柯林斯高阶〔oppress〕a people who were oppressed by tyranny. 被暴政压迫的民族美国传统〔overset〕overset a tyranny 推翻暴政英汉大词典〔pitiless〕the dictator's pitiless rule 独裁者的暴政剑桥高阶〔strangle〕free speech strangled by tyranny 受暴政压制的言论自由英汉大词典〔thuggish〕a thuggish regime 暴政政权韦氏高阶〔tyrannize〕a government that tyrannizes its own people 对人民施以暴政的政府韦氏高阶〔tyrannize〕a political leader who tyrannizes over his people 对人民施行暴政的政治头领牛津高阶〔tyranny〕a nation ruled by tyranny 暴政统治下的国家韦氏高阶〔tyranny〕a victim of oppression and tyranny 压迫和暴政的受害者牛津高阶〔tyranny〕organizations which have criticized the tyrannies of the government 批判政府暴政的组织朗文当代〔tyranny〕the fight against tyranny 反对暴政的斗争朗文当代〔underneath〕live underneath a crushing tyranny 生活在难以忍受的暴政下 英汉大词典〔under〕groan under tyranny 在暴政下呻吟 英汉大词典〔uprising〕stage an armed uprising against tyranny 举行武装起义反对暴政英汉大词典〔usurpative〕the tyranny of some usurpative minority 少数人专权的暴政英汉大词典〔yoke〕the yoke of tyranny 暴政的奴役韦氏高阶




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