

单词 精神病
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MENTALLY ILL〕a doctor who treats people who are mentally ill 精神病医生朗文写作活用〔adjudge〕adjudge that sb. is insane 判定某人患有精神病英汉大词典〔asylum〕a lunatic asylum 精神病院剑桥高阶〔asylum〕a lunatic asylum.精神病院。牛津同义词〔care〕a technique used in the care of mental patients 照顾精神病人时使用的技巧麦克米伦高阶〔compulsive〕compulsive insanity 强迫性精神病英汉大词典〔degree〕a report of at least one first-degree relative who had been in contact with psychiatric services一篇关于至少一名嫡系亲属曾寻求精神病治疗的报道外研社新世纪〔disturbed〕the disturbed ward of a hospital 医院精神病患者病房英汉大词典〔exhibit〕a patient who is exhibiting classic symptoms of mental illness 显现出精神病典型症状的患者朗文当代〔family〕the history of mental illness in the family. 家族精神病史柯林斯高阶〔family〕the history of mental illness in the family这个家族的精神病史外研社新世纪〔forensic〕a forensic psychiatrist司法精神病学专家外研社新世纪〔hospital〕a top-security psychiatric hospital 保安措施非常严密的精神病院朗文当代〔illness〕those who experience mental illness 患有精神病的人牛津搭配〔ill〕caring for mentally ill people 照顾精神病患者朗文当代〔ill〕mentally ill adults 患有精神病的成年人韦氏高阶〔ill〕mentally ill people 精神病患者英汉大词典〔ill〕the mentally ill(= people with a mental illness) 精神病患者牛津高阶〔insane〕a hospital for the criminally insane 为患有精神病的犯人开设的医院剑桥高阶〔insane〕a hospital for the insane 精神病院朗文当代〔insane〕an insane asylum 精神病院(或疯人院)英汉大词典〔institutionalize〕a mental patient who was institutionalized into boredom and apathy因被关在精神病院而变得倦怠麻木的精神病患者外研社新世纪〔institution〕a mental institution (=for the mentally ill) 精神病院朗文当代〔institution〕a mental institution 精神病院牛津高阶〔institution〕patients in mental institutions 精神病院里的病人牛津搭配〔lunatic〕a dangerous lunatic 危险的精神病人朗文当代〔mental〕a mental patient 精神病患者韦氏高阶〔nurse〕a male nurse in a mental house 精神病院的男护理员英汉大词典〔nurse〕a psychiatric nurse (=a nurse for people who are mentally ill) 精神病院护士朗文当代〔orthogenic〕an orthogenic centre 儿童精神病防治中心英汉大词典〔paranoid〕a patient with paranoid psychosis 偏执性精神病患者英汉大词典〔psychiatric〕a psychiatric hospital 精神病医院朗文当代〔psychiatric〕a psychiatric nurse 精神病院护士朗文当代〔psychosis〕senile psychoses. 老年性精神病柯林斯高阶〔psychotic〕a psychotic murderer 患有精神病的凶手麦克米伦高阶〔psychotic〕a psychotic patient 精神病患者牛津高阶〔psychotropic〕psychotropic drugs 治疗精神病的药物韦氏高阶〔secure unit〕the secure unit at Cane Hill hospital. 凯恩山精神病院的隔离病房柯林斯高阶〔severe〕severe mental illness. 严重的精神病美国传统〔stigma〕the stigma associated with mental illness = the stigma of mental illness 对精神病的偏见韦氏高阶




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