

单词 段长
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECOVER〕It seems to be taking me a long time to shake off this cold. 看来我要过一段长时间感冒才会好。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕There was a long pause, and she was about to put the phone down when the voice came back again. 有一段长时间的停顿,她刚要放下听筒,声音又从里面传来。朗文写作活用〔continual〕These adjectives are compared as they mean occurring over and over during a long period of time.这些形容词可以互相比较,它们都表示在一段长时期内一再发生的。美国传统〔cord〕You need a piece of thick cord about two feet long.你需要一段长约 2 英尺的粗绳。牛津搭配〔essay question〕A test question that calls for a written answer of a specified length, especially a short essay.申论题:一种考试方式,要求用一段长度的文字写出来回答,特别是一段论说文美国传统〔fallow〕Contemporary dance is coming onto the arts scene again after a long fallow period.当代舞蹈经过一段长时期销声匿迹以后现在又回到了艺术舞台。牛津高阶〔fruitfully〕We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.我们有过一段长久、愉快、双方都获益良多的关系。柯林斯高阶〔fruitful〕We had a long, happy, fruitful relationship.我们曾有过一段长时间、愉快、颇有成效的关系。外研社新世纪〔hike〕It was quite a hike to the camp.去营地要走段长路。英汉大词典〔inaccessible〕A long flight of stairs made the center inaccessible to disabled visitors.一段长长的台阶使残疾的参观者难以到达中心。朗文当代〔interval〕There was a long interval of silence.有一段长时间的沉默。外研社新世纪〔kink〕A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.扭结:一段长度的材料产生的绷紧的卷曲,曲折或弯曲,例如因拉紧线的有环部分美国传统〔last〕Will our money last long? 我们的钱够用一段长时间吗?英汉大词典〔log〕A long, thick section of trimmed, unhewn timber.未经刨削的木材:经过修整,未刨削的一段长而粗的木料美国传统〔punctuated equilibrium〕The theory that speciation occurs in spurts of major genetic alterations that punctuate long periods of little change.断续性平衡理论:一种理论,指物种每隔一次较短期的基因急剧变化后,就会出现一段长时期相当稳定的状态美国传统〔set〕Shortly after the business started, a long economic downturn set in.开业不久,一段长期的经济衰退就降临了。麦克米伦高阶After a long sea voyage the boat needed a refit.经过一段长途的航海后,船需要整修。剑桥国际During a long period of captivity or confinement your biorhythms can re-adjust to a time clock which may not be a 24-hour cycle.经过一段长时间的囚禁或幽禁,你的生物节律可以重新调整到一个可能不是二十四小时一个周期的生物钟上。剑桥国际From there it was a long haul / only a short haul (=long and difficult / short and easy journey) back to our camp.从那里回到营地是一段长而艰辛 / 短而轻松的旅程。剑桥国际He returned to work in November after a lengthy period of rest and recuperation.经过一段长时间的休息疗养,他在十一月份回来上班了。剑桥国际He shook her by the shoulders, but she took an alarmingly long time to open her eyes.他摇着她的肩膀,但她过了一段长得惊人的时间才睁开了眼睛。剑桥国际It's quite a haul (=a long and difficult walk) up the hill.上山是一段长而艰难的行程。剑桥国际Sally's parents have had a long and happy marriage.萨莉的父母有一段长久而美满的婚姻。剑桥国际That last hill before the finishing-line was a long slog! 终点线前的最后一个斜坡是一段长而艰难的赛程。剑桥国际That long walk has certainly sharpened my appetite.那段长的散步当然增进了我的食欲。剑桥国际There's often a long interval between an author completing a book and it appearing in the shops.从作者完成一本书到它出现在书店里时常有一段长的间隔。剑桥国际




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