

单词 宗教上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔affiliation〕Not having any religious affiliation, we can give an unbiased opinion.由于没有任何宗教上的关联,所以我们可以提出没有偏颇的意见。文馨英汉〔compact〕Racial and religious similarities compacted the tribes into a nation.种族和宗教上的相似之处使这些部落结合成一个国家。英汉大词典〔cultus〕A cult, especially a religious one.宗教崇拜:崇拜,尤指宗教上的崇拜美国传统〔cure〕Ecclesiastical Spiritual charge or care, as of a priest for a congregation.【基督教会】 宗教监护:宗教上的管理或监护,如礼拜会牧师的监护美国传统〔free thought〕Thought that rejects authority and dogma, especially in religion; freethinking.自由思想:(尤指宗教上的)拒绝了权威的教条主义的思想;(尤指宗教上的,自由的思想)美国传统〔illuminati〕Illuminati Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment. Illuminati 光照派:自称在宗教上受到过特别启示力的团体美国传统〔indulgence〕Roman Catholic Church The remission of temporal punishment still due for a sin that has been sacramentally absolved.【罗马天主教】 特赦:宗教上允许解除因罪过而应执行的惩罚美国传统〔moderate〕One who holds or champions moderate views or opinions, especially in politics or religion.温和主义者:持有或主张中庸看法或观点的人,尤指在政治或宗教上美国传统〔moderate〕Opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion.稳健的,不激进的:反对激进的或极端的观点或措施的,尤指在政治或宗教上美国传统〔relic〕An object of religious veneration, especially a piece of the body or a personal item of a saint.圣徒遗物:在宗教上受到敬仰的物体,尤指圣人的身体或者其个人物品美国传统〔religiously〕India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.印度是个非常多元化的国家,无论政治上还是宗教上都是如此。剑桥高阶〔scruple〕He wondered if Gwen had any religious scruples about abortion.他不知格温对人工流产有没有宗教上的顾虑。英汉大词典〔tapas〕Religious austerity.苦行:宗教上的简朴、禁欲生活美国传统〔tolerance〕This period in history is not noted for its religious tolerance.历史上的这个时期在宗教上并不宽容。剑桥高阶〔unfaith〕Absence of faith, especially in religion.非宗教信仰:缺乏忠实,尤指在宗教上美国传统〔untouchable〕The class, comprising numerous subclasses, that is excluded from and considered ritually unclean and defiling by the four Hindu classes.贱民;不可接触者:印度的一个种姓,由许多阶层构成,他们被排除在印度的四个种姓之外,并被这几个种姓的人认为是在宗教上不洁的和对人有污损性的美国传统He is genuinely a man troubled by angst, by constant worries over the great spiritual questions.他真是一个深受宗教上深奥问题的苦恼和恒久忧虑所烦扰的人。剑桥国际I don't think she went to India on any spiritual quest, but she came back a very changed person.我认为她去印度不是出于宗教上的探求,但回来时她变了许多。剑桥国际Somehow the idea has got around that the environment isn't a normal political issue, but a quasi-religious crusade.不知怎么的,一种想法传播开了,认为环保问题不是一般的政治问题,而是类似宗教上的讨伐。剑桥国际The situation in Northern Ireland is religiously, politically and culturally complex.北爱尔兰的局势在宗教上、政治上和文化上都很复杂。剑桥国际This period in history is not noted for its religious tolerance.历史上这个时期并不是以宗教上的宽容为特征的。剑桥国际




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