

单词 战争之后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PEACE〕France and Spain made peace in 1659 after a war lasting 25 years. 法国和西班牙进行了长达25年的战争之后,于1659年休战。朗文写作活用〔division〕Germany's division into two states after the war战争之后德国的一分为二外研社新世纪〔intact〕The house survived the war intact.这幢房子在经历了战争之后依旧完好无损。韦氏高阶〔peace〕The country is in a state of relative peace after ten years of fighting.经历了 10 年的战争之后,该国正处于相对的和平之中。牛津搭配〔survive〕Few buildings survived the war intact.战争之后没几座完好的建筑了。牛津高阶〔turn (sb) against sb/sth〕After six years of fighting public opinion has turned against the war.经过6年的战争之后,公众舆论开始转向反战。剑桥高阶After the war this town was a ruin.战争之后,这个城镇成为一片废墟。剑桥国际Exactly how many refugees will be left after this long and bloody war is one of many imponderables.在这长期的流血战争之后,究竟会留下多少难民是许多无法估计的事情之一。剑桥国际My grandfather arrived in New York after the Civil War. 我祖父在南北战争之后来到纽约。译典通




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