

单词 每周
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NEWS〕a weekly news bulletin 每周的新闻简报朗文写作活用〔budget〕budget £9 a week for heating 每周花9英磅作取暖费英汉大词典〔chart〕the records high up in the charts 在每周流行唱片榜上名列前茅的唱片英汉大词典〔crank〕crank out two articles a week 每周机械地凑成两篇文章英汉大词典〔develop〕weekly workshops that are designed to develop acting and theatre skills. 为了提高表演和舞台技巧而设的每周一次的培训班柯林斯高阶〔draw ... down〕to draw down $ 500 a week每周挣500美元21世纪英汉〔draw〕to draw a salary of $500 a week领取每周500美元的薪金21世纪英汉〔employee〕employees who work more than 20 hours per week 每周工作 20 小时以上的雇员牛津搭配〔every〕every day/week/month etc (=at least once on each day, in each week etc) 每天/每周/每月等朗文当代〔gain〕a gain in weekly output 每周产量的增加朗文当代〔go〕go on to a 5-day week 采用每周5天工作制英汉大词典〔grocery〕my weekly groceries 我每周所需的食品杂货牛津搭配〔guesswork〕weekly shopping lists that take the guesswork out of meal planning 打消人们对一日三餐食谱猜测的每周购物清单牛津搭配〔hour〕the number of contact hours per week 每周的面授课时数牛津搭配〔institution〕the institution of the forty-hour week. 每周 40 小时工作制的建立柯林斯高阶〔lash〕lash out some thirty-four million copies of newspaper a week 每周发行约3千4百万份报纸英汉大词典〔linen〕wash bed linen once a week 每周洗一次床单和枕套英汉大词典〔magazine〕a new weekly magazine programme 每周播放的新的板块节目麦克米伦高阶〔man〕cancer helpline nurses who man a telephone five days a week每周五天接听癌症热线电话的护士们外研社新世纪〔moderate〕moderate on a weekly panel show 当每周一次的电视讨论节目的主持人英汉大词典〔more〕cost sb. no more than one hundred dollars a week 使某人每周最多花费100美元 英汉大词典〔old-time〕an old-time dance hall which still has a tea dance on Monday afternoons. 每周一下午依旧举办茶话舞会的老式舞厅柯林斯高阶〔old-time〕an old-time dancehall that still has a tea dance on Monday afternoons每周一下午依旧举办茶话舞会的老式舞厅外研社新世纪〔once〕once a week每周一次外研社新世纪〔part〕an encyclopedia published in 25 weekly parts 每周出版一部,共 25 部的百科全书。牛津高阶〔ration〕the weekly meat ration 肉类的每周配给量朗文当代〔remittance〕make a weekly remittance 每周汇款 英汉大词典〔shop〕have one big shop a week with a small mid-week shop for perishables 在每周作一次大采购的同时于周三作一次不易保鲜食物的小采购英汉大词典〔stablemate〕the Daily News and its stablemate the Weekly News 《每日新闻》及其姊妹刊物《每周新闻》剑桥高阶〔survive〕the amount that a family needs each week just to survive 一个家庭每周维持生计所需要的钱朗文当代〔weekly〕a magazine published weekly since 2 January 1909. 从1909年1月2日起每周发行的杂志柯林斯高阶〔weekly〕a twice-weekly meeting 每周两次的会议剑桥高阶〔weekly〕a weekly magazine/report 周刊杂志/每周报告剑桥高阶〔weekly〕twice-weekly flights 每周两次的航班朗文当代〔weekly〕write a weekly letter to sb. 给某人每周写一封信英汉大词典〔workload〕a teacher's weekly workload 教师的每周课时量英汉大词典〔work〕work 40 hours a week 每周工作40小时 英汉大词典semi-weekly meetings (= twice a week) 每周两次的会议牛津商务the hotel's daily/weekly tariff 酒店每日/每周价目表牛津商务workers on basic wages of €500 per week 每周基本工资为 500 欧元的工人牛津商务




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