

单词 armband
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔armband〕All the stewards at the racetrack were wearing armbands.所有在跑道旁的工作人员都戴着袖标。剑桥高阶〔armband〕Many people at the funeral service were wearing black armbands.葬礼上许多人戴着黑纱。牛津高阶〔armband〕The players wore black armbands as a mark of respect.运动员们佩戴着黑袖章以示尊敬。外研社新世纪〔armband〕The stewards all wore armbands.乘务员都戴了臂章。牛津高阶〔be wearing the armband〕He said wearing the armband for England was one of the "greatest achievements" of his life.他说,带上英格兰队的队长袖标是他一生中“最伟大的成绩”。剑桥高阶〔figurative〕The wearing of a black armband is figurative. It represents mourning.手臂上戴黑纱是一种象征,表示哀悼。英汉大词典〔mourning〕Conventional outward signs of grief for the dead, such as a black armband or black clothes.戴孝:为哀悼死者而采用的一种传统的标志,如戴在臂上的黑纱或黑衣服美国传统〔torque〕A collar, a necklace, or an armband made of a strip of twisted metal, worn by the ancient Gauls, Germans, and Britons.金属饰环:由一串弯曲的金属制成的项圈,项链或手环,古代高卢人,日尔曼人和不列颠人戴这种手饰美国传统〔tribute〕The players wore black armbands as a tribute to their late teammate.球员们戴着黑纱作为对已故队友的怀念。朗文当代All the stewards at the racetrack were wearing armbands.在跑道旁的赛马管事都戴有袖章。剑桥国际People sometimes wear black armbands to show that a friend or relative has died.人们有时臂戴黑纱以示有亲友亡故。剑桥国际Some cyclists wear a fluorescent strip round their body, or fluorescent armbands, so that they can be seen at night.一些骑车的人身上系一条荧光布条,或戴一个荧光臂章,以便晚上别人能看得见他。剑桥国际




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