

单词 最上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕I can't reach the top shelf.我够不着最上面的架子。柯林斯高阶〔Blue Lodge〕A Freemasonry lodge in which the first three degrees, bearing blue decorations, are conferred.蓝色旅馆:一种共济旅馆。最上面三层呈蓝色装饰,作共济用美国传统〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The pole was just long enough to reach the top window. 这竿子正好够长伸到最上面的那扇窗。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕People had climbed into the upper branches of the tree to escape the rising waters. 人们爬到最上面的树枝躲避不断升高的水。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕We always sat in the top tier of seats. 我们总是坐最上面的一排座位。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕The toy is made so that when you hold the top square, the rest fall down one after another, making a clacking noise. 这种玩具,你拿着最上面的方块,其余的就会哗啦啦地一块接一块落下来。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕He keeps his private papers locked away in the top drawer of his desk. 他把私人文件锁存在书桌的最上层抽屉里。朗文写作活用〔TOP〕Human bones were found in the uppermost level of rock. 在岩石的最上层发现了人类骨骼。朗文写作活用〔TOP〕Put the papers in the top drawer of the filing cabinet. 把文件放在文件柜最上面的抽屉里。朗文写作活用〔TOP〕The books are on the top shelf. 书在最上面的架子上。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, along with my other important documents. 我把保单连同其他重要文件放在最上面的抽屉里。朗文写作活用〔block〕I tore a sheet off the top of the block.我从这叠纸的最上面撕下了一张。外研社新世纪〔brim〕The rim or uppermost edge of a hollow container or natural basin.边沿,边缘:浅底容器或自然盆地的边缘或最上边美国传统〔bureau〕The book is on top of my bureau.那本书在我衣橱的最上面。韦氏高阶〔button〕He buttoned the top button of his shirt.他把衬衣最上面一颗纽扣扣起来。英汉大词典〔button〕He had undone the top button of his shirt.他解开了衬衫最上面的纽扣。麦克米伦高阶〔button〕He took off his tie and undid the top button of his shirt.他摘下领带,解开衬衫最上面的纽扣韦氏高阶〔button〕The top button of his shirt was undone.他衬衣最上面的扣子没有扣。牛津搭配〔capstone〕The top stone of a structure or wall.拱顶石,压顶石,顶层石:建筑物或墙的最上面一层石头美国传统〔check〕If you're looking for a spoon, check the top drawer.如果要找汤匙,就查看最上面的抽屉。韦氏高阶〔circle〕She moves in the highest social circles.她活跃于最上流社交圈。牛津搭配〔deal up〕The prosecutors hoped to deal up to the very top.原告希望同被告的最上层达成幕后交易。21世纪英汉〔do〕You don't need to do up the top button.你不必扣最上面的纽扣。麦克米伦高阶〔drawer〕The photos are in the top drawer of my desk.照片在我书桌最上面的抽屉里。麦克米伦高阶〔drop〕My top button has dropped off.我衣服最上面的那颗扣子掉了。英汉大词典〔euphotic〕Of, relating to, or being the uppermost layer of a body of water that receives sufficient light for photosynthesis and the growth of green plants.(海)透光层的:属于、关于或组成水体最上层的,该层可接受充足的光线以利于绿色植物的光合作用和生长美国传统〔flight deck〕The upper deck of an aircraft carrier, used as a runway.飞行甲板:航空母舰上最上层的用作飞机起降区域的甲板美国传统〔frons〕The anterior, uppermost part of the head of an insect.额:昆虫头壳前方最上部美国传统〔futtock plate〕An iron plate attached horizontally to the top of the lower mast to secure the topmast rigging and the upper ends of the futtock shrouds.内龙骨翼板:一种用于保护中桅索具和桅楼侧支索的最上端部分而水平地安装在低桅顶端的铁板美国传统〔go down〕This restaurant which was once one of the best in New York,has gone down steadily in the past few months.这家曾经是纽约最上等的餐馆,近几个月声望在逐渐下降。21世纪英汉〔go〕The book goes on the top shelf.这本书放在书架最上面一格里。朗文当代〔go〕The shirts go in the top drawer.衬衫放在最上面的抽屉里。英汉大词典〔go〕This dictionary goes on the top shelf.这部词典放在书架最上层。牛津高阶〔grade〕The best grades of tea are expensive.最上等的茶价格很贵。朗文当代〔guideword〕A word or term that appears at the top of each page or column in a reference book, such as a dictionary, to indicate the first or last entry on the page.眉题:工具书中,如字典中每一页或每一列最上方出现的字或词,用来标明该页起首和末尾的词条美国传统〔head〕Every day a different name was placed at the head of the chart.每天都有一个不同的名字被列在这张表的最上端。柯林斯高阶〔honesty〕Honesty is the best policy.【谚】诚实为最上策。文馨英汉〔ilium〕The uppermost and widest of the three bones constituting either of the lateral halves of the pelvis.髂骨:形成骨盆侧面的三块骨头中最上面和最宽的那块美国传统〔involve〕The best of her housekeeping jobs involved looking after a family of ten.在她所做过的管家工作中,最上乘的要算是照管一个十口之家了。英汉大词典〔lift〕The lift serves the top four floors of the building.这部电梯为大楼最上面的 4 个楼层服务。牛津搭配〔litter〕The uppermost layer of the forest floor consisting chiefly of fallen leaves and other decaying organic matter.(树林里的)枯枝落叶层:森林地表的最上一层,主要由落叶和其他有机物组成美国传统〔mat〕The top few buttons on his shirt were open, revealing a mat of dark hair on his chest.他衬衫最上面的几颗纽扣没系上,露出一片黑色的胸毛。剑桥高阶〔miscellany〕The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.最上层的抽屉装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。柯林斯高阶〔miscellany〕The top drawer held a miscellany of foreign coins and banknotes.最上面的抽屉里装着各式各样的外国硬币和钞票。外研社新世纪〔monument〕Her recordings of the complete Preludes and Fugues are the finest monuments to a much lamented artist.她录制的完整版《前奏曲与赋格曲》是她作为一位令人无比缅怀的艺术家最上乘的不朽之作。外研社新世纪〔nonresidential〕The bottom floor of the building is for nonresidential use and the top two floors have apartments.这个楼房的底层不用于居住,最上面两层有公寓。韦氏高阶〔on top〕She picked the card on top.她拿了最上面那张牌。韦氏高阶〔parcel〕Place the fish on top, tucking any tail ends under to make neat parcels.把鱼放在最上面,再把尾部塞进去,使小食包光滑整洁。牛津搭配〔peanut gallery〕The hindmost or uppermost section of seating in a theater balcony, where the seats are cheapest.廉价票区:戏院楼座最后面或最上面的最便宜座位区美国传统〔pile〕I grabbed a shirt from the top of the pile.我从一摞衣服的最上面抓起一件衬衣。牛津搭配〔pop〕The top button popped off my shirt.最上面的纽扣突然从我衬衫上掉了下来。朗文当代〔rocket〕The relationship rocketed him to a position near the top of the state hierarchy.这种关系使他的地位迅速上升到接近国家统治集团的最上层。英汉大词典〔screed〕A smooth final surface of a substance, such as concrete, applied to a floor.磨光面:用于地板上的物质最上层的光滑表面,例如混凝土美国传统〔shelf〕He took a book down from the top shelf.他从架子最上层拿下了一本书。牛津搭配〔shelf〕The book I wanted was on the top shelf.我想要的那本书在书架的最上层。牛津高阶〔slap〕He slapped the packages down on the top step.他啪的一声把包放在最上面的台阶上。麦克米伦高阶〔stair〕The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.她上楼时最上面一级楼梯咯吱一响,吵醒了她母亲。剑桥高阶〔step〕She paused on the top step.她在最上一级台阶上停了下来。牛津搭配〔superfine〕Of exceptional quality or refinement.特级的:最上品的或极精致的美国传统〔surface〕The outer or the topmost boundary of an object.表面:物体的最外或最上边界美国传统〔there〕Look in the top drawer. You'll probably find it there.朝最上面那只抽屉里看一下,你或许会在那里找到它。英汉大词典〔tier〕We were sitting in the top tier.我们坐在最上面一排。外研社新世纪〔topmost〕Highest; uppermost.最高的;最上面的美国传统〔topsoil〕To remove the surface layer of soil from (land).去掉表土:将土壤最上面的一层从(土地上)清除掉美国传统〔top〕I can't reach the top shelf.我够不到最上面的架子。外研社新世纪〔top〕I found the letter in the top drawer of his desk.我在他书桌最上面的抽屉里发现了那封信。朗文当代〔top〕She kept her passport in the top drawer.她把护照存放在最上层抽屉里。牛津高阶〔top〕Something, such as a lid or cap, that covers or forms an uppermost part.盖,冠:盖或形成最上面部分的东西,例如盖或帽子美国传统〔top〕The book I wanted was at the very top of the pile.我想要的书在这摞书的最上面。朗文当代〔top〕The cake was a bit burnt on top.蛋糕最上面有点烤焦了。朗文当代〔top〕The top few steps were damaged and broken.最上面几级梯级受损断了。剑桥高阶〔top〕The uppermost part, point, surface, or end.顶,顶端:最上面的部分、点、表面或尾部美国传统〔top〕To put the framework for the top story on (a building).封顶:为(楼房的)最上面一层筑好框架美国传统〔turf〕A surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its matted roots; sod.草皮,草根土:地面最上层的土层,包括厚密的草和垫子一样的根;草地美国传统〔turn〕The top sheet had been neatly turned down.最上层被单的边角已被掖得整整齐齐。麦克米伦高阶〔undone〕Leave the top button of your shirt undone.你衬衫最上面的纽扣不用扣。麦克米伦高阶〔unfasten〕He unfastened the top button of his shirt.他解开了衬衫最上面的那颗扣子。朗文当代〔unfasten〕Unfasten your top button.解开你最上面的纽扣。麦克米伦高阶〔unwalkable〕The top step is 2 feet high and unwalkable.最上面的一级台阶两英尺高,难以行走。英汉大词典〔upmost〕Uppermost.最高的,最上面的,最重要的,最突出的,最显著的,最主要的美国传统〔uppermost〕The building's uppermost floors were engulfed with flames.办公大楼的最上面几层陷入一片火海之中。剑桥高阶〔uppermost〕The rain spattered on the uppermost leaves.雨水溅落在最上面的树叶上。外研社新世纪〔uppermost〕The rain spattered on the uppermost leaves.雨溅落在最上面的树叶上。柯林斯高阶A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。译典通Gitano placed his hand on the top rail of the fence.吉它诺把手搁在篱笆最上面的横档上。剑桥国际He buttoned the top button of his shirt. 他把衬衫最上面一颗钮扣扣起来。译典通I joined the firm as a factory hand and gradually worked my way up to the top.我以工人的身份加入企业,逐渐地通过努力越做越高,一直做到了最上层。剑桥国际Many women feel they cannot apply for the top jobs because of domestic commitments.许多妇女认为由于家庭责任,她们不能争取最上层的工作。剑桥国际New Zealand has already shown that it can produce some of the finest white wines in the world.新西兰已经表明它能够生产一些世界上最上乘的白葡萄酒。剑桥国际Sedimentary rock forms the top geological layer in much of southern Britain.在英国南部的大部分地方,沉积岩形成了地质层的最上层。剑桥国际The book I wanted was on the top shelf.我要的那本书在书架的最上面一层。牛津商务The burglars gained entry (= entered the building) by a top window.窃贼是从最上面的窗户进去的。剑桥国际The office block's uppermost floors (= those in the highest position) were engulfed with flames.办公楼的最上面几层陷入了火海中。剑桥国际The top few buttons on his shirt were open, revealing a mat of dark hair on his chest.他衬衫的最上面的几粒钮扣敞开着,露出一片黑色的胸毛。剑桥国际The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.她上楼时,最上面的一级梯级吱嘎作响,这声音把她母亲给吵醒了。剑桥国际The top string on your violin is flat.你的小提琴最上面的那根弦低了半音。剑桥国际Your writing materials are in the top drawer of your desk. 你的书写文具在你书桌的最上面的抽屉里。译典通




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