

单词 一幕
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔debauchery〕scenes of drunkenness and debauchery. 一幕幕纵情酒精、声色犬马的场面柯林斯高阶〔degeneracy〕a scene of historical degeneracy 历史倒退的一幕英汉大词典〔destruction〕a scene of destruction 破坏的一幕韦氏高阶〔edit〕edited the best scene out. 删掉最好的一幕美国传统〔escapade〕the scene of Robin Hood's escapades. 罗宾汉大胆冒险的那一幕柯林斯高阶〔film〕film a rocket launch; film a scene from a ballet. 拍摄火箭发射;摄制芭蕾舞的一幕美国传统〔finale〕the finale of a dance drama 舞剧的最后一幕英汉大词典〔final〕the final act of the play 最后一幕戏韦氏高阶〔heartwarming〕a heartwarming sight 暖人心房的一幕朗文当代〔l〕act one, scene two, l 25 第一幕第二场第25行韦氏高阶〔mighty〕a mighty impressive sight 令人印象极其深刻的一幕麦克米伦高阶〔play out〕the bizarre scenario that had been played out in the upstairs room楼上房间里上演的那古怪的一幕外研社新世纪〔re-create〕re-create the scenes of the past in one's imagination 使一幕幕往事再现于脑海英汉大词典〔review〕pass one's life in review 一幕幕详尽回顾自己的一生英汉大词典〔shameful〕the most shameful episode in US naval history美国海军史上最耻辱的一幕外研社新世纪〔show〕one of the acts in the show 戏剧演出的其中一幕牛津搭配〔spectacle〕the sad spectacle of him struggling to keep up with the younger players 他拼命要赶上年轻选手的令人心酸的一幕牛津搭配〔two-man〕a two-man comedy act 一幕二人演的喜剧英汉大词典〔vibrant〕a vibrant scene of village life 一幕生气盎然的乡村生活场景英汉大词典




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