

单词 腐烂物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔leak〕The smell of putrefaction leaks up into the house.腐烂物的臭味渗上来进入屋内。英汉大词典〔miasma〕A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease.臭气,瘴气:有毒的空气,最初被认为源自烂池塘和腐烂物并可致病美国传统〔muskeg〕A swamp or bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves, and decayed matter resembling peat.厚苔沼:类似泥炭地的沼泽地,由水藓、叶子和腐烂物质的堆积物形成美国传统〔putrefaction〕Putrefied matter.腐烂物:腐烂的物质美国传统〔putrescence〕Putrid matter.腐烂物:腐烂发臭东西美国传统〔scavenger〕An animal, such as a bird or an insect, that feeds on dead or decaying matter.食腐动物:一种以死亡或腐烂物为食的如鸟或昆虫之类的动物美国传统〔taint〕To become affected with decay or putrefaction; spoil.感染,腐败:变得使受腐败或腐烂物影响;腐坏美国传统The rubbish dump is turning into a heap of putrefaction (= decaying matter).垃圾堆正变成一堆腐烂物。剑桥国际The stone steps were covered with mold and ulcers. 石头台阶被霉和腐烂物覆盖著。译典通




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