

单词 或一段
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔braid〕A braided segment or length, as of hair, fabric, or fiber.如头发、织物或纤维的编织部分或一段美国传统〔counterpoint〕A composition or piece that incorporates or consists of contrapuntal writing.对位法作品:具有或由对位法作品构成的作词或一段美国传统〔date〕A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen.某事物发生的日期:某事物发生、存在或即将发生的特定的点或一段时间美国传统〔dithyramb〕A wildly enthusiastic speech or piece of writing.充满激情的演讲或一段文章美国传统〔festival〕An occasion for feasting or celebration, especially a day or time of religious significance that recurs at regular intervals.节日,喜庆日:享受或庆贺的时节,尤指在宗教意义上有定期间隔的一天或一段时间美国传统〔flora〕A treatise describing the plants of a region or time.植物志:一本专门描写一个地区或一段时间内的植物群落的书美国传统〔handle〕Games The total amount of money bet on an event or over a set period of time.【游戏】 赌注:在一次或一段固定的时间内的用来打赌的钱的总数美国传统〔lap〕A segment or stage, as of a trip.(旅行的)某段行程:一部分或一段,例如一段旅行美国传统〔midpoint〕Mathematics The point of a line segment or curvilinear arc that divides it into two parts of the same length.【数学】 中点:一条线段或一段弧上的一点,该点将此线段或弧平分为等长的两部分美国传统〔midway〕The middle of a way or distance.中途,半途:一条路或一段距离的中间美国传统〔pipe〕A section or piece of such a tube.截导管:这种管子的一部分或一段美国传统〔post on〕They can snap a photo or short video and in seconds post it on their blog.他们能抓拍一张快照或一段短视频并立即将其发在自己的博客上。外研社新世纪〔postlude〕A final chapter or phase.尾章,结束语,后记,跋:最后的一张或一段美国传统〔sample〕A portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole.样品,试样:代表整体的一部分,一片或一段美国传统〔sampling〕A small portion, piece, or segment selected as a sample.样本:选择出来作为取样的一小部分,一片,或一段美国传统〔scurrility〕A vulgar, coarse, or abusive remark or passage.粗鄙的话,脏话:粗俗的、下流的、辱骂的评论或一段话美国传统〔soliloquy〕A specific speech or piece of writing in this form of discourse.自言自语:以这种方式说出一个具体的演说或一段文字美国传统〔trek〕A journey or leg of a journey, especially when slow or difficult.长途跋涉,缓慢旅行:一个旅程或一段旅程,尤指较缓慢的或艰难的旅程美国传统〔widow〕A short line at the bottom of a page, column, or paragraph.末行:一页、一个栏目或一段落的最末的一短行美国传统




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