

单词 救生用具
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔kapok〕A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk-cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows, mattresses, and life preservers.木棉:一种绢状纤维,从木棉树的果实中提取出来,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕头,褥垫和救生用具中的垫料美国传统〔life belt〕A life preserver worn like a belt.救生带:一种带状的救生用具美国传统〔life jacket〕A life preserver in the form of a sleeveless jacket or vest.救生衣:一种形状象无袖夹克衫或背心的救生用具美国传统〔life preserver〕A buoyant device, usually in the shape of a ring, belt, or jacket, designed to keep a person afloat in the water.救生用具:一种有浮力的装置,通常是圈状、带状或夹克衫状,用途是使人能浮在水中美国传统〔lifesaver〕A life preserver shaped like a ring.救生圈:圈状救生用具美国传统




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