

单词 腐殖质
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chernozem〕A very black topsoil, rich in humus, typical of cool to temperate semiarid regions, such as the grasslands of European Russia.黑钙土:含丰富腐殖质的一种很黑的地表土,产于俄罗斯欧洲部分的草原地区等干旱温凉地带美国传统〔cover crop〕A crop, such as winter rye or clover, planted between periods of regular crop production to prevent soil erosion and provide humus or nitrogen.间作:在常规农作物生长间期内种植的农作物,比如冬麦或三叶草,以预防土壤侵蚀并能提供腐殖质和氮美国传统〔mold〕Loose, friable soil, rich in humus and fit for planting.松软沃土:疏松,易碎的土壤,富含腐殖质并适宜种植美国传统〔texture〕Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture.蚯蚓吃下大量土壤, 排出富有肥力、质地优良的腐殖质。外研社新世纪〔texture〕Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture.蚯蚓吃下大量土壤,排出肥力丰富、物理结构理想的腐殖质。柯林斯高阶I mixed some peat into the soil before I put the plants into the garden.把植物种在花园里之前,我在土里混入一些腐殖质。剑桥国际




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