

单词 小水
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETWEEN〕She found a small pool in between the rocks. 她在岩石中间发现一个小水塘。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕As the tide came in, water collected to form small pools among the rocks. 潮水一涨进来,水便积聚起来,在岩石中形成一个个小水坑。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Steam from the shower condensed on the cold bathroom mirror. 淋浴产生的水蒸气在冰凉的浴室镜子上凝成小水珠。朗文写作活用〔San Blas〕An inlet of the Caribbean Sea on the northern coast of Panama east of the Panama Canal.圣布拉斯湾:加勒比海一小水湾,位于巴拿马运河以东的巴拿马北部海岸美国传统〔beading〕Tiny drops of condensation, as on the outside of a glass.水滴:冷凝的小水珠,如杯子外的美国传统〔bibb〕A bibcock.小水龙头美国传统〔breaker〕A small water cask, often used in lifeboats.(船上用的)小水桶:一种小水桶,常用于救生船上美国传统〔creek〕The coast is dotted with tiny creeks.海岸上点缀着星罗棋布的小水湾。韦氏高阶〔dew〕Moisture, as in the form of tears or perspiration, that appears in small drops.露珠:湿汽形成小水滴(例如以泪或汗珠的形式)美国传统〔fold〕Puddles gathered in folds of canvas.帆布的折痕处形成了一个个小水坑。外研社新世纪〔from〕There were small puddles from last night's rain.由于昨夜下雨出现了一些小水坑。英汉大词典〔fruitlet〕A small fruit.小水果:体积小的果实美国传统〔globular〕Consisting of globules.由小水珠构成的美国传统〔header〕A raised tank or hopper that maintains a constant pressure or supply to a system, especially the small tank that supplies water to a central heating system.蓄水塔:一个处于高处的用以维持某系统的稳压或供给状况的水箱或漏斗,尤指将水供给中央供暖系统的小水箱美国传统〔inlet〕The coast is dotted with tiny inlets.一个个小水湾点缀着海岸。韦氏高阶〔leap〕She leaped across the puddles.她跳过小水坑。牛津搭配〔phlyctena〕A small blister or vesicle, especially one of multiple blisters caused by a mild burn.小水疱:小水疱或水泡,尤指中度烧伤造成的众多水疱中的一个美国传统〔phytoplankton〕Minute, free-floating aquatic plants.浮游植物群落:自由浮动的微小水生植物群美国传统〔pockmark〕Small bodies of water pockmark the flat face of the area.那地区平坦的地面上坑坑洼洼地布满了小水潭。21世纪英汉〔pockmark〕Small bodies of water pockmark the flat face of the area.那地区平坦的地面上坑坑洼洼地布满了小水潭。英汉大词典〔pool〕A small body of still water.池塘:静止的小水体美国传统〔pool〕The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore.潮水退去后留下的小水洼美国传统〔pool〕The water collected in a little pool at the bottom of the cliff.水汇集到悬崖底部的一个小水潭里。麦克米伦高阶〔puddle〕Children splashed through the puddles.孩子们蹚水走过一个个小水坑。朗文当代〔puddle〕Rain trickled down the glass, puddling on the window sills.雨水顺着玻璃窗往下淌,在窗台上积起了小水坑。朗文当代〔puddle〕She accidentally stepped in a puddle and got her shoes wet.她不小心踩进了个小水坑,把鞋子给弄湿了。韦氏高阶〔rime〕A coating of ice, as on grass and trees, formed when extremely cold water droplets freeze almost instantly on a cold surface.霜:当极冷的小水滴几乎立刻在冰冷的表面上凝结时形成的一种冰的覆盖物,如在草和树上美国传统〔seep〕A spot where water or petroleum trickles out of the ground to form a pool.小水坑,贮油层:水或油慢慢渗透到地面上形成水坑或石油层的地方美国传统〔shadow〕An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.一棵橡树的影子投射在一洼圆形的小水池上。外研社新世纪〔shadow〕An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.一棵橡树的影子投射在一洼圆形的小水池上。柯林斯高阶〔skip〕The girl gave a skip to avoid the puddle.那女孩纵身一跳,越过了小水潭。英汉大词典〔splash〕The ball landed in the water near him, causing a small splash of seawater on his shoulder.球在他附近落水, 海水溅起一阵小水花, 打在他肩上。外研社新世纪〔spray〕Water or other liquid moving in a mass of dispersed droplets, as from a wave.浪花,水花:以大片分散的小水滴运动的水或其他液体,如从浪头中美国传统〔step〕She stepped in a puddle.她踩进了小水坑里。韦氏高阶〔sweat〕The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.干无花果上渗出许多小水珠。21世纪英汉〔upend〕The bicycle lay upended in a ditch.自行车翻倒在一条小水沟里。牛津高阶After the heavy rain there were pools on the road. 大雨过后路上有一些小水坑。译典通It is said that little water sprites lived in this river. 传说这条河里住有小水妖。译典通We sloshed through the puddles.我们哗哗地过小水潭。剑桥国际




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