

单词 树立
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aid〕name-dropping as an aid to establishing authenticity 信口说出大人物的名字以作为树立权威可靠性的手段英汉大词典〔blitz〕a month-long media blitz intended to promote a more positive image of nursing为树立更加正面的护理工作形象而进行的为期一个月的媒体宣传攻势外研社新世纪〔build〕build one's confidence (reputation) 树立信心(声誉)英汉大词典〔build〕build up the product with a massive ad campaign; built up my hopes after the interview. 通过大量的广告活动来树立这种产品;在面试后增加我的希望美国传统〔clean〕an attempt by the government to project a clean image 政府为树立清廉形象所作的努力麦克米伦高阶〔emulate〕set a standard for sb. to emulate 为某人树立一个赶超的标准英汉大词典〔example〕set a good example by arriving on time. 以守时树立一个好榜样美国传统〔imitation〕set sb. a good example for imitation 给某人树立学习的楷模英汉大词典〔instil〕to instil confidence/discipline/fear into sb 逐步使某人树立信心╱守纪律╱产生恐惧牛津高阶〔leadership〕her method of asserting personal leadership 她树立个人领导权威的方式牛津搭配〔lead〕the need for the president to give a moral lead总统树立一个道德榜样的需要外研社新世纪〔lustrous〕set a lustrous example for others to follow 为他人树立学习的光辉榜样英汉大词典〔otherwise〕men who want to provide positive role models for kids who might otherwise be out on the streets. 想为那些可能会流落街头的孩子树立榜样的人柯林斯高阶〔pattern〕set the pattern for 为…树立典范英汉大词典〔prestige〕efforts to build up the prestige of the United Nations. 为树立联合国的威望所作的努力柯林斯高阶〔reputation〕to earn/establish/build a reputation 赢得╱确立╱树立声誉牛津高阶〔self-esteem〕programs to raise/build self-esteem among children 培养/树立孩子自尊心的课程韦氏高阶〔set〕a company that sets the standard in overnight delivery 在次日送达方面树立榜样的公司麦克米伦高阶〔set〕set an example to (或 for) sb. (或set sb. an example) 为某人树立榜样英汉大词典〔set〕set sb. the standard (model) 为某人树立规范(楷模) 英汉大词典〔squeaky clean〕his desire to foster a squeaky-clean image. 他对树立一个品德高尚的形象的渴望柯林斯高阶〔squeaky-clean〕his desire to foster a squeaky-clean image他对树立完美无瑕形象的渴望外研社新世纪〔street cred〕the tough neighborhood where he earned his street cred 他树立街头信誉的那个治安很差的居民区韦氏高阶〔unestablished〕a reputation as yet unestablished 尚未树立的声誉 英汉大词典〔well-established〕a well-established firm 已经树立声誉的商行英汉大词典




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