

单词 放在一起
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUSH〕I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine. 我把脏衣服放在一起,塞进洗衣机。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕We had a few small problems when we were putting the design together, but it works fine now. 我们把设计放在一起的时候有些小问题,不过现在已经解决了。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Put it over there along with the other presents. 把它放到那边去,和其他礼物放在一起。朗文写作活用〔album〕A set of phonograph records stored together in jackets under one binding.一套唱片,一套录音磁带:放在封套里存放在一起的一套唱片或录音磁带美国传统〔alongside〕Put this cloth alongside real silk, and you will at once see the difference.把这块料子同真丝放在一起相比,就立刻见出不同来了。英汉大词典〔approximate〕To bring together, as cut edges of tissue.使接合:放在一起,如切除组织的边缘美国传统〔belong〕Are you sure these documents belong together? 你肯定这些文件应放在一起吗?牛津高阶〔belong〕These papers belong with the others.这些报纸应该和其他的放在一起。剑桥高阶〔bring〕Bring the two edges together and stick them down.将两条边放在一起,把它们粘住。麦克米伦高阶〔bundle〕A group of objects held together, as by tying or wrapping.捆,包裹物:通过包或绑而放在一起的一些东西美国传统〔butt joint〕A joint formed by two abutting surfaces placed squarely together.对接,端接:将两个邻接的表面成直角地放在一起的连接美国传统〔butter〕Cream the butter and icing sugar together until light and fluffy.把黄油和糖粉放在一起搅成轻软的糊状。牛津搭配〔candied〕Beat the egg yolks with the candied sugar.将蛋黄和砂糖放在一起打散。外研社新世纪〔caprice〕These nouns are compared as they denote an impulsive or unexpected notion.这些名词被放在一起进行比较是因为它们都表示一个出于冲动的或未被料及的想法。美国传统〔class action〕Plaintiffs' lawyers have tried to get the courts to combine all the potential suits into a single class action.原告律师试图让法庭将所有潜在的诉讼放在一起,成为一个集体诉讼。剑桥高阶〔collection〕A group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept together.收集物:一组物体或作品供欣赏、研究或放在一起保存美国传统〔collocate〕To place together or in proper order; arrange side by side.把…并置排列:放在一起或按顺序排放;并列排置美国传统〔compare apples and/to/with apples〕The article compares apples to apples, grouping wines of the same variety and price together.这篇文章把相同品种和价格的葡萄酒放在一起,做了同类比较。韦氏高阶〔comparison〕Let's put them side by side for comparison.把它们放在一起比较一下吧。牛津搭配〔contrast〕Silk was used with wool for contrast.为了形成鲜明的对比, 丝绸和羊毛被放在一起使用。外研社新世纪〔contrast〕The use of opposing elements, such as colors, forms, or lines, in proximity to produce an intensified effect in a work of art.明暗对比:在一件艺术品中将相对的要素(如颜色、形状、线条等)放在一起使用以产生强烈的对比效果美国传统〔crowd〕A large number of things positioned or considered together.大堆,大量:被放在一起的或被认为一起的许多东西美国传统〔en bloc〕We need to consider the proposals en bloc.我们需要把这些提议放在一起考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔group〕Different flowers can be grouped together to make a colourful display.可以把不同的花放在一起,布置得绚丽多姿。朗文当代〔individually〕There are 96 pieces and they are worth, individually and collectively, a lot of money.共有 96 件,它们无论单独一件还是放在一起,都值很多钱。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.使成一体:把所有部分放在一起而成一整体;使结合美国传统〔intermix〕He intermixed red tulips with yellow.他把红、黄郁金香错杂相间地放在一起。英汉大词典〔juxtapose〕The technique Mr Wilson uses most often is to juxtapose things for dramatic effect.威尔逊先生最常用的手法是将事物放在一起,以产生戏剧化的效果。柯林斯高阶〔keep together〕Keep these papers together in case they are lost.将这些文件放在一起,免得弄丢了。21世纪英汉〔keep with〕It's time for dinner. Mother keeps the knives with the forks.到吃饭时间了,妈妈将刀叉放在一起。21世纪英汉〔lay〕To place together (strands) to be twisted into rope.编,绞:把(绳子)放在一起以捻成一股绳索美国传统〔middle〕We put all the money together and then split it down the middle.我们把所有的钱都放在一起,然后再平分。朗文当代〔moved〕He moved around the room, putting his possessions together.他在屋里走来走去,忙着把自己的东西放在一起。柯林斯高阶〔nest〕To fit together in a stack.成堆放置:成套地堆放在一起美国传统〔noble savage〕The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想放在一起对比。牛津高阶〔orzo〕A kind of pasta shaped like pearls of barley, frequently prepared with lamb in Greek cuisine.米粒状面食:形似大麦粒的面食,在希腊式烹调中常与羔羊肉放在一起美国传统〔overlap〕Put the two pieces of paper together so that they overlap slightly.将这两张纸放在一起让它们稍稍重叠。牛津搭配〔pile〕He put the magazines into a neat pile.他把杂志整整齐齐地叠放在一起。韦氏高阶〔place〕You can really see the similarities when you place the two pictures side by side.如果你把这两幅画放在一起,就确实能看出它们的相似之处。韦氏高阶〔plagiarize〕If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has plagiarized (from the first).如果你把两本书放在一起比较,就会发现第二本书的作者显然是抄袭了(第一本书)。剑桥高阶〔plant〕I planted my deckchair beside hers.我把我的折叠帆布长椅和她的放在一起。外研社新世纪〔put〕We put together all the French books for reference.我们把所有的法语书放在一起供参考用。英汉大词典〔recycling〕Put this bottle with the recycling.把这个瓶子和回收物品放在一起。剑桥高阶〔scramble〕They were scrambled up and mixed up between the two.它们两个被混放在一起搅拌。外研社新世纪〔set〕These casualty totals have to be set against the continuing growth in traffic.这些伤亡总人数要和交通流量的持续增长放在一起考虑。朗文当代〔severally〕Shall we consider these questions severally, or all at once? 我们是把这些问题一个一个地分开考虑还是放在一起同时考虑?英汉大词典〔smooth〕Beat the cream with the eggs and cheese until the mixture is smooth.把奶油和鸡蛋、奶酪放在一起搅拌, 直至混合物变得均匀细腻。外研社新世纪〔stack〕They are stacked neatly in piles of three.它们每 3 个一组被整齐地码放在一起。柯林斯高阶〔stack〕They are stacked neatly in piles of three.它们每3个一组被整齐码放在一起。外研社新世纪〔thickset〕Positioned or placed closely together.繁殖的,浓密的:紧密地摆放在一起的美国传统〔together〕Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking.把所有的材料放在一起再开始烹饪。牛津高阶〔together〕Goods of a similar kind should be stored together.同类货物要存放在一起。朗文当代〔together〕She keeps all the important documents together in one file.她把所有重要的文件都放在一起,保存在一个文件夹里。朗文当代〔ultramarine〕A similar pigment made synthetically by heating clay, sodium carbonate, and sulfur together.佛青,群青:用把粘土、碳酸钠和硫放在一起加热的方法合成的相似的颜料美国传统〔uncooked〕Do not store cooked and uncooked meat together.不要把煮过的和未煮过的肉放在一起保存。剑桥高阶〔weigh〕We have to weigh the benefits of the scheme against the costs.我们必须把这个方案的好处和费用放在一起进行权衡。朗文当代〔whisk〕Whisk the olive oil and lemon juice together.把橄榄油和柠檬汁放在一起搅拌。麦克米伦高阶〔with〕Put this bag with the others.把这个包和其他的包放在一起。朗文当代All the local groups put their surplus income in a pool which is kept for emergency use only.所有的当地团体把余下的收入都放在一起以备急用。剑桥国际Beat together the butter and sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy.把黄油和砂糖放在一起搅拌直到混合体变得轻而松软。剑桥国际If you compare the two books side by side, it looks as if the author of the second has plagiarized (from the first).如果你把两本书放在一起比较,就会发现第二本书的作者好像是抄袭(第一本书的)。剑桥国际Onions will taint cheese if they are stored next to each other.洋葱如果和干酪存放在一起,会使干酪串味。剑桥国际Placing the two designs in juxtaposition with (= next to) each other draws out the differences between them.把这两个设计放在一起,它们的不同之处就显示出来了。剑桥国际Putting an acid and a metal together causes a reaction. 将酸和金属放在一起会引起反应。译典通The government's Budget will mix new taxes and spending cuts.政府预算将把新税收和缩减的开支放在一起。剑桥国际These facts are unimportant in themselves (= when considered alone), but if you put them together, they may mean more.这些事实本身并不重要,但如果你把它们放在一起,就可能说明更多问题。剑桥国际They always put some freebies in with the orders.他们总是将一些免费赠品和订单放在一起。牛津商务They mixed sand and cement to make mortar.他们将沙和水泥放在一起搅拌做成灰浆。剑桥国际




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